If you see 2-4 flashlights in a lobby, what do you do?
Put no anti flashlight perk
I smell a legion tech
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Put lightborn
I hate flashlights, so usually I would dodge the lobby all together. But if I stay, I usually bring Lightborn and sometimes I'll bring Franklin's Demise along with it.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
they're easy to counter without the perks. If they're pressuring pick ups thats 2 people min not on gens, and if you play it right 2 downs.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
I don't pay attention to items of survivors. I don't think killer should be able know ahead of time if survivors have specific items.
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Put Franklin
Put Franklin's cause they hate it or just look downwardish before you pick them up or away something where light can't reach your eyes.
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Put both
yep that's right! whos laughing now!
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None. Flashlight are weak and a minor annoyance
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Put no anti flashlight perk
The evil me wants to equip Franklin's, but half the time im not even looking at the lobby, i just alt-tab back into the loading screen.
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Put lightborn
Sunglasses go on when i see them
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Put no anti flashlight perk
9/10 times they just want to scare you, and don't actually know how to use them. Had multiple matches with 4 flashlights, even tho i baited saves, no one came or even hit it right.
BUT, if you're Hag player, take Franklin and trap them, they'll lose so much time going back for them xD
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Put no anti flashlight perk
I couldn't care less what they do in the lobby.
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Put lightborn
If I see 3-4 then I'll probably put Lightborn, mostly because 3-4 suggests to me that it's a group loading in with the intention to shine flashlights all match. If it's just two then I don't bother.
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Put lightborn
I don't do it every time but lightborn is kind of hilarious whenever there are 2+ flashlights and survivors are really trying to use them
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Put no anti flashlight perk
The leave lobby option exists for a reason.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
I rejoice! If all four of them have flashlights, then there's a damn good chance that they're a bully squad. I'm kind of okaish at the game so I can usually deal with them. Although I admit that these squads can be incredibly painful to face in certain scenarios. I.e. if they all jump in lockers and constantly force you to grab, leading to a free save. Super annoying when that happens and not a whole lot of counter play if they're all doing it.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
Why would I waste a perk on one of the worst survivor item types? I face a wall or kill the people nearby.
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Put lightborn
If the Killer I'm playing doesn't happen to have Lightborn I will straight up dodge the lobby
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Put no anti flashlight perk
Either dodge or not depending on a killer I play or my mood. But I never use franklins and lightborn.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
Honestly I sometimes just dodge the lobby, I'm a beginner at killer so if I see a full lobby of flashlights I ain't in the mood for that ######### haha.
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Put Franklin
It's not necessarily because of the flashlights, I just like to use Franklin's against any item.
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4 beamers and I dodge, I have none of the anti-beamer perks
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Put no anti flashlight perk
I don't understand why it matters how many flashlights they take in? If you're that scared of flashlights, just so you know survivors can get them from Chests too. Goodluck sleeping tonight.
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Put Franklin
Franklins cause + contering it i destroy the item and make them grind again XD
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Put lightborn
I like having fun with Lightborn + Agitation + Mad Grit + Forced Penance, don't care if I could do without Lightborn, I just adore it.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
overwhelming presence, sometimes better xD Many stop clicking lights xD I take it sometimes
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I sometimes will put Lightborn on but, that's sometimes before I enter the lobby and I see flashlights then once I see them I'm like well that's ironic. Most of the time though I just don't both cause you can still just bait them to come out of hiding.
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Either franklin's or nothing at all if I don't feel like it. I never run lightborn.
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Put lightborn
At 2 flashlights I grab Lightborn, at more than two flashlights I just leave the lobby. I'm not interested in the type of teamplay that comes with a team full of beamers.
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What do I answer when I ignore the lobby and just run Lightborn 100% of the time? There can be zero flashlights in the lobby and I still have Lightborn on.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
I only switch up my perks for 4 medkits
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Put lightborn
Lightborn allows you to troll survivors and have fun when seeing them trying to blind you. I always have a good time when that happens. And Franklyn's makes them be salty, and I don't want to hear a survivor crying at me for half an hour for using it.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
I accept the challenge.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
I put Iron Maiden on.
The only thing about flashlights that is uncounterable is locker tech - which Iron Maiden makes so hard, that I never had it succesfully happen against me with it on. Iron Maiden is very underrated in general, I encourage you to try and use it in place of Lightborn - which does it's job... but is trap of a perk. Survivors can see that you have it from the very first second, so they will just genrush.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
"leave lobby" exists for this reason.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
2-3 flashlights don't phase me. If I saw 2 flashlights and 2 med-kits/toolboxes, I might consider Franklin's. If I see 4 flashlights, I might consider going full meme build and putting on Lightborne+Agitation+Mad Grit.
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I know this poll isn't for me and my kind, but I'll answer anyway:
Take off my medkit because I know that Killer is bringing Franklin's and I'm #########.
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Put lightborn
One of my 3 main perk sets includes Lightborn. I either just switch over to it or I ignore it. One or two people with flashlights doesn't always mean very much, because not everyone can use a flashlight. Hell, I'm not even that good with it. But I don't like lobbies with four flashlights. Those are the people I tend to dodge. The ones who like to act big and tough in a group, but couldn't play solo if their life depended on it. I dodge them and deny them any BP from me.
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Put no anti flashlight perk
If I play completely relaxed, I take lightborn or Infectious Fright.
If I want to embarrass the survivors, I take Franklin or Infectious Fright or both.
If I play seriously I'm just... smiling.
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Put lightborn
must of the time they change in last moment, if not then starstruck agitation lightborn
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Put both
I usually have one or the other ton anyway. But against 4 flashlights, they are both going on just to piss people off
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Put lightborn
I always bring Lightborn, this perk is comfortable for me
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Put no anti flashlight perk
This. SWF's with flashlight are so easy and fun to play against because the fakes of picking up always work so in the end i just snowball them all cause they keep trying. Here is a tip.