i'm leaving

Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

i used to play dbd. All the time. i have at least ten thousand hours into the game, and my entire freetime was dedicated to it. I would even pretend to be sick so I can skip school and play dbd. dbd is my life

i think i speak for everyone in the loud and active minority that this patch was among the worst patch dbd has ever had in the history of dbd patches. why? because they BUFF KILLERS SO MUCH!

ten extra seconds on a generator? why are you making this so baby ez on the killer?

and now kicking a generator takes more progress? why!?!?!?!?!? that's literally the worst idea ever made. if the killer kicks a gen and i tap it, they shouldn't keep getting rewarded for kicking it again and again

that's not even MENTIONING the STUPID changes to DEAD HARD!!!!! 1 second endurance!?!?! NOW ITS BASICALLY USELESS! THANKS DEVS!

not even mentioning the EMBEARISSING changes to weak survivor perks. Calm Spirit!? That's supposed to be a buff!? i mean, i've never run it before, but that still makes me upset! i'm a SURVIVOR MAIN i know a bad perk when i see it, and i can't tell even before the PTB comes out bcuz its THAT BAD!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!

Disisive strke!? 3 seconds!? that makes no sense!!!!!! a some of the few fastest killers in the game can catch me in that time! make it like, 8 seconds or something so i can feel like i'm outplaying a nurse. or just ban nurse from the game pls, she's a dum killer anyway and i always loose to her

and then they pretend to address tunneling by making survivors faster off hooks and with five seconds endurance! Why didn't you make it like, ten seconds!? or twelve!? MAKE BORROWED TIME BASEKIT WHY DID YOU MAKE IT SO WEAK!?! i can't believe the devs would use so much restraint when making a change like that

i can't believe all my complaining on these forums over the last six years have been for NOTHING!!!! what else am i supposed to do with my time!?

i guess i'll figure it out, bcuz i'm leaving and never coming back ever again!!!! (until the next killer releases)

i hope you like what you did BHVR bcuz u just lost a customer FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!! dead game

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