Is sadako really that bad compared to other m1 killers?

I am asking because I was thinking of getting her but might get pinhead instead.
I am already used to m1 killers and like playing them, except freddy that is.
So what should I do? Maybe get both I guess and then I am only missing demo when it comes to licensed. For now.
She is the worst m1 killer in my opinion, phasing in and out of manifesting is not gonna help much in chase.
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Yeah sheโs trash
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sadako might literally be the worst killer in the entire game
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Damn :(.
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Pinhead is better
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I remember your thread about it so I know what you mean.
I wanted to try something new so I thought about those two.
Also would you say pinhead is tricky to play on controller as nurse is?
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As someone who plays both, of them, get Pinhead.
I like Sadako aesthetically, but she has absolutely no downing power and her map traversal is limited and RNG based with a huge CD, along with lackluster add-ons.
Pinhead at least has something in chase, you have passive box pressure, and at least your teleport brings you straight to the survivor and facing them, with also mostly lackluster but better add-ons.
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Yeah but you do have a strong point you made in that thread. Maybe it is not worth it to get better as him when chains are not that rewarding.
Bleh. I just wanted to try a different killer and you guys made me feel like I shouldn't get either of them lol.
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Sorry Bud switch back to Jill and she will be better๐
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I can't. I am enjoying ghostface too much recently. Or should I say...
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You should. This isnโt who you are. You and ghostface donโt fit. Jill was way better
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Thanks. I will get him because I really want to try something new and I am running out of options.
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It is just Jill in a costume. Chill out dude.
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She is bad, but she is not the "worst killer in the game" like everyone says. People forget she has one thing that puts her in a better spot than many m1 killers: map presence. She can use the TVs both to travel fast around the map and to cover distance during a chase. Being able to move around the map to apply pressure makes a lot of difference. Hell, that's one of the things that made Freddy feel strong when he was first reworked (unfortunately he got nerfed and the teleport is now all he has).
This is why she is better than Pig, Myers, Clown, Freddy, Trapper and Ghostface. Freddy is the only one among these who has a form of map mobility, but Sadako does it faster and more frequently. Also, Clown is the only of them with a somewhat effective anti-loop, but he still sucks and has no map pressure at all.
That makes her the second best stealth killer, actually. Right behind wraith. The reason for that is that she can turn her undetectable on and off whenever she wants, unlike Myers, can't be broke out and doesn't have a cooldown, unlike Ghostface, and doesn't slow down like a damn slug, unlike Pig. She has a lullaby, sure, that sucks and should be removed, but the sound is very faint from a certain distance and many don't notice it until she is really close to them.
The problem, of course, is that "second best stealth killer" is still C tier at best. Stealth killers are terrible by default against actually good survivors. Also... the Dredge can do pretty much everything she does, but better. He only can't when he is in a map with terrible locker placement.
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addon reliant killer
and even then youd probably just have an easier time with basement trapper
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I think I had a better time with Myers than her... And I considered Myers being the worst.
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survivors at least have to respect tier 3. plenty of others will be careful for a tombstone
meanwhile survivors can bait sadako with condemned just to tbag her at a tv and do the tape in front of her face
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Yes. Exactly. I'm sad because she sounded fun on paper.
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Anyone know if her hindered add-on is decent?
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She's definitely weak. They need to shorten her transportation cooldown, which will help buff her condemned mechanic.
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Pinhead is definitely the stronger killer of the two, but Sadako is not the weakest killer in the game, or even close, imo. Personally I would still rank her above Freddy, Clown, Ghostface, Myers, and probably Legion.
And at low-mid MMR, she is completely viable, and very fun. After scratched mirror Myers, she's probably the best at getting jumpscares/stealth hits, if that's your thing.
But you will run into a wall if/when you climb to higher levels, as really good teams will make life miserable for Sadako by denying her map control. The real pain point with Sadako is in looping, because her current kit is nearly barebones M1. And she depends a lot on her add-ons.
