Undoing hooks

For ######### sake survivors. Please stop unhooking the only hook within a 50 meter radius of me while I'm carrying your teammate to it. I understand 100% survivors can't just "let us" kill them/their friends but it shifts the entire momentum of the game if they do that, then flashbang me , and all use Sprint burst to go to different parts of the map. It's annoying and should be taken out in my humble opinion. Thats my rant and I'm sticking to it
Messing up your momentum is the point, my dude.
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There's a limit tho
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You...want the survivors to stop trying to stop you from killing them?
I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask but I have a feeling the survivors will say No
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There is, but sabotaging hooks isn't it. There are far more broken things in the game that ruin momentum in far worse ways.
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They can flashbang me , flashlight me , stun me , body block , take hits etc I'm just so tired of finally downing someone , getting them up , getting them to the hook and then I see the hook fall off and I literally just have to throw the person down and hopefully catch the others .
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Like ?
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Circle of Healing is far more game changing, some of the new perk buffs will mess with momentum much more for both sides then modern Sabo, certain add-on combos, such as range on Nurse can be overbearing, map offerings can be absolutely crippling on low-mobility killers to name a few.
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Pov you haven't heard of slugging
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I have actually. That's why I put the comment about them flashbanging me and using Sprint burst to get across the map before I can slug .
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I agree with all of that actually lol no argument. I'm stuck with the free killers and I'm horrid at nurse, so that last part about the map offerings mixed with the undoing of hooks ends up making me mad af
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Yeah, I know how you feel. Trapper was my go to killer for a long time and part of my soul would leave my body every time I saw Red Forest.
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So you've never heard of just... Not picking up? Because they can't use Sprint Burst if they're slugged. No point in sabotaging when they're slugged.
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They will hide in a corner or bush until I'm already basically a couple seconds away from hooking their friend and then undo the hook. Even if I drop them and change my chase and try to slug them it never works
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After it happens to you once is when you learn from the situation and adapt your strategy. If you know that someone will try and sabo, you slug, with very few exceptions. Same with a flashlight blind or what have you.
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No no it actually works I asked by motions to a hook and they put down their item and let me hook them.....mind you Iblet them farm me and pallet slam me all game but it happens
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At this point let’s just remove all survivors from the game and queuing in as killer automatically gives merciless killer.
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I get absolutely no respect . I've only had 2-3 respectful matches (as killer) . I don't camp, tunnel, do any type of pre/post chat or run crazy perks .
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No tryna have it that easy . I literally just want that one ######### thing out and everyone is acting like I want them to go AFK for me to have fun .
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If your constantly getting your downs interrupted by flashlight saves, pallet saves, sabos, or body blocks, you aren't paying enough attention to your surroundings. Take advantage of the survivor not a gen waiting to go for the save, by pressuring them.
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The entire time I'm doing a chase of 1-2 people the other 2 are just gen rushing and not even healing . Kinda hard to prioritize who to chase, who to pick up ,when to pick them up, and hope one random person doesn't undo the hook at last second . I get it just get better and be more vigilant. On smaller/medium maps im actually really good but I always get ######### on at haddonfield type maps. Fair to say it's not always clear cut ?
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hahahaha, nooooooo no no.... sabo'ing hooks are part of the game. Survivors aren't going to stop, it's a legit game mechanic. Survivors SHOULD try to stop a teammate from getting a hook if they can get a flashlight save, pallet stun, or sabo a hook.
Sometimes you run into a dead zone of hooks and that hook getting sabo'd mean you can either drop them or get the stun when they wiggle off. Thats the game. Sometimes survivors run into dead zones with no pallets, except for maybe 1 or 2 very unsafe ones, no tiles, ect. Again name of the game.
More often then not, if you're paying attention, you can spot someone trying to sabo a hook and you should be able to get to another one. If not, again, its part of the game.
