How To Get Gold+ Gatekeeper Emblems 99% Of The Time!

At the time I'm writing this, "Repair or Raze" is the current Community Challenge. For this challenge, you need to earn either Lightbringer or Gatekeeper emblems of Gold Quality or better. For Survivor, you generally want to rush generators and maybe cleanse a few Totems. For Killer, you want to stop generators from being completed early. It doesn't take a genius to see how these two sides of the challenge clash. However, I've found a pretty decent build for guaranteeing a Gold+ Gatekeeper emblem almost every game!

You can read about the mechanics of the Gatekeeper emblem here. For the quickest explanation I can give: if you manage to have 0 generators fully repaired after the first 5 minutes of a trial, you've already gotten the Gold emblem. While this sounds simple enough, stopping Survivors from doing so is just about impossible, as you can't pressure every single generator at once. You can, however, passively stop them from doing gens with this build!

There is one Killer who, though not very strong otherwise, excels at stopping Survivors from finishing gens — The Pig. Normally, you'd apply this effect throughout the match via basic Killer gameplay, but we're not here to win, we're here to get that shiny Emblem.

Now for the actual build!

For perks, you'll want to bring Hex: Ruin, Hex: Undying, Merciless Storm, and Surveillance. You can also swap Surveillance for Tinkerer — Surveillance is just my personal preference. Merciless Storm is also not strictly necessary. The Hex perks are the most important.

Now for the add-ons that really power this build: Video Tape and Rules Set No.2. You could technically swap Rules Set No.2 for something else, but I really wouldn't recommend it.

For offerings, bring a Frightful Flan. Don't be a party pooper.

The gimmick of this build is to simply stop Survivors from doing gens at the start of the game. All Survivors start with a Reverse Bear Trap on their head, and cannot see the aura of Jigsaw Boxes until their Trap is activated. Nobody (except a couple of absolute maniac Survivors I've come across) wants to activate their Reverse Bear Trap early, meaning Survivors will spend a significant amount of time searching for and through Jigsaw Boxes.

Because of Hex: Ruin, Survivors can't simply 99% generators before going to get their Trap off. They will also likely go and search for your Hex Totems, which is even more time where they aren't working on generators. Additionally, because of Surveillance, if a Survivor touches a generator to check for Ruin, the generator's aura will be highlighted for a moment, allowing you to track them and slow down their progress further.

Eventually, both of your Hex Totems will be cleansed, all of the Reverse Bear Traps will be off, and Survivors will start doing generators. Usually, this will be enough time for you to get the Gold Emblem. In case you were terribly unlucky with Totem and Jigsaw Box spawns, you also have a backup — Merciless Storm. If the Survivors mess up the skill checks, or are forced to leave the generator because of you, the generator will be blocked for 20 seconds, giving you even more time to improve your chances of getting the Emblem.

After you're sure you've gotten the Emblem, you can really just go do whatever you want. I tend to just hang around and farm with the Survivors, as I know this build isn't the most fun to go against, and they're likely trying to get their challenges done as well.

While Survivors rushing for the Lightbringer Emblem does counter Killers going for the Gatekeeper Emblem, the reverse isn't true, as the Lightbringer Emblem is not time-based. This means Survivors can keep doing gens normally after the initial slowdown, and still get their Lightbringer Emblems. Additionally, cleansing Hex Totems gives Survivors a pretty significant amount of Lightbringer points, making things even easier for them. If they want, they can even avoid cleansing your Hex: Ruin for a while, using the regression to redo the same generators and make sure every Survivor in the game gets a Gold+ Lightbringer Emblem.

All in all, this build makes getting the Emblem a LOT easier, while simultaneously having great synergy with the Survivors' challenge. Good luck, and happy masquerading!
