Reward for P3ing Characters Before New Prestige System

Atacus7 Member Posts: 33

We've all heard by now that the reward for Prestige 3ing your survivors and killers before the new system is pushed is going to be a "sparkly" character portrait only the player can see. That's STUUUUUPIIIIIIIIID. It should at least be something all other players can see AND something you can bring into each match if you want. I'm proposing that for those characters you prestiged, the devs unlock LEGACY cosmetics for those characters. They're in the game anyway.. unlock for those who have pumped in the hours. It would be AMAZING and much appreciate! I've been playing since 2018 and main survivor. I've only managed to prestige a handful of survivors. The impact AGAINST those who have played since 2016 would be negligible, but for those individuals who have poured their blood, sweat, and literal tears into their character, it would be unexpected and a great reward for player loyalty and devotion.
