Spine chill nerf screws hard of hearing people.

So as we all know a lot of meta perks on both sides were changed. While I do not agree with how they changed some of these (both killer and survivor), I'm really sad to see one of them; spine chill.
For context I've been playing for a bit (3000hr) and have been doing fine. I'm very hard of hearing and I've been using spine chill to compensate. Without spine chill, I don't hear the terror radius until the killer is on top of me, and even then it's still kinda quiet. Im on Xbox and have my game volume maxed. I don't love complaining about accessibility in video games as not every game has to cater to my disability. However, no one was complaining about spine chill and SC bridges the gap between me and my fellow survivors.
Just kinda scared that unless I'm working on a gen in the open (like on farm maps), I won't hear the killer until I can see the red stain.
While this is true, We cannot have a perk that is this good for Survivors, I hope BHVR adds in the visual heart beat as they got on mobile.
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I could defiantly see it being a perk for people that are hard of hearing.
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Well it's not really that good. Maybe against some stealth killers, but overall it's not great and is outclassed by DS, DH, Unbreakable, etc.
Yeah, you get a few sec of distance, but it's nothing significant. Plus, people who use SC incorrectly will leave gens as soon as they see SC lit. This helps the killer
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Problem is that this game is not really an accessible game tbh.
Like you can't even play killers at all.
I suppose "serious" PvP games tend to be like that.
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Yeah, been using it since it came out. Helped me play the game equal to my peers. Plus, if someone is running SC, that's one less meta perk the survivor is running.
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This perk was busted, it needed its nerf
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Diversion and stake out can help with the terror radius thing
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Yeah, but the killer could be either coming to me or looping half way across the map. It's just so unreliable.
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As someone who is starting to become partially deaf in my left ear I will miss it
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It still helps out a bunch
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They REALLY need to get better accessibility options in this game. It's sad that in 2022 all they have done is add some colorblind options and change wiggle/struggle to skill checks.
They shouldn't be nerfing Spine Chill before adding accessibility for those hard of hearing. DBD mobile already has something for those hard of hearing so really no excuse to not add something into the pc/console version.
Adding minimal colorblind options but not thinking about those that are colorblind when making event gens orange even though there are killer perks like discordance that makes the gens yellow which can be difficult to see if colorblind.
So many times they've needed to update photosensitivity issues after PTBs because they don't consider it during any of the prior discussions/testing before having players test it - atleast I hope it's them just not considering it and not just blatantly not caring until players complain. Just lack of photosensitivity options as a whole is sad when it's brought up so often.
FOV for killer causing motion sickness for some and only fix is using a perk slot. Imagine if they nerfed this perk without addressing accessibility like they did Spine Chill.
It's depressing I can make a list of the accessibility issues in this game that have not been addressed by the devs.
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Premonition and Stake out help with this.
"I won't hear the killer until I can see the red stain." New Spine Chill would have triggered long before this - so it will still work out.
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Spine chill would have been fine with just the vault speed change. It's getting nerfed so hard the usage rate will drop to nearly zero.
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Definitely agree, there are very few visual indicators for sound when there could easily be. Heartbeat icon like someone mentioned, animation on a gen as you approach to see if it's making noise or being worked on, stuff like that.
All they had to do was make this line of sight change only affect stealth killers, or in fact have Spine Chill not affect stealth killers/undetectable killers at all. Then it would be the same for hearing impaired too.
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How do you add accessibility for being hard of hearing?
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Yeah, killer is definitely very difficult atm. With the basekit buffs killers are getting, maybe it will be better?
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They have visual heart beat when killer is near.
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Does it still go off when the killer is undetectable?
Michael, Ghostface and Dredge all make sound that can save your life if you're attentive enough to pick up the it.
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I don't know, I haven't played DBD mobile in awhile. They have the hearing accessibility options because people are more likely to be playing mobile games in loud places so won't necessarily be able to hear the game well.
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Makes sense.
Just feels like, with a game like this, there's only so much you can really account for with accessibility settings before you have to accept some people are just going to have natural disadvantages, light or heavy.