To maximize her, you'll need to embrace hit and run. If the 1v1 is what you enjoy, steer away.
Pinhead is stronger, and will remain viable for longer, but also requires slightly more technical skill, as much of his potential is tied to his chain use. And that takes a while to get a feel for.
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i believe its 4% hindered for like 3 seconds. very bad. I'd say sadako is random garbage hits from TV teleporting from bad survivors and random garbage hits from 16 meter TR with M&A. just weak m1 killer pretty much.
her intended gameplay is suppose to be flying out of TV's completely invisible with massive speed boost from bloody finger nail add-on & building condemn stacks through TV's TP & green kid drawing but sadako's doesn't work properly at all because its way too slow, too ineffective and far too easy to counter.
Her TV teleportation projections have directional audio cue meaning survivor that pay attention will never be near a TV post-projection. Her condemn build-up is overall too slow. 1 stack condemn per 100 seconds from TV teleports at base-kit is laughable condemn build-up. TV projection cooldown at 100 seconds is too long of cooldown. Her phasing is too ineffective at loops. Flicking Invisibility doesn't do anything after first reappearance. Survivors will know the direction she is moving in a loop post-first reappearance. A longer phase like Spirit's phase-walk is far more effective. Lullaby on a undetectable stealth killer is just another running meme at this point.
From my previous paragraph, they're looking at least 6-7 buffs at different elements of her power before her power becomes remotely effective.
I wonder what the highest sadako MMR is, probably <1500 but maybe survivors are bad enough to die this killer. so who knows.
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If you want to go for strength, grab Pinhead instead.
I would not say Sadako is the worst Killer in the game. And you can win against the majority of Survivors you face with her. And personally, I have more fun while playing her than playing Pinhead.
But you should not expect Miracles. She is far away from being a really strong Killer (same goes for Pinhead tho).
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I mean she is weak and debatably the worst but if you are used to m1 killers then power level doesn't really matter that much right?
If you are used to playing ghostface sadekko is not going to feel thaaat much weaker
Biggest difference between pinhead and sadekko is the skill level
Sadekko is pretty straight forward and is more about how well you know maps. Pinhead is more mechanical demanding and understanding box spawns
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She is the worst killer in the game as of now and BHVR better adress this soon,what's the point of releasing a killer so bad that no one will ever touch them.
She is way too powerful lore wise to be this weak in Dead by Daylight.
The people who are fans of Ringu and want to play Sadako dont wanna be forced to play other killers because she is too weak.
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Her entire chase power is Spirits passive.
Her map traversal is a vastly inferior Dredge.
Her condemned mechanic takes forever to build up and Survivors can just get rid of it mid chase.
Her stealth mode has a Lullaby that warns Survivors.
Yes, she is bad. So bad in fact that she is the only Killer in the game right now I didn't even bother to purchase. You're better off just playing Dredge instead IMO.
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She is honestly really good. Most just don't see her potential. She doesn't specifically excel at anything but she has it all. You just need to learnt o use her correctly. Her stealth is honestly really good. Sure she doesn't gain speed like Wraith but she doesn't lose speed either. She doesn't get a speed boost after coming out of stealth like Wraith sure but the rate at which she comes out of it and the fact that she barley loses speed during that means more than some people think. Don't just spam teleported either. Use them when needed. I would also actually try to play into the condemned.
he isn't at all bad or the worst as most people consider her.
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Whilst she looks super cool and scary, she's really not viable (unless she's going against baby survivors but that's the case for pretty much any killer).
- Her map traversal is super weak and easily countered (also slow and clunky).
- Her secondary power (Condemnation) is such a non-event that survivors are comfortable enough to reach fully condemned and get rid of it mid-chase.
- The 'cloaking' is like a slower, less-effective Wraith without the speed boost. The 'undetectable' status is completely negated by an unnecessary lullaby and she can be easily spotted as she's not fully invisible.
I would say her teachables are really good though and she's probably worth getting just for those three perks. Aside from that, conceptually she's good but she needs a HUGE buff.
