Now, since developers are addressing the meta and changing perks, can we have a look at anti-cheat?

Honestly speaking, it's not working. When 4.6 m/s killers at Bloodlust tier 3 are running with same movement speed as survivors and you simply can't catch them or outrun as killer, all those insta-popping generators and perk usages when survivors don't have those perks, or simply a survivor with "Broken" status effect getting full health within 2 seconds is a completely bs situation for an online game.

I don't complain about perk changes, I complain about hackers, speedhackers, teleporters and other suspicious situations happening in active matches where you can't do a single thing.

And same goes for hacking killers. When a killer model ingame somehow acts like they have 1000 m/s when their base movement speed is 4.4 and 4.6 m/s, and your system doesn't detect that or instantly doesn't kick or ban a killer who applies an effect which isn't even in their current build like perks/addons.

I am pretty sure that the community itself is fed up with those players. It's not our job to record literally every suspicious moment that happens in actual matches.


  • Jurasaurz
    Jurasaurz Member Posts: 22

    So, apparently, this community doesn't care this game has a huge amount of hackers including hidden hackers, right?

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,860

    Cheating is a huge problem, yes. 1 out of 5 games I'm usually coming across a survivor that can outpace me as a killer (and not talking about sprint burst and such). They'll be running full speed, I'll be catching up and then suddenly they start outpacing me slightly. Very common. Then there's also people that don't take damage on hits. Fairly common. Everyone in awhile, I'll have people who don't go down on hit when they are exposed.

    Anti cheat definitely needs some love.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 480

    I was playing earlier and a survivor touched a gen that was a quarter done right in front of me and it instantly popped lol.

  • Jurasaurz
    Jurasaurz Member Posts: 22

    Just had 2 matches in a row where survivors moved faster than tier 2-3 bloodlust and first 2 generators were done under 20 seconds while I found a survivor and chased him so that leaves 3 survivors at generators and 2 generators can't get repaired that fast.