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If they literally come in at the last second like that you should be able to get a free hit. They either will bolt, try to restart the sabo, then you can just down them. I hardly have issue with what you're talking about. I either avoid it by seeing it in time, and am able to adapt, go to another hook. Get a hit or down on the one trying to sabo, put the carried survivor down if needbe, or... or...
they get the sabo, I can't make it to another hook, and I move past it. Just because is keeps you from doing your objective, it doesn't mean its broken. It means the other side did a better job at doing THEIR objective.
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I try hitting the sebo person and they get the hook done 99% of the time and don't care about going down.
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Sure, I guess maybe I can stop saboing hooks if you stop regressing gens, sounds about fair. Removing one objective denier for the other, perfect balance, etc
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To be fair, I've seen a few maps that decided "Nah, this entire side of the map only needs one/no hook", and that just sucks.
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I'll take the removal of perks that fully block the gen from being worked on if survivors can no longer undo a hook.
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Thank you !
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Honestly, it's not the players fault. It's the map RNG for being coded in such a way to allow it. Don't blame Survivors on that one, they are playing the game the way it was intended. Blame the devs for needing to code a better system by which tiles and hook placements are determined.
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Then drop who you're carrying and hook that person on another hook. All you're problems with sabo'ing hooks have solutions. And even then, they can still get a successful sabo. It shouldn't put you on tilt and ruin your whole game. It will just snowball in their favor.
I mean, you already said you were going to stand by your opinion in your first post. But you're just experiencing something less experienced killers put up with. If that's the case, you'd be better off learning how to counter. Most people here don't agree with you that this is an issue. Or you have played a lot of killers, you just don't adapt.
Either way, you also need to get it out of your head that it's the end of the world for it to happen at all. It happens to me sometimes. But it also isn't successful by the survivors a lot of the time either.
But sometimes, I just didn't see them, not paying attention, and they got the sabo, I can't hook the survivor, I don't drop them in time and they wiggle off, but I deal with it. When I play killer I'm not entitled to downs, hooks, and kills. It would be boring.
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There are deadzones for survivors too. If killers should get a beefy hook increase, then survivors should have pallets everywhere. No dead-zones for anyone!!!!! I play both and I'd be down for that honestly. Bring it.
But... I'm also down for just realizing RNG, is just that... RANDOM. It can kind of bite you in the ass, but it's also kind of fun that every window, hook, or pallet isn't in the same spot always. RNG has been kind to you plenty of times, you either won't admit it, or are just the type who focuses on when it doesn't. Not every game is going to be in your favor.
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Wait, don't say that apart from complaining about DH now killers will complaining about Sprint Burst???
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I'd say if you notice they're a squad with flashies/flashbangs and so on, try to bait them. Slug the person that's downed and fake picking them up. Often you'll hear when they drop flashbang way before it explodes, so you have quite some time to look away.
You can use Forced Penance for when they bodyblock too much. There isn't much you can do against a sabbo-ed hook but you can put on Iron Grasp and even use a hook offering if you really wanna go crazy 😋
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Honestly sabo/altruism squads make for some of the quickest wins for me. I'd say 70-80 percent of the time it ends badly for them. Occasionally you run across a group that really has it together, but usually they just don't know when to abandon the effort and disperse while you hook.
Be aware of your surroundings before you pick up, ideally before you even down. Know where the hooks are as well as if there are any lurking survivors. If there is only one with a flashlight, chase them just far enough away that you can return to your down and get out of the pickup animation without getting blinded.
If you have a sabo survivor, fake heading to a hook, then when they commit running in that direction, turn and make a beeline to your real hook. Usually they can't get there before you after starting after your fake.
If you are dealing with multiple survivors trying to play altruism at the same time, this means there is only one person at max doing gens. Leave your down on the ground and defend the body. Eventually you'll get another downed if you play smart. Keep defending until you've downed enough for it to be safe or they abandon the save and run off. Then pick up and hook.
It takes some practice and they'll get you as you are learning, but eventually it comes together.
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Try running Mad grit. It helps with body blocking and every successful hit stops the wiggle timer by 4 seconds. On top of that, it allows you to swing without cooldown while carrying. Trust me. It helps