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Her power is useless. I'm trying to remember if any version of any other killer has ever been as bad as her.
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Don't listen to most "she is the worst" comments, people just comparing everything with nurse/blight, but at the same time DON'T fool yourself, she is NOT strong in a slightest.
I play her and practically only her since her release. Therefore I try to list things, so maybe you sum it up and make your decision.
- She is REALLY fun and enjoyable to play. I don't know why still, but she is somehow "comfort" to play
- She has good perks coming with her
- She has MANY weaknesses and all that lies on your skill and perks. She is really perk dependant and player skill dependant (you have to perfectly know maps, survivor's mindset)
- She is very weak in chase. You can use her manifest/demanifest power to win chases, but you have to know invisibility timings by your marrow and mindgame king.
- She is macroplay killer, which scares away most people that don't bother play strategically and just mindlessly chase one survivor
- She is a hit/run and slug heavy killer, if you want to compete with decent teams, not down/hook killer. There are some tricky builds for her condemn power, but you really have to change your playstyle for that. I go for just hit/run/occasional slug.
- She is REALLY perk dependant. I said that and I repeat it again.
- She needs a BUFF. FFS, BHVR! Every single post and comment about Sadako is basically "PLZ BUFF HER ASAP!" You want a petition or hastag #MakeSadakoGreatAgain? We all love that wet girl, BUFF her already! ๐
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Honestly she no weaker than Myers, I'd say. Probably better than him.
But does it matter that she's not the best? A large amount of the community seem to have agreed that her descriptors are "Weak but fun", and honestly she has better perks than Pinhead imho while not being tied to an EnEffTee either. Sadako > Pinhead any day of the week.
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I put Sadako at 2/5 stars alongside Wraith. Her teleport gives her decent map mobility and her Stealth is pretty solid, and her Condemened gives a small amount of passive slowdown by coercing survivors periodically off the gens. Her weakness is once sheโs in a chase sheโs pretty much just a basic attack killer. Her on and off invisibility does help with mindgames on occasion but itโs a minor benefit there. Overall sheโs a decent hit and run and slug killer, especially if you use certain add-on and perk combos, but I wouldnโt complain if they gave her a small buff in her eventual first full balance pass. ๐ (Getting rid of her Lullaby or making Condemned build up passively for instance would probably be good tweaks.)
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Any version of any other killer?
Trapper, Hag, Wraith, Legion, Myers, Clown, Doctor, Freddy, Pig, Bubba, Spirit, Ghost Face, Trickster. If we're not including PTB versions then cross off Spirit and Ghost Face.
All of these killers have, at some point within the history of the game, been weaker than Sadako is currently.
Remember sabotaging Trapper traps, or when Wraith had no speed boost post-phase, or when Hag took 5 seconds to place a single trap and her teleport distance was about as far as you walk? Remember Doctor having to change stances or Old Freddy after the devs nerfed him on instinct and left him like that for 2 years, or even when Bubba was the worst killer in DBD and revving a chainsaw for 3.5 seconds to use it would make you lose distance so you'd be lucky to get a down in the open?
She's no where near as weak as they've all been in the past. I speak from experience.
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Thanks everyone a lot for answering. I wanted to go for pinhead but I might get sadako actually or both tomorrow.
I am already used to and enjoying some m1 killers so I might have fun with her too, who knows.
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I'd rate Trapper and Pig worse than her, but yes she's pretty bad.
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I can't honestly tell you to not pick PinHead over Sadako because he's really good and has good perks, but Sadako is one of my favorite killers to use. As the dude said above, most people just don't understand how to use her right. She literally doesn't chase, that's her power. You show up out of no where with elegant use of the phasing, land a hit and then immediately demanifest and fall back. The survivors will run and you stalk them until they feel comfortable enough to stop. Then you just repeat step one until they are all dead. The Condemned mechanic isn't the best but I also don't think it SHOULD come into play much, as it allows you to instantly kill without even hooking, it's supposed to be a slow down that makes people get off of gens. I've had quite a few Condemned Moris, and below I'll post a screen shot of a Condemned mori I got on a dude without hooking him once.
