DC Penalty needs to go
Two matches in a row... somehow I was the first Survivor to get tunneled while getting unhooked in the Killer's face repeatedly. Before anyone says it, I'm not annoyed by the fact that the Survivor's might have been very new to DBD. My issue is that not only do you lose all of your items, but DCing two matches in a row also stacks in terms of time penalties. Why exactly would I stay in a match where I basically died in the first 2-3 minutes and haven't even done anything?
nah, it’s seems like it’s working as intended. Should be more punishing.
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I second this motion
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If you are dying do quickly you don't need to d/c.
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You'll need to explain that. Sorry, but I'm not providing satisfaction to anyone by remaining in the match at that point, two minutes or not.
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The point of DCing at that point is because there is no point to remain if you've barely moved from the area. It's not like I was a sore loser in a SWF that DCed after getting outplayed.
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You are being a sore loser. Accept your death and won't have a penalty.
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Well well well, if it ain’t the consequences of your own actions. 🤡
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What's the point of dcing when you gonna die extremely quickly anyway?
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No need to explain. If you’ll look in the mirror you’ll see why the DC penalty exists.
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There's no reason to DC if you're first - you can just die, lose your items anyway, and gain a bit of bloodpoints.
People only DC out of spite.
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No need for the sass. In fact, you didn't read my comments. I said it wasn't as though I DCed after being outplayed like some SWF's do. In a case like this it's about poor matchmaking and getting the short end of the stick.
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Agree there is way too much sass around here. Lighten up people.
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Really? Your definition of "Sore Loser" and mine seem to be completely different. I'm starting to think that none of you read my comment about SWF's DCing mid match... THAT is being a sore loser.
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I would call DCing because of tunneling being a sore loser.
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You have this really funny idea there’s literally ever a valid in-game excuse to DC except cheaters/game-breaking bugs (like being permanently stuck in a hill). DCing is pathetic.
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You're the reason the DC penalty exists
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Since the salt is building in this room i'll state the obvious. Unless someone is certified cheating/hacking or real stuff comes up, you should never dc. There are 5 people in a match. If your not having fun it sucks but there's 4 other people just like you trying to have fun. When you DC you ruin their fun too. The reason the DC penalty exists is people in this game DC ALL the time when it's turned off and for no good reason.
The killer found me first, I dont like this map, this killer is unfun, the survivors have flashlights ect.
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Context. Apples and Oranges my friend. And for all I know, the Killer was farming with a Survivor.
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No, no context. I would call DCing in response to tunneling beinng a sore loser.
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Making excuses for ragequitting is pathetic.
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Played 2 games back to back where a survivor dc at 5 gens if anything there should be a heavier punishment for not only d/c'ing but also ending yourself on hook instantly at 5 gens
(Clips If you care for it)
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Kinda sounds like the DC penalty is working exactly the way it should.
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Just struggle on the hook
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This sounds like a you problem for not wanting to wait a few extra seconds for the death animation to finish. I understand it's annoying to lose your items either way but if you don't want to lose them to death run a black ward and wait for the death to finish.
We all have bad games but don't blame the dc penalty for your choice to hit that button.
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Dying on the hook in like 27s after yeeting and failing skill checks? Nah.
DC'ing 2 games in a row and coming to the forums to complain about the DC Penalty working as intended? Awwww yeeee :3
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You and I are going to agree to disagree at this point. Context matters. Some matches just suck from the get-go. DCing mid-match is one thing. DCing because the match has barely gone on for two minutes and you somehow had the luck to be in situations like this are entirely different.
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You can agree to disagree, but the DC Penalty doesn't care about context.
You can reach all you want, but you dc'ed, and no amount of circular reasoning can change the facts.
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Again, bad matches will happen. If you're going to die early, then just do it. There's no benefit to DCing compared to dying early.
This entire thread exists solely to yell out "I'm angry and petty and want no consequences for it"
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I agree and in this case, it's possible the Killer was farming with the Survivor because in both cases, the Killer ignored the dude unhooking me but kept hitting me. DCing was more about not letting the Killer have the final hook.
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The killer can hit whoever they want.
Most killers, especially as MMR increases, would make the same play / take advantage of a garbage unhook.
At least you're being honest, now, and admitting to the real reason (lol/petty) that you DC'ed.
It's the first step in changing such a poor mindset.
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So you didn't have the patience to sit through a 10 second death animation, and then got salty at having a 5 minute timeout because of it...
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DCing at the beginning of the match is worse than DCing in the middle of the match. You are the exact kind of person the DC penalty was made for.
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Oh okay so what you're saying is that I should stay when I pretty much didn't leave the vicinity of the hook, gens aren't being worked on, and two minutes of my time was pretty much wasted? I'd rather be in another match at that point.
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Either take a break from the game, or stop dcing bc you don't like how the match is going, if you want out if the match, then just get the killers attention and point to a hook
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Not to be disrespectful, but your comment just tells me that you didn't read any of my earlier comments. I'm not replying to any further comments under this thread because I truly don't think that most of you took the time to read why I DCed. Some people seem to get it and I'm not a fan of matches where someone DC's but context does matter.
I just finished a match where Pig couldn't hook me because of my build. So he stood over me while my boon was active and repeatedly hit me. I ended up not escaping because by the time I got away, the helmet activated and I couldn't get it off. Now, I could have DCed because two of the three Survivors decided to just leave. The other one died trying to help me. It was end-game and as annoyed as I was, this situation didn't warrant a DC.
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A lot of us understand your train of thought, we're just trying to convince you that DCing will never be beneficial to you over just dying and getting it over with. Nothing warrants a DC (besides hackers/cheaters, but most of us are willing to take a 5 minute penalty to get out of that).
If you feel a killer doesn't "deserve" a kill, then you're free to feel that way, but that doesn't negate the fact that the game doesn't work based on what we "deserve." You're playing with other humans, not AI. You can never with 100% consistency get what you "deserve." Plus, everyone's idea of what they deserve/what others deserve is drastically different anyway.
Thus, the consequences of a DC are still necessary.
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Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying.
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You're ignoring everyone who read your comment and you're just choosing to be dense. You're clearly a sore loser when you're saying things like you DC just to deny the killer the final hook.
If there was no penalty, every other game will have someone with your mindset who just DCs because they were hooked first.
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Dc penalty is there so survivors don't do that every match while killer outplays them. While dc penalty was off I had matches survivors just dc:t if I got control of the match and got hooks quickly so it needs to be there also it's bot either fun when killer dc:s when he got outplayed. Personally if toxic killer would tunnel me I would probably dc as well and I understans why you do it. Toxic killers don't deserve kills that's why I dc.
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You taking a time out in the crib will certainly show those toxic killers, as they chuckle at their 'double win.'
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2 minutes of your time was wasted, yet you dc and waste 5 more minutes of your time (probably more since id wager you dc alot) instead of dying
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I mean, my own time is worth too much to do that, but to each their own ;3
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I think we need at least 20% more sass. These are rookie levels of sass.
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Strongly disagree with most of you. I don't believe that the penalties should be removed or that people should constantly quit over things like taking first chase and any other petty reasons, but when I have teammates intentionally sandbagging me or 'accidentally' doing it multiple times in a row I'm outta there. Idgaf about a 5 minute penalty, there's better things to do in those 5 minutes anyway so I will gladly switch to something more productive like making something to eat or interacting with my chat and giving them undivided attention
This idea that you have to care about every other player in every lobby that more than likely don't give a single zuck about you is kinda ridiculous. Play SoloQ for a few days straight without ever switching to SWF and let me know how much consideration all of your teammates have for you and your 'fun'
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I've never even dc'd bc I was stuck in a hill. Instead, the killer found me and tried to kill me, which released me from being stuck in the hill, but then the killer was stuck in the hill instead. The killer didn't even dc. The killer eventually got out of the hill and 2 survivors escaped. I will always remember that particular match.
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The only thing that Behaviour should fix about DC penalty is the detection.
If you dc manually by closing the game or leaving and if you have net interruptions or crashes.
The rest is fine, people who dc on purpose are garbage.
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With posts like these, DC penalties need to stay
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And if you manually unplug the internet cable?
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Dc is always a petty sore loser move unless from a legit disconnection or emergency.
Penalties should be longer. Even better would be to take it further by tagging frequent dc players and forcing them all to play together. Make them earn some humility points by playing those matches to completion before rejoining the rest of us.