Game isn’t very fun

Been playing this game for years on both sides and playing survivor is just a terrible experience. Killers that don’t need buffs like legion get buffs and survivors just get annihilated every game. It’s not very balanced. I’d say about 1 out of every 4 or 5 games the killer doesn’t get a 4K. I get it 1 v 4 you’re not meant to survive but I’m seeing the whole team just get smashed on and gens don’t get done especially on some of these smaller maps. It’s already not fun to do generators holding down a button the whole time and then your speed is being slowed down and regressed which makes it even more dreadful experience. It’s just not worth trying or even playing when the killer is constantly making progress on his objectives. Unless the killer is bad you die? Killers are given way too many strengths in this game and survivors don’t have enough to counter and what little they do have gets nerfed into complete uselessness.
game After game you see the killer easily getting 30K blood points and what do survivors get? Half that if they’re lucky. Ez 4Ks. With this new upcoming update survivor perks are going to be even more of a heap of garbage. Survivors need more than what they’re being given this game isn’t fun.
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Pre buff legion was the worst killer in the game and absolutely needed those buffs
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If it’s not fun then don’t play.
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Don't let the mind game lead you to despair. Change how you perceive victory. This game is silly and not worth taking seriously.
Earn as many blood points as possible doing things to help the team escape. I don't mean farming people from the hook. I mean reacting to the cards being dealt with a fearless aspect. Not sitting idle. Doing something that will proc a scoring event and keep doing it until you are killed horribly or escape. You are already dead in the game. You are reborn after each sacrifice. Just put on a good show!
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At least Sluzzy gave u 1 Vote Up.
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I don't know how can you play this game for years and think pre-buff legion was in an acceptable state.
That's not even intended as an insult I just don't understand it at all.
And your killer and/or survivor games may show an almost 100% rate of 4ks but mine don't, most people's do not and overall it doesn't seem to be the case as the devs have said the kill rates are lower than they'd like. Unless killer mains have hacked into bhvr hq to fiddle with the numbers, which I guess we can't rule out.
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Then you have blight…. The rate at which he flies across the map and downs survivors is ridiculous. Needs a nerf!
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No he doesn't. He has a very high skill ceiling which can be learned if practice with him.
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I stopped reading when you said "killer's that don't need buffs like legion get buffs"
If you think legion is bad now you should have seen him at release. Injuring people then walking backwards till they bled out was not fun. Nor the double mending add ons before they fixed them.
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To be fair I think it's a bad idea to buff cooldown on basic attacks and reduce survivor's speed boost, it's already fine the maps are the main issue, and honestly I don't want to be rude but console killers probably ruin the stats, good killer mains on pc are already hard to beat
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Yup....agree! Nobody but you is making the selection to "Play Game" 🙄
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My GUY! Now thats how we all need to look at it!!! Sending out positive vibes 💪
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"not to be rude but PC players are better than console"
lmaoo get a life
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"Killers that don’t need buffs like legion get buffs".
I stopped reading there.
You either know nothing or is just baiting.
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you can be good on controller but FPS are easier with a mouse, don't cry please
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think about the game youre trying to apply this to.. its DBD, hit boxes are outrages in this game.
and no ones crying??
youre delusional.