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And this is AFTER she got massively buffed from her PTR incarnation.
Imagine a balance team who thought that was a good idea
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This people have to really bad to get killed by a sadako while having dh and a bnp at play, actually throwing or prob players with less than 20 hours, but doubt that option since they got many teachables.
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Suffers from the same problem as wraith and other hit and run killers and that is healing is far far to quick and easy due to busted medkits, strong healing and info perks and swf groups.
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Naw it was a genuine Condemn mori. The guy was the first I found in the match, ran me for 2 gens, then his buddies got cocky and started body blocking and trying to take chase, then I noticed TVs shutting off, waited a bit, projected to one and just as I was coming out, it was the first guy I chased and he starts throbbing with Killer Instinct, still injured. Dropped his ass and mori'd him.
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So exactly not a good player? You have to put effort in to get condemned or be as smart as moss for it to happen.
They body blocked when the correct play was to keep rushing and he could even get the condemned removed while in chase, they had every tool to absolutely dunk on you yet they didn't used them, not good players in the slightest.
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She might just be one of the worst killers, which is ironic since in the movies she's very powerful.
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I love her to death and she has effectively become my main, but she is not a good killer. Condemned rarely appears, much less provides pressure. TV directions being effectively random make TP chases troublesome. Her add-ons arent freddy-tier, but she's not going to win awards for them either.
As for solutions, ive seen all sorts. A regular one people suggest is that she should be able to walk through pallets while demanifested, but i dont know if that would just create bigger problems later.
I still enjoy her every time i play, but I accept the fact that i will lose regularly.
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The Onryo is so fun... For my is more important the fun. But she struggle in comparison to other m1 killers. (sorry for the bad English is my third language)
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I'd also love to hear from you, I like playing as her alot as well, but I definitely get mixed results. What perks do you recommend and what add-ons! Genuinely curious
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I like that scary little girl and I still play her, but, yeah, she's really weak.
- too much cooldown on TVs
- survivors can deny your teleport
- her built-in mori is useless
- no antiloop
- most addons are meh
The Drussy is better at everything Sadako can do. And he's not even that super strong.
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For perks there definetely must be something to help her in chase, as she can't do much. I always take Bamboozle to shut down most loops, but brutal strength/enduring/spirit fury can help too if you want just bulldoze through pallets. Also STBFL is great on her to catch up quicker.
If you slug a lot, Jolt is great, otherwise general regression perk is fine to give her time (her own Call of Brine works great as she can traverse to gen very quickly and Pop it)
Nurse + Sloppy cat give her lots of value, the only problem is with her lullaby.
MYC + Floods of Rage can start a decent snowball
But in general: loopshutting perks is a must. Then just perks to annoy survivors (because she suck at chasing, but can be everywhere)
For addons: great addon with painting, that infect healers with condemn (but require lots of slugging), also iridescent tape is great (still don't understand why it's addon and not basekit). Besides that, brown newspaper is very good.
Also if you want to master her, you need to capitalize on her invisibility burst after manifesting, helps a lot in short visible loops, so Watch/Mirror can be somewhat useful, but not so much. Most other addons ok-ish, but doesn't help reliably. Some gimicky addons can help too (like VCR with Dead Man's Switch perk)
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This is pre-meta shakeup so take it with a grain of salt, but my build is:
-Corrupt Intervention
-Pop Goes The Weasel
-Sloppy Butcher
Use the addons that make her TVs turn back on faster, too, or just go all out with Iri Video Tape + Fingernails.
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I don't remember because I started after, but you have a point. These were truly awful. In that list, I think I could argue about Trapper and Wraith being worse (I'm not going to) but for Hag I can wholeheartedly agree that that state was worse than current Sadako.
I vaguely remember something about the stance of the Doctor but I don't remember how it felt. During that time I was mostly playing Trapper, Billy and Wraith.