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Prestige catch up

magikarpediem Member Posts: 40
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

So unless I'm adding wrong(which is quite possible) there are only 291 perk tiers on killer. But in the ptb patch notes to get to p6 automatically you need 320+ perk tiers. Am I missing something?

Post edited by magikarpediem on


  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    Survivor have 321 perks if I'm not wrong

  • magikarpediem
    magikarpediem Member Posts: 40

    So if that's the case killers can't get to p6 because of the lack of perks on them.

  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 599

    Correct, killers can't get 6 levels from the perk tier catch up - only survivors can.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    If I were the devs, I would have made a different amount for killers and survivors so one side doesn't seem favored in this reward. It's not the killers fault they physically can't get 320 perks.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    No one is favored, killers have to spend less to max a character so they get rewarded less, I personally think it should be based on addons / items as well as perk tiers but if killers have to spend less on perks and they're basing it on perks it makes sense killers would get less compensation,

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Literally you can have every perk in the game as survivor, all Tier 3 except one perk which is Tier 1 and you'll only be rewarded 5 extra prestiges. There's no reason for the 6th rewarded prestige if it's only 2 perk tiers. Maybe favored was the wrong word, but it feels useless for that 6th prestige to even BE there.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    You would need 6 prestiges in order to get 321 perks on a character. ANY character, be that killer or survivor.

    I don't see how this is unfair?

    It actually would have been unfair to create different scales between killers and survivor, because it's like saying that one or the other needs to spend less to prestige

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited July 2022

    It's one extra prestige

    Killer Perks (Including Tiers) - 291

    Survivor Perks (Including tiers) - 321 (Which means to get prestige 6, you need EVERY level of EVERY survivor perk)

    Killers can get 5 levels of prestige depending on the amount of perks they have

    Survivors can get 6, what is unfair about this? Survivor only gets the 6th prestige if they have literally every tier of perk.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    ok let's see the math

    In 1 single prestige you can get 61 perks I believe it is

    1-39: 1 perk per level for 39 perks

    40-50: 2 perks per level for 22 perks there (assuming you did the Level 50 bloodweb which you'll have to do once the change releases)

    that brings us to a grand total of 61 perks per Prestige and as we know, you don't get anything for the extra prestiges if you have that standard amount of perks plus a little more, so now let's do the match

    Prestige 0/Not Prestiged yet: 61 perks

    Prestige 1: 122 perks

    Prestige 2: 183 perks

    Prestige 3: 244 perks

    Prestige 4: 305 perks

    Prestige 5: 366 perks

    so, in order to get to 321 perks, it will take a little into Prestige 5 to get that. So, you should be rewarded 5 prestige levels. 6 prestige levels is overcompensation. That would be compensating people who only have 320-321 perk tiers for the equivalence of 367-427 perk tiers.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    BHVR is not using those numbers when converting prestiges 🤷🏻‍♂️

    But even using your math, if one side had 230 perks available and the other 245, one would be able to get prestige 4 and one prestige 5, but there's nothing wrong with that