Question for solo survivors

Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,837

What’s gonna be your builds after this update??



  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Personally I'm gonna be experimenting a lot. Most of the perks I tend to use didn't get touched, and some even got buffed, like Deja Vu, so I'm pretty hype.

    Kindred never stopped being a requirement so I'll slap that in every build, and I liked using new Dark Sense on the PTB so I might mess around with that more...

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited July 2022

    Ill keep using what Ive been using to this day except PGTW which is going to get switched with Overcharge.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Botany, hope, off the record and some aura reading, bond/kindred/woo but I will change it a lot at first

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    hope , SB , dejavu , off the record (because DS is gonna be useless with the 3 seconds timer with nothing else).

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    Kindred, BT, Botany and COH or change the last two for Inner Healing and Detectives Hunch or Iron Will.

    My build won't change much with survivor apart from WGLF being taken out and being replaced by Botany.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Currently go-to build is: Lithe, Iron Will, BT, WGLF

    What i want to run: Fun altruistic builds, i'm not set on one yet, i'll test the perks after the update

    What i'll probably end up running bc of tunneling and camping: Lithe, OTR, BT, prove thysel

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    I will definitely experiment more as BT and WGLF were pretty much in all my builds as well as IW on certain character (well that won’t change i guess since I like to play Jeff or Bill but damn.. those noises..)

    Lightweight seems interesting, though I haven’t really watched PTB to see how much the change actually affects matches..

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Bond, Kindred, Lithe and either Inner Strength or COH.

  • moonwinx
    moonwinx Member Posts: 51

    My basic ######### solo queue build didnt change too much (Sprint Burst, Windows, BT, Kindred) so I will probably still keep that as my #1 loadout, but I do feel like I have some room to play around with other builds since I don't think BT will feel like a requirement anymore. I've been wanting to run Overzealous, Inner Strength, Quick and Quiet, and Lucky Break, but that one may not be the best solo build since you don't know what other people are running, and I don't want to be screwing the team out boons, and inner strength isnt that great if more than one person on the team is running it.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 761

    I personally will run with the same build i use today... COH, Vigil, Sprint Burst, Kindred. If u dont use kindred playing SoloQ, u dont play fine ( joke).... Maybe i try change Vigil for OTR

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I'm replacing BT for Off the Record. Might swap We'll Make It for Botany Knowledge? And any survivor that was running Iron Will (mostly the noisy ones, or anyone with a locker build) has to find something new, but that'll be on a case-by-case basis. I don't have a single set build for my survivors; I switch survivors when I feel like playing a different playstyle.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,837

    OTR will be my DS replacement, if it makes it live in it’s current state.

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    I accepted a long time ago that whatever build I pick I will be ######### if my teammates are bad, so I always take at least one info perk with me.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited July 2022

    Same thing that I usually run now

    Balanced Landing/Kindred/Prove Thyself/Wake Up

    Honestly, I might swap out Kindred or Balanced for Sole Survivor. I'm often the last one standing

  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    Off the record, Lithe, Resilience, Windows of opportunity / Lightweight

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    DS, OTR, DH, X (X will likely be windows, resilience, Unbreakable, inner healing)

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,256

    Experimenting with perks until I find something fun.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I think I'll run: Botany Knowledge (to heal my teammates faster, and I was a healer in a previous game), Resilience, Fixated and Sprint Burst.

    I'm not gonna walk everywhere. I'm using SB for months now, but walking a bit during a chase can help getting the exhaustion back. I'm part of the crazy ones who run all the time, even with SB.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Imagine playing DBD.

    But, if I was playing, my build would be what it should be:

    The oldest stuff I have. Unchanged, if possible.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Alert and Empathy

    Unchanged perks build for you

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Probably COH/Inner Strength, Overcome/Lithe, Adrenaline, and Resilience.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411
  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660
    edited July 2022

    Adrenaline Blastmine deliverance (or lithe) and coh. Back to my original build before I was using ds and bt almost every game How about you bro?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,505

    Hard to say until it goes live, as things are always subject to change. I may replace BT with OTR. I don't know if I'll replace Self Care with COH or Inner Strength. WGLF will probably go back to being WOO. Empathy will remain.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,167

    The same as it is now. Bond, Borrowed Time, Prove Thyself, and We'll Make it.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Nothing has changed

    Coh, alert, Empathy, and either gen trap or flashbangs

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    Woo, sb, otr (depending on changes it might get) and 4th perk is optional.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,168

    I barely used dead hard since I didn't like the way it made me feel. Still might not use it for a bit until the heat dies down with this update after a couple weeks. It is fun though if you time it right. The best parry I could imagine for a game like this! Just hope the animation is closer to head on. That would look more like you were blocking a hit.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 815

    Botany Knowledge, Leader, Self-Care. (Self-Care may change, depending on if any adjustments are made to that and Botany before the patch goes live.)

    Alternatively, Distortion, Lightweight, Sole Survivor.

    Or if I get a bunch of hex perk killers, I'll use Counterforce, Detective's Hunch, Inner Healing.

    Or if I run out of medkits and addons, I use Ace in the Hole, Plunderer's Instinct, and Pharmacy.

    And Kindred will always be the fourth perk in any build I use.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Replace Empathy with Prove Thyself and you have one of my perk builds from back in the day :)

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Sprint Burst, Kindred, Off the Record. 4th perk is a flex slot.