How often do you face hackers in the past few days?
My power supply busted a week ago, so I couldnt play dbd since this week. Ofc it happens in the middle of the event right?
My new one will arrive tomorrow and I am really excited to return to dbd, however I did see here and there some clips of hackers on twitter and yt. I wonder how the current situation is, do you guys also saw a few the past few days? Is it increasing again? I am kinda worried... cuz I just wanna enjoy the last few event days without beeing annoyed and held hostage..
For me personally, I haven't gone against any obvious cheaters, but I have gone against a few subtle cheaters.
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I've never went with any hackers recently in my games.
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In my entire time playing DBD, I've faced precisely two hackers.
I don't know if they're maybe more common in other areas (I'm on Europe servers) but I really haven't seen that many. At least, not obvious ones, maybe I've faced the subtle ones, but following that line of thought just leads to paranoia.
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Haven't encountered any but haven't played much killer this week and I never really see hacking killers, only survivors.
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I occasionally come across survivors who seem to be running faster than me. I have got good at spotting them and just ignoring them and trying to end the match as soon as possible.
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It's been about two weeks I think. They were banned in a couple of days.
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Once, during the Event so far.
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It's tough for me to really determine if they are cheating or if it's just bugs they are continuously ignored. However, recently I had a match with a Bubba that would pick people up and carry them through walls to get to a hook. There's probably no issue seen with that though.
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Literally my last game was vs Kate and Jake with Boil Over 9000. The one that won't let you move at all and they wiggle quite fast.
They were dumb af, so it was quite easy to outplay them. They dared to scream at me later for tunneling them out.
Like 2 days ago, I was playing with my friend some survivor suffering. And we got cheaters almost every game. But almost all of them were the subtle cheaters.
Game 1: I'm on hook, My friend on gen, One Nea being chased by killer, 2nd Nea was self-caring 10m away from me (i did say some "nice" words to my friend about it). She healed quite fast and unhooked me. 1st red flag, cuz she was holding a flashlight, so it was definitely a self care and it was way too fast. But i play sometimes a full healing build, so whatever i guess. Game continues and 1st Nea got downed, 2nd Nea went to flashlight save her. And that looked... odd. Flashlight beam was "normal" but something felt off, my friend noticed that too. Gates opened, i left and started spectating just to see that Nea having no perks, and flashlight with impossible addons.
Game 2: few games after the Nea one, We got us a Kate and a Nea both with flashlights in our lobby. So me and my friend took flashlights too, to force killer to take lightborn or something (we both hate people with flashlight instead of brain). And behold, our lovely Pyramid Head had Franklin's. They didn't get to use those flashlights once, but hell, they both dc'd when they lost them. We got a chance to pick those flashlights up, and ofc those were the hacked flashlights. PH understood quite fast what was going on, and we let him kill us.
Game 3: me and my 2 friends on coldwind vs a Hillbilly. Our game goes quite normally, i love Billys, so it was fun.... until we finished last gen. Billy didn't like the thought of losing. He started teleporting, flying, downing people and instantly hooking them. AND in the end game chat he had the AUDACITY to call himself a Space Billy.
Those are few of many, most of them were recorded by my friend, but yeah, there may be less cheaters than before, but they're still there, sadly
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Had a subtle hacker (killer) last night, and another one last week. Not sure if the latter was a survivor or the killer, but the game was fine until it was clear the killer was losing. Then everyone got downed and died instantly on first hook.
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Several a could of weeks ago. I had an SWF of two cheaters in my team too. (Recorded, reported)
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Just went against a subtle speed hacking Feng a couple of games ago. She tried hiding them, but I saw them activate going around a corner. Then I got paired with a hacking Jeff a few weeks ago (He was running at Sprint Burst speed when the killer wasn't around, speed crawling across the map where the killer couldn't find him and he was instantly healing teammates). It doesn't happen as often as it used to (thankfully), but I still occasionally see hackers from time to time.
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There's always at least 1 Hacker I'm my games. Literally in everyone of em 🤗
Havent seen any hackers though lately. Which is good
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I have not seen a hacker is ages, nor even seen any content where others are running into them like before. I have been experiencing the weird rubber-banding glitch, most noticeably n my killer matches, and was told it could have something to do with a new anti-hack monitoring program running in the background. No idea if that's true, but as much as i don't like the rubber-banding, it's way less disruptive than a hacker.
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I haven't seen hackers consistently since they did the ban wave. I feel like I used to get subtle cheaters every day. Nowadays I feel like I actually got outplayed when I lose as killer.
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I have not seen even one.
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i encountered one person who played as survivor and changed to killer when the lobby countdown finished making it a 3v2 during the match, i ran into them again the same day but i recognized the user so i backed out as soon as i noticed, i made a report so i hope they got banned
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Last I saw was shortly after the revamped Haddonfield map came out. Was in a survivor group in Haddonfield vs Pinhead. One of the survivors started out subtle, but ramped up pretty fast. Was picking themselves up from dying almost instantly, repeatedly. Dead Hard for days. Was doing an impression of Mario bouncing on Pinhead's head. Trolled the killer all trial.
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Months ago it was rampant. Now, it's been quite a long time. They did a pretty good job removing most of them as far as my experience is concerned.
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I had about one per day the last couple of days. One was a Bubba who had unlimited charges for his chainsaw, teleported right behind me for a grab, flew through the air, zoomed all around the map in seconds, all your shebang.
The other was a Legion who had ne cooldown whatsoever on his attacks and no wiping animation, so he just cut through the team pretty badly. Strangely we still got all 5 gens done, I soloed the last one and he camped the other survivor on hook while I escaped.
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none that i can tell
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No hackers in the last week
Have seen some sus gamers in the last few weeks, but in this game it's very hard to say if it was a bug or actual subtle hackers, so I usually just ignore them.
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I used to go against hackers very frequently a while ago, to the point where I opened a couple of threads too
Not it's been quite a while since I last saw one. Maybe they're all subtle and I don't pay enough attention, but obvious ones seem almost gone
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Had one last week, Meg with wallhax. Ran away miles before I got to her gen even without being in line of sight. No, she did not bring spine chill. I was on Meatplant with permanent EW Tier 1 Myers and I would constantly scan for her because I knew something was fishy. I knew when I was downstairs and she walked directly above me and started T bagging and pointing. She still got wrecked tho :D