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Don't forget now Dredge and Nightfall, both being a nightmare for people who don't have the greatest eyesight for tracking as the killer (the Black and white filter really messes with me), and facing him I get the wonderful, joyous times of chronic headaches that I have to have prescription-level painkillers for. I just keep them by my desk now because I know the second I see a Dredge I'll need to use them.
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The problem is they barely have any accessibility options right now. There's plenty they can do to help with accessibility - I see players suggesting them in feedback often and other horror games and PVP games have plenty of accessibility options. Their own mobile game has had accessibility for hard of hearing for some time now that they still have not added to the base game. If they are unsure how to move forward with accessibility they could work with those that specialize in accessibility in video games, like how they worked with gaymerx for LGBT+ content.
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My swf teammate has to stop playing if we have a match where it's nightfall most the time or if we get back to back Dredges because he gets wicked bad eye strain from it. He doesn't want to DC or get himself killed but also doesn't want the eye strain headache either. 😒
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I can manage up to 3 Dredge games an evening but any more and I have to stop no matter if it's the first 3 or 3 hours in. That's with the painkillers, mind you- without them I can barely make it through a single match without stumbling through the house in the dark to stop it hurting more so I can nap it off.
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That sucks. My swf teammate is my older brother and he never complains about not feeling well - like you can tell he feels like crap but he'll just brush it off going "I'm fine." Him complaining about eye strain or headaches, especially if he's like "I need to stop playing," means it's really bad for him.
I really hope they do something to help with the eye strain nightfall causes.
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It should just not work on undetectable killers, nothing else. Dunno why they changed it so much
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Exactly. I was pretty sure they would just remove the proc from Undetectable, as I think it was the most annoying thing from Spine Chill.
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Didn't know about that heart beat. Sounds like a great idea.
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That may be a better way to handle it for stealth killer.
However it appears they wanted to avoid the "awkward" moonwalking/looking aside approach. Something beginners didn't do.
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And people who play Survivor with Spotify in the background given how easy and relaxing is to play Survivor.
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I mean if you really want accessibility locking it behind a perk doesn't makes sense too, accessibility shouldn't be a handicap imo
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The thing is they made a point...the counter to it was walking backwards which not alot of players can do so that's why they changed it to LoS....and to be honest....I never knew it gave a speed to vaulting lmao
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I agree and I'm no beginner but in a first person perspective game as Killer walking backwards and navigating I can not do.
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2 perks instead of one for mostly solo q players, as well having to run kindred too.... so solo q players with hearing issues are able to have only 1 perk slot?
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Yes but that perk is getting gutted in the next balance patch after this one anyway, they may aswell bring nothing else and start preparing for its demise on advance.
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All they had to do was stop it popping off when a killer was undetectable. That’s it. This rework is so unnecessarily convoluted.
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Still weird that the devs have not implemented the visual notifications for sounds like in DBD mobile. Would definitely assist with people who have issues with hearing.
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That is probably one of the only things from dbd mobile i want implemented
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Spine chill increased all actions by 6% when the killer was looking at you. The vault speed made sense in that aspect.
Removing the vault speed would have been enough - now it's gonna be about as popular as the current deja vu.
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To my gamer bros with vision/hearing issues, you have my empathy. Playing DBD is how I relax at night too, I wear glasses when playing, but cannot imagine the impairment some of you face while trying to play.
I hope they add features that help you all enjoy the game.
Hugs from your favorite troll
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Spine Chill was completely unfair to the killer player. It's garbage that you can sneak up on a generator and dude was halfway across the map because his perk was lighting up for him. It had zero cooldown, always worked, and the "counterplay" of having to walk backwards or sideways from 40 meters away was ridiculous. Especially painful for stealth killers that are already slow and at the mercy of gamers holding W. I understand the need for accessibility, but the game also has to be fair to the person playing killer. For example, look at those filters people use on PC that make the red stain 10x brighter and make it go through walls. I'm sure that's great for accessibility and someone with worse vision, but it undeniably screws over the person playing killer
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How about trying to find the damn hatch ... I am hard of hearing too. If I am lucky enough to hear the sound of the hatch I start spinning in circles trying to find it because I cant tell what direction it comes from. I feel the pain.
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Then... don't throw my matches and don't play if you aren't gonna help the team