Solo Q is just unbearable
Ngl I already play with Bond, Open Handed, Kindred and Kinship, so that I give enough information to my mates while providing them with much time - but gurl. Solo Q is just on a different level of unexperienced survivors.
I have 6k hourse, played this game since release and I am always rank 1, so I assume that my mmr is pretty high. So why do I keep getting mates that are self caring in a corner against legion with sloppy? Or just hiding while the killer is facecamping me? or just standing there while I am getting chased? Like basic knowledge about the game that people should already have after +500 hrs but even mates with +3000 hrs can't do that.
Like it is so frustrating to see all those easy mistakes that could've been avoided at all. I simply don't know what to do - my build is already very solo q friendly but it is still hell man.
You might get these teammates because you're on a super low MMR. But I'm probably on low MMR too, but with all authority I can say I get these freshmen very rarely. Also as super skilled teammates. All are pretty normal (don't make it easier for SoloQ, though)
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I don't understand. Like how can I be on super low MMR? MMR doesn't reset and I am always Rank 1 and I do escape quite often, but it is still unbearable with those mates.
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That's very bizzare, then. I die a lot, and recently made a super tryhard attempt to get my first Rank 1, and my teammates in general was Ok-ish in general. Very few bad, very few great.
If you interested, I made a detailed post about it, with numbers:
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No amount of pain is greater than being left to go second stage on hook with Kindred, while also not being camped by the killer.
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I can't speak for everyone but i mean just because someone has 1000+ hours doesn't mean they are going to be 100% efficient every match, and personally i think solo q is fun just cause it adds to the randomness of the game which keeps it entertaining.
I still wish they let you see loadouts in the loading screen though that way you could kind of prepare and know what kind of player they will be.
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I mean it is not about being 100% efficient, more about not being useless for your team. Solo Q is imo usually more fun than SWF but not if I have mates that basically could've been replaced with bots :<
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Yeah....I feel the need for some Solo Q changes.
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mostly is not always :D I do have good and fun mates but that is sadly quite rare.
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Clearly outplayed.
She was in on it. With Bubba. Collusion suspected. You may be asked to appear before a hearing pending further investigation.
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Yeah those matches can suck but for me at least i feel i don't get them as often as i think i do. I have started running Bond more lately and seeing what your teammates are doing is definitely abit aggitating at times haha.
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I find solo to be balanced just fine. All the tools needed to do well are already there. Complaints about teammates or coordination is not a balancing issue but a sbmm one. If you are really better than your teammates; then out living them is frequent and always get a free chance to escape.
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Solo Q is not fine balanced - it is fine balanced if it provides enough information to everyone like if someone is healing, doing gens or cleansing a totem etc.
Besides that - It is not about escaping, just about how annoying it can get if your mates are worse than bots sometimes. To constantly make up for other mistakes is either fun not fair. And I did not say that balancing itself is here the issue btw. Don't know why you word it like that, but yeah sbmm is the main issue.
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I've been wondering if a lot of people took a break after the anniversary event? I was getting so many great games in soloQ during the event, but since the event ended it has been rough going in soloQ.
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It's not that bad. Granted sometimes you get a streak of bad teammates but it's mostly nice.
Although, I've not played survivor since the end of the event and yesterday the MMR was giving me very green teams. Mmmh
Something to try maybe:
(Don't mind the title)
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In the second video (without pressing play) you can clearly see a middle finger
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I wouldn't be surprised if SBMM actually worked in a slightly different way for survivors than expected.
It's possible that high MMR survivors get matched with 1-2 low-MMR survivors on purpose, to balance out the team. If you squeeze in 4 high MMR survivors against a high MMR killer, the killer is probably going to lose, or at least DEVs assume it. But I haven't heard any statements from DEVs about these details on matchmaking, so this is just a speculation.
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The only way around that is SWF, right? Solo Q is challenging in part because of the random teammates and lack of communication. It comes with the territory. All you can do is put forth your best effort.
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I think they might be doing more MMR testing at the moment, I've noticed a difference lately. I actually had a blast during this past event, the vast majority of my solo q games were great. Good teamwork and challenging killers.
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Lol :D.
Yeah. There's a lot of pain to be had in DBD but THIS is especially bad. If this happens I'll attempt a self unhook just before second stage and then allow death. Only happened twice (so far).
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According to the devs, only a very tiny portion of the player base are actually high MMR. Most people who think they're high MMR actually aren't, they overestimate themselves. I would suspect that high MMR survivors are likely tournament team level SWF teams. The groups are probably more like low > low-mid > mid > mid-high > high.
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Yeah, judging by some replies in this forum 50% of people have escape rate of 110%, especially in soloQ, but the average solo escape rate is only 30-35%. I figured some people overestimate their skills.
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They are deceivers. Everyone who writes about 110% exits is playing a killers. The real number of exits in soloq, I have 5-10%. any honest solo survivor will confirm this.
