Why do killers do this when I don’t bm or loop for long?

I notice a lot of killers lately doing this in rank 10 to rank 2 which I’m currently at. One game I was being chased for about 2 gens by a Michael, when he caught me he stood at the hook and nodded his head and hit me, I never t-bagged or used flashlights to make him mad and he stood there and after a couple minutes a gen popped he didn’t care he stood there with me, someone came up to the hook he didn’t attempt to chase, so they left, then after one more gen someone came to try and save me and unhooked  but obviously I couldn’t get away. Died before doing anything and he threw the game away for what reason? That happened in my last couple matches. I had more games where the killer only chased me all game, and the others weren’t even doing gens super fast, even with 3 gens left and me running past survivors on gens he ignored the ones doing gens and chased me. I wasn’t the obsession or anything. And these are higher ranked killers who should know to not chase one survivor too long. Most of them ended up not getting anyone for chasing me way too long :/ why would a killer throw the game away to get one person who’s not bming? I’m not trying to argue or stir up anything toxic I’m simply curious why a killer would stay with someone all game or chase one person all game who’s not taunting them in any way, especially more experienced killers who I can tell are very decent killers with their mind games and what not. Just why ?


  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    I'm pretty sure you weren't as innocent as you claim you were. High-ranked, experienced Killers generally don't BM a specific Survivor just for fun.

  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    edited February 2019
    @DocOctober If I was bming him I wouldn’t have asked this question because I’d already know why they did it, try again 
    Like I’ll waste my time lying and write this all out even though I really bmed them 🙄
  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @amaru1 said:
    @DocOctober If I was bming him I wouldn’t have asked this question because I’d already know why they did it, try again 

    I'm just saying how it is. You may think you didn't do anything toxic or to deserve being BMed, but you probably did, potentially unaware of it.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    What was your name? Was it gimmicky or rude/strange? I'd say your chosen character may also impact how the killer behaves sometimes, though you wouldn't have so many in a row who also happened to all dislike Dwight, for instance. So, it likely isn't that. You could just be unlucky, too, and running into killers who are legit bad and rely on survivors making massive mistakes to get multiple kills and pip. It's really hard to say without asking them, though.

  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @DocOctober no I would know. I was thinking it might be frustration he can’t catch me? I avoid being toxic as I don’t find being toxic fun and want to avoid being face camped 
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    If the killers are tunneling you so bad that they're literally ignoring other survivors in their path and throw their game away to kill you.. then you're not as innocent as you believe. I've only seen this behavior when a survivor triggers the killer so hard that they're given a severe case of tunnel vision.

  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @fluffybunny my name was dragon 😂 I was playing feng 🤔 I know it’s impossible to know but I was wondering if it’s happened to anyone else or if I’m missing a reason why else a killer would do that 
  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @se05239 but I really wasn’t is it possible they’re just mad they aren’t instantly able to down me? I really don’t bm because I’m not the best survivor and don’t want to get face camped all the time and I find no point in being toxic 
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @amaru1 said:
    @fluffybunny my name was dragon 😂 I was playing feng 🤔 I know it’s impossible to know but I was wondering if it’s happened to anyone else or if I’m missing a reason why else a killer would do that 

    Well, it probably isn't either of those. It may be due to recent buffs to gen rushing (even though killers were complaining about gen times) or you were just wasting too much of the killer time. I believe killers can get annoyed when you use certain perks or loop them around the map (especially without wasting too many pallets). You weren't pointing or waving either, right? That can also be BM depending on the context.

  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    I play on ps4 by the way. Community is much different on there then on pc. 
  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @fluffybunny no I don’t point or wave because like I said to the others posting I’m not the greatest survivor and I play solo I don’t wanna bm because I don’t want to be face camped especially when relying on myself as a solo but even in swf i wouldn’t bm I find it cringy when i see other survivors doing it. But it is ruining my games when this happens to me I can’t do anything if I’m camped or targeted 😕
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Sounds like you made the mistake of trying to live and the killers took offence to that.

    Next time try standing still and taking the hit so that they don't get salty.
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @amaru1 said:
    @fluffybunny no I don’t point or wave because like I said to the others posting I’m not the greatest survivor and I play solo I don’t wanna bm because I don’t want to be face camped especially when relying on myself as a solo but even in swf i wouldn’t bm I find it cringy when i see other survivors doing it. But it is ruining my games when this happens to me I can’t do anything if I’m camped or targeted 😕

    I was also going to say it's possible you accidentally joined into lobbies that have SWF present. I know that tends to make killers pretty salty.

