Basement trappers are getting a buff with the next patch (along with camping in general)

Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

If you've ever played against a basement Trapper you know how boring, tedious and frustrating it is when you are hooked in the basement or are trying to get the save. Well, it's about to be buffed. Next patch:

  • You won't be able to DH through traps.
  • Each generator will take +10 seconds longer.
  • Monstrous shrine will be buffed meaning basement trappers can use hooks in the basement for Pain Resonance and survivors could die 20% faster with some nifty proxy camping.

Now imagine Trappers using Agitation, Iron Grasp/Deadlock, Monstrous Shrine, Pain Resonance. With bloody coil addon (injures you upon disarming). Now imagine a teammate is hooked in shack basement. Your solo queue, there is no coordination between survivors. Gens are taking longer, teammates are dying faster and there is no chance anyone is getting out the basement without DS.

Awful, right?

TLDR; The next patch buffs camping, not good.

Extra rambling:

Even if you somehow disarm a trap and get the unhook without being killed... by the time you're back up the basement stairs the trapper would have already reset his traps. Now there's NO possible escape because of the DH nerf. You're dead and so is the unhooked survivor unless they have Decisive Strike.

The only thing the Trapper needs to do is get one early(ISH) down somewhat close to the basement and camp from there.

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