Please correct me if I am wrong:
I have my favorite Killers equiped with all the TIER-3-PERKS I would run on them. They are doing fine so far.
I have my 3 favorite Survivors P3/50/maxed out all perks.
With all of my BPs from my matches I should actually commit into putting them in my other survivors without prestiging them, because now I can still get p.e. SPRINTBURST TIER 3 on JANE although MEG is only 50 without beeing prestiged. Because after the next update I won´t get any Sprintburst at all in my Blooddwebs as MEG sits on P0/50 - is this correct?
And yes, I know about the different charms - YEAH!!! What an incentive to prestige.....
Thx, Linda
To unlock Sprint Burst tier 1 for all your Survivors, you need Meg to be P1. But I think you can wait for the update to do it: you won't lose anything then. Meg will still have her perks/items/addons.
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in addition to that, there is prestige catch up system, depending on how much perks you got on your character, you will be awarded up to 6 prestige levels when the update drops
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Yes, I do get that new "System". But now let´s say I have Dwight on 50 - and my maxed out chars have PT on tier 3. ANy ne Char they throw at us with the next Chapter will not be able to get PT Tier 3 as Dwight did not make it to P3.
So for now, putting my BP into prestiging does not seem to be the best idea for me. I´d rather put them into chars I "like" and get them those perks I would not get after the update due to the new Tier/Prestige Symbiosis....
I do see the advantage for my Killer´s perks. But as I play my Survivors as SKINS and not because of the perks they come with, the new system is not so satisfying for Survivor Mains, I guess...
We´ll see. I was never good at Math - maybe I threw my calculations.
Have a nice weekend and stay save!
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P0 = no perks unlocked (but the teachables can be found in the bloodweb of other Survivors).
P1/P2/P3 = tier one/tier two/tier three of the teachables are unlocked for everyone.
Characters who already unlocked the perks: they will keep them, no matter if Dwight is P0 or P3.
I do hope I answered the question! And I'd wait for the update before prestiging... and even leveling too much. I P3 Spirit a few days ago and she will sit at P3 level 1 until the update. For now, I'm focusing on P1 other Killers so I know I'll have tier 1 for Spirit immediately. (And if I have time, I'll start to P2/P3 the Killers I really want the perks for Spirit).
But don't worry, you shouldn't lose anything you already earned.
Have a nice weekend and stay safe as well.
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This is mostly correct but you can't find teachables unless you've prestiged their respective character at least once.
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you can prestige dwight after the update and unlock his tier 1 on other characters and as my other comment said, if you have unlocked enough perks on your dwight, you can get up to 6 prestige levels and have his tier 3 perks unlocked
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Level 30, 35 and 40 aren't a thing anymore? Prestiging will put the perks on your perk list. If you have P1 Dwight, you have PT tier 1 immediately, but for having tier 2 and 3, you need to level up the character you want the perk with or prestiging more Dwight.
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Correct. Teachable perk unlocks at 30/35/40 won't be a thing going forward.
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Ah? OK, I missed this part then. I have to read again the article about it. Thanks to point it out!
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if I presige1 Meg, will I still be able to get rank3 Sprint burst via bloodWeb on another character or do I need to p3 meg?
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yes, you can level it up to tier 3 via bloodweb
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OK so basicly instead of lvl 40 you need to prestige once on every new killer/survivor to get it into you main killer/Survivors bloodweb
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Correct, moving forward. However if you have the "teachable" perks unlocked already they will appear in bloodwebs without prestiging.
In fact, you may have tier 1 unlocked automatically if you have the teachable at the time the new system goes live (see image)