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I think you have to remember how BHVR's super-special highly intelligent SBMM works: Everything you do during the game doesn't really matter. Only escaping matters (or at least, it matters the most). I know there are a few people on this forum who claim they "escape most of their Solo Q matches" but as others above have said, BS. The escape rate is probably in a range of 15%-35%. And every time you don't escape i.e: Face camped to death so get no points, tunneled out at 5 gens, team mates suck so match is a wash etc etc you don't escape and you get sucked lower and lower into the MMR vortex. You get matched with other people who also never escape; face more campers/tunnelers, and have more team mates who crouch in a corner as you go to second hook phase.
You're down the vortex further, until you can loop a newbie Killer for 4 generators easily, only to be smacked by NOED and none of your team mates look for the totem. Hatch escape? BHVR says they don't count as a real escape!
So yeah, Solo Q really REALLY needs to be looked at. It was disappointing that BHVR in their "Big Meta Shake up" did nothing for us.
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I would assume somebody who claims to have 6000 hours, claims to have played since day 1, claims to always be rank 1 high mmr....would find a few people for a swf if solo is that bad. You know after all these years.
Hard to take this thread seriously.
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People asked a million times for kindred basekit it's not much compared to what killers get next update.
let's be honest good killer mains already stomp most solo Q teams easily, with 90 seconds generators + all these other basekit buffs they're going to win 90% of the time against solos without even trying, how is this fun ?
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The issue is not to find people for SWF - besides that your statement is really funny, if I compare it to all the threads about how SWF is unbalanced etc.
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Nothing changed, always been.
Suffice to say, but good killer players will not stomp good solo q teams.
only meh one.
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Yeah if you're playing one of the obsolete killer you're not going to win against a good team, but they're buffing everyone instead of bad killers, if I play blight or spirit with meta builds I win most matches and I don't even main them, just saying some killers don't need these buffs and others do it's a bit lazy to buff everything
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I have 5k hours in dbd. I don't have swf. I want to play the game the way it should be. swf is a cheat allowed by the developer to get money. look at the perks, pretty much everything for solo player. swf doesn't need infoperks, they take all the meta.
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You would think that it can't get any worse. And then it does. I'm genuinely concerned for the "balance" changes. SoloQ is going to be ten times more miserable than it already is with the Eruption meta. At least you could sorta counter Pain Res, but Eruption just screws everyone not on coms over.
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So, every PVP game people can play with friends are cheats allowed?
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if a game is designed and balanced for playing with friends, then I don't think so. dbd is designed as an online solo game. swf problems in it. in dbd you need to separate modes or nerf swf.
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The devs already said swfs are not cheating. So idk why you think that
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Sometimes you have to be the hero. Even if the team is being melted you can save and heal or take aggro and earn good bp.
It only becomes frustrating if you expect to survive. Go in fearless and let the escapes mean something and stick in your mind as amazing victories.
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Last night was surreal with some of the team mates I was getting. This Feng who got in a locker and stayed there long enough for two crows to gather. Then the Nurse pulls her from the locker.
Next match was one of the two face camping Bubbas I got. This Meg decides its more productive to crouch near the hook and watch the Bubba camp instead of knocking out as many gens as possible. Myself and the Steve were trying to get as many gens done as we could. The Nea being camped was a trooper and held on til the last second for us to buy us as much time as possible. But Meg head did bugger all.
Next match was against a Plague. This Yui kept cleansing every time she got the slightest bit of infection on her. Even when she had never been hooked. The Plague had super puke all match and was snowballing with it thanks to the cleanse happy Yui.
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developers can say whatever they want because they won't admit their mistakes. game design in the form of a solo player online game. the developers implemented the swf without introducing restrictions and without introducing other modes, thereby destroying the balance.
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I feel you. I recently had a remarkable experience in single match.
One healthy survivor goes down within 10 seconds against Wraith.
And the other survivor let go himself on first hook.
Lastly, I looped him a minute with flashlight burn and 2 pallet stuns, he camped me till death hitting me on hook.
I don't think I will play solo with these strange survivors and against salty killer who gets easily angry at the survivor who's not terrible but not very good.
Sure, my MMR could be bad but I get decent teammates after that so I don't believe in garbage MMR system.
Solo Q is just as depressing as killers who have high MMR, you have no one else to rely on and everything you try feels meaningless.
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I play with my son, and he is still working on his game sense, so we have some pretty hilarious moments as he learns when to commit, when to run, and how to loop. This makes the solo queue infinitely more relaxing sometimes! 😂
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I agree. My MMR seems to be bouncing all over the place. I noticed 128 and all of a sudden it went as low as 30. It's always a joy when I meet Survivors that do their best to work together but lately it's just the opposite (UNLESS I happen to be playing Killer).