  • Naiad
    Naiad Member Posts: 194

    @se05239 said:
    If the killers are tunneling you so bad that they're literally ignoring other survivors in their path and throw their game away to kill you.. then you're not as innocent as you believe. I've only seen this behavior when a survivor triggers the killer so hard that they're given a severe case of tunnel vision.

    It doesn't happen that often but it does happen. I was found by a Clown in Lery's before even toughing a gen, solo surv game btw and we joined lobby at different times. I don't take items or teabag. He caught me eventually and hooked me. Surv unhooked me and he tunnelled me, no obsession, no mori. He stopped to smack two different survivors off two different gens I had ran near and turned straight back to me. I'm guessing it's just the way he plays. But this happens so rarely it's strange it would happen a few games in a row.

  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @The_Crusader I’ve seen a lot of killers get mad over looping maybe that’s it? I don’t know, everyone’s saying I must have bmed but I seriously don’t. Oh well. Guess all I can do is deal with it and let my team do gens while I get one-hooked or get chased all game 😕
  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @fluffybunny yeah maybe they were swf and he took it out on just me. It sucks. I love this game but having no chance to play so much now it ruins it for me. I’ve seen so many more camping and tunneling , I agree with camping with exit gates open and if there’s survivors rushing hooks in front of the killer I understand that but when killers do it for no reason and aren’t patrolling gens at all and just targeting you it sucks 😕
  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    As a killer main who plays on Ps4 (currently on break til the event is over...) there's a few hundred reasons why this might happen if I'm being honest. Some are could be seen as kind of legit strategies (dark/bright clothes perhaps?Are you the obsession? Maybe it's an item you brought in). Most are dumb/troll reasons (Hate/love for your character. Hate/love your cosmetics.)

    My best guess is the same I give to survivors who BM me when I'm not camping, tunneling, or whatever the new made up rule is this week - "Some people just want the watch the world burn Master Wayne."
  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @RWoodrow I usually play blue hair feng. Sometimes I bring items like a med kit because healing is so slow its just boring lol. Maybe it’s the blue hair :/ maybe they just had a pervious bad match with a blue haired feng :/ i dont know but it sucks especially when I bring an offering like for objectives but don’t get to do any of them. Feelsbad 
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @amaru1 said:
    @RWoodrow I usually play blue hair feng. Sometimes I bring items like a med kit because healing is so slow its just boring lol. Maybe it’s the blue hair :/ maybe they just had a pervious bad match with a blue haired feng :/ i dont know but it sucks especially when I bring an offering like for objectives but don’t get to do any of them. Feelsbad 

    Maybe see if not bringing items help. Sometimes they assume you have insta-heals. Otherwise, I would suggest finding a friend to work on gens with and attempting to lose the killer during chases.

  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @fluffybunny yeah I’ll see if laying off items helps. Sucks I can’t use items without being targeted though:/  I try to lose them and run iron will now to help more. It’s hard to lose them for me sometimes maybe I should run a more stealthier build. 🤔 thanks for responding and not just telling me “you must have bmed” like others are 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Without knowing all the details and actually seeing the trial from both perspectives, this can't be answered in any serious capacity.

  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @Orion others are responding just fine, just wanted some ideas why from some killers who might get mad at something that I’m missing thanks anyways! 
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    edited February 2019

    @amaru1 said:
    @fluffybunny yeah I’ll see if laying off items helps. Sucks I can’t use items without being targeted though:/  I try to lose them and run iron will now to help more. It’s hard to lose them for me sometimes maybe I should run a more stealthier build. 🤔 thanks for responding and not just telling me “you must have bmed” like others are 

    Well, it's really more likely that you were just the first person they saw and happened to do something to tick them off (looping strong stuff, running around pallets without throwing, etc.). If you have room on your build, I would also suggest putting on Bond and finding teammates to work on gens with. If you're with another person, there's a chance they'll go after them instead of you. @Orion is right about it being difficult to know for sure why they're tunneling and camping without knowing their perspective, too, though. We can only guess.

