Pov you try to play a killer you're decent with

AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

and surprise surprise every tryhard in the game shows up, every SWF shows up, and every single flashlight bully squad shows up

you switch back to a killer you are confident with and you get people that just started playing the game....

this isn't MMR this is damn cruse alright

back in ranks i played like let's say nurse which i never play, and i get players that are new or a bit good, and i have fun since we both have no idea what the hell is going on

you play nurse now and everyone will call you toxic and broken even tho you got a 1k.....

and there ain't NO NERFING NURSE, one damn killer in this whole game that is considered S+ because she ignores everything and everyone is trying to make her a C, how about we remove your SWF and see how would that would feel
