Game isn’t very fun

Been playing this game for years on both sides and playing survivor is just a terrible experience. Killers that don’t need buffs like legion get buffs and survivors just get annihilated every game. It’s not very balanced. I’d say about 1 out of every 4 or 5 games the killer doesn’t get a 4K. I get it 1 v 4 you’re not meant to survive but I’m seeing the whole team just get smashed on and gens don’t get done especially on some of these smaller maps. It’s already not fun to do generators holding down a button the whole time and then your speed is being slowed down and regressed which makes it even more dreadful experience. It’s just not worth trying or even playing when the killer is constantly making progress on his objectives. Unless the killer is bad you die? Killers are given way too many strengths in this game and survivors don’t have enough to counter and what little they do have gets nerfed into complete uselessness.
