Perk "Balancing" "Meta Shaking"

I'm all for shaking up the Meta of the game but this is not the proper way to do it. Making less frequently used perks viable by nerfing current meta perks into obscurity is the wrong way to go about balancing a game. The way you balance a game and appropriately change a Meta is by buffing the less used and niche perks so they are just as viable in their respective ways and make them more general and non-niche. General use perks will most often than not win over niche perks since they will see more use. I just believe in my own personal opinion they went through the patch without any sort of balance in mind and just decided to change the perks the community was complaining about the most either through nerfing surv perks or buffing killer stuff.



    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    They should have nerfed meta perks now softly and reworked and buffed the perks nobody uses.

  • Confused_Senpai
    Confused_Senpai Member Posts: 60

    I'd have to respectfully disagree because the whole thing missing here is the Choice aspect of play and buffs and nerfs shouldn't happen in a vacuum where player choice is discounted entirely, by nerfing perks into the ground and making players switch off of the perks they love due to them being all but useless is pigeonholing them into other perks instead of making all perks equally viable where the players are free to choose whatever perks they want based on situations they expect to encounter rather than strength of said perk, if you always nerf the meta which will absolutely ALWAYS exist then you might as well just get rid of perks altogether (Not trying to be dramatic here) Because eventually in the pursuit of "Shaking up the meta" you will cause the ripple effect of everything being equally as crap.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,282

    I think you're being a little too binary here.

    It's not "nerf the meta perks" OR "buff other perks to make them viable", you do both- which is what they've been doing, they just can't buff everything all at once for multiple reasons. The fact of the matter is, the current meta is both stale and unhealthy, so it has to be nerfed from any direction you care to look.

    THE meta will not always exist. A meta will always exist. When that one inevitably gets stale, switch it all up again. That's how it works elsewhere and how it should work here.

  • Confused_Senpai
    Confused_Senpai Member Posts: 60

    It's not just about simply buffing the current effect, they were in the process of reworking perks, and the only thing they could think of to make other perks viable was to nerf the current meta perks instead of making those reworks equally as viable as the current meta. The problem with nerfing and buffing as I said above is player choice when you pigeonhole a player into leaving their perk system because it's been nerfed into the ground instead of making the reworks viable enough to compete with the current meta thus expanding the options to the player base INSTEAD of creating an entirely new problem meta you're contradicting yourself and recreating the very thing you're trying to get away from, if you don't see this I don't know what to tell you. When balancing a game you want all perks to be viable against each other so there is choice but the devs themselves are the ones creating a meta due to bad balancing.

  • Confused_Senpai
    Confused_Senpai Member Posts: 60

    I disagree but I will agree to disagree simply because a meta shouldn't exist if balancing is done correctly. A Meta by very definition to any game is a series of skills, perks, talents, or gear that outclasses its counterparts which is why tier lists exist. There will always be a meta and I'm not being binary I'm just seeing it for what it is and the contradictions they are making in the process, in an ideal well-balanced game all perks would be viable and left to the choice of the player as to what they want to use not whatever the devs want to push as the new meta. I think this patch was done very poorly, player choice is something that is always discounted and because a meta will always exist a toxic community against those not running meta perks will always exist, its a vicious cycle that will only break when the devs break it.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Meta and most-used perks get changed and nerfed

    Except Borrowed Time.

    The 2nd most-used perk in the game gets a massive buff.


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "I disagree but I will agree to disagree simply because a meta shouldn't exist if balancing is done correctly."

    What you are describing her is nigh impossible in any game that doesn't give all players completely equal tools at all times (i.e. rock paper scissors).

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,740

    I agree, we should have kept Dead Hard the same and buffed all the other exhaustion perks till they were as fun to use in chase as Dead Hard. Dead Hard provided a fun, interactive experience, and nerfing it is a huge mistake. I think the game will lose a lot of players now that Dead Hard is gone.

  • Confused_Senpai