    It's no problem. c: If you said you didn't bm, I believe you. People have many reasons as to why the camp and tunnel someone. It isn't always related to being rude or purposefully doing something to irritate them. Quick and Quiet can help with sneaky window jukes. OH and if you're collecting those lights, don't. Pretty sure it makes you more visable and they may have more of a reason to chase after you.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @amaru1 said:
    @Orion others are responding just fine, just wanted some ideas why from some killers who might get mad at something that I’m missing thanks anyways! 

    Others are responding based on their own perspectives. For example, in my experience, people who come to forums asking why they were banned or why someone was mean to them in a game almost always know exactly what they did wrong and just want to pretend to be an innocent victim. I'd thus be inclined to react like DocOctober. However, for a more objective view, you'd probably need a recording or something.

  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @Orion well I don’t wanna look like a innocent victim I just wanna have fun playing the game. I don’t understand because I don’t do anything wrong and more so wanted to know reasons why a killer might tunnel or camp HARD if there’s no bm involved. I play survivor more then killer so I don’t know exactly what’s going to trigger a killer aside from bming him(tbagging or constantly flashlighting him ) I’m starting to think it’s because the looping. 
  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @fluffybunny it might be looping, I do that to buy time for my teammates. But I didn’t know it could trigger them to that point because I’m just trying to survive longer 😐 I just wanted some ideas from some killers and wanted to know if something besides bming is triggering.i lnow it’s not possible to know what the killers I went against got so mad over but wanted some ideas what it could possibly be 
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    edited February 2019

    @amaru1 Yeah, that's more than likely it. Killers are pressured on time and if you waste a lot of time, you'll end up pissing them off. While looping, look for opportunities to lose the killer. If they chase you for a good portion of the match, they're going to want you dead. I believe I heard someone said that it's their reward for the long chase or something like that. Can't remember who. If they're wasting so much time on you, you want to get away or lose them any way you can. Iron Will can help, too, so that you're quiet if you're injured and Prem can help in knowing where the killer is coming from (unless they're tier 1 Myers). It isn't really necessary if you keep sight of the killer (peeking around corners and walking/crawling out of sight).

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    edited February 2019
    @amaru1 yeah, looping triggers ALOT of killers. Many camp because of it because as @fluffybunny said they see it as their reward or because they see it as "an equally scummy way to work their objective" or they don't want to play Nascar with you if you get away.
  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    Most killer mains are quite simply childish. After playing mostly survivor for the event I finally understand toxic SWF teams. They are the result of cheeky killers who ruin the game experience for solo players.

    I got facecamped and mori d multiple times during the event for not going down easily. One of those wannabe killers ended up in my lobby the same day TWICE so I facecamped him as well and he IMMEDIATELY messaged me "you're trash ***** camper" after the game. What does this tell you about killers? I think he didn't even remember me because he probably facecamps everyone who doesn't go down in 10 seconds and tells himself he's a good killer lmao. This game easily has the worst community of all online games of all times and that's coming from someone who played RTCW 1.0 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Yamaoka said:
    Most killer mains are quite simply childish. After playing mostly survivor for the event I finally understand toxic SWF teams. They are the result of cheeky killers who ruin the game experience for solo players.

    You got cause and effect backwards. Toxic SWF came before toxic killers.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    amaru1 said:
    I notice a lot of killers lately doing this in rank 10 to rank 2 which I’m currently at. One game I was being chased for about 2 gens by a Michael, when he caught me he stood at the hook and nodded his head and hit me, I never t-bagged or used flashlights to make him mad and he stood there and after a couple minutes a gen popped he didn’t care he stood there with me, someone came up to the hook he didn’t attempt to chase, so they left, then after one more gen someone came to try and save me and unhooked  but obviously I couldn’t get away. Died before doing anything and he threw the game away for what reason? That happened in my last couple matches. I had more games where the killer only chased me all game, and the others weren’t even doing gens super fast, even with 3 gens left and me running past survivors on gens he ignored the ones doing gens and chased me. I wasn’t the obsession or anything. And these are higher ranked killers who should know to not chase one survivor too long. Most of them ended up not getting anyone for chasing me way too long :/ why would a killer throw the game away to get one person who’s not bming? I’m not trying to argue or stir up anything toxic I’m simply curious why a killer would stay with someone all game or chase one person all game who’s not taunting them in any way, especially more experienced killers who I can tell are very decent killers with their mind games and what not. Just why ?
    If it takes to long to down you they get pissed happens all the time, forget it and move on