Vecna Killer Concept

Underwear_Model Member Posts: 98

The following is my concept for Vecna from the Stranger Things Season 4. This would be pretty fun for survivors to play against in my opinion. The visuals would be awesome.

The Demobats would take a while to group up, giving time for someone to disturb more on purpose to tank them to a new area. Also Vecna's telekinetic attack would be incapable of interrupting unhooks for obvious reasons. It would be quite good at interrupting totem cleansing or blessing however.


  • HeehoRacketeer
    HeehoRacketeer Member Posts: 90

    Got some questions, fren:

    -Is the Twisted Pillars thing a cosmetic change or do they do something? Because if not cosmetic, how would this affect hook-related perks?

    -Are the headphones and tape player in separate locations or a single item? The whole "each survivor has a unique favorite song", would that be an actual audio track that would play? And once the survivor has broken free: will the item(s) vanish?

    -How many Demobats would it take for them to attack and how many attacks to inflict a health state of damage?

    -What's the requirement for the distance moved by the psychic attack?

    -Is Cataclysm single use or multi use?

    Now to the comments. Honestly this all sounds cool, but I worry that if implemented: a lot of the visuals would be watered-down or not used. Remember that Freddy's "dreamworld" is just greyscale with some ash and Demo's "upsidedown traversal" is a void. Vecna's mind lair would be no different. An actual change to crows sounds nice and refreshing. Mental Link is a nice info perk, which might also get some good use with Gearhead. SH: I Just Want You to Watch seems a large bit busted before we even get to the actual effect. Removing the hook notification and delaying the hook aura is a seriously worrysome concept. I'm also a bit confused on how negating a protection hit would work. Cataclysm seems like a bigger version of Pop, and that sounds cool. Problem is that completely nuking up to 99% a gen's progress on a single kick is BIG worry (only made worse if the perk is made multi-use). You can probably also remove the last sentence on the perk as it's a bit redundant with how Hexes work.

    Overall: some balancing could be done and we'd have a cool chapter on our hands.

  • Underwear_Model
    Underwear_Model Member Posts: 98

    1. Cosmetic change to hooks only.

    2. Tape player and headset in one location. Item would vanish until it appears in a new location next time you'd enter Vecna's Mind Lair.

    3. I'm leaving this open for Devs. I just want it to take some time so it's not crazy oppressive. I think it takes 6 daggers to wound, so six attacks per health state, but dodging them would be somewhat possible.

    4. You'd be moved away or toward by 4 meters (unless blocked by an object or if 4 meters closer would bring you all the way to Vecna in which case you can only be brought halfway closer.

    5. One time use.

    6. There would need to be actual re-skins of every map to have an upside down form. I'd be perfectly ok if this meant no new map for Vecna.

    Hope this helps :)

  • Underwear_Model
    Underwear_Model Member Posts: 98
    edited July 2022

    Obviously I'd prefer Vecna being included with actual new survivors, Robin and Eddie, but anything is welcome!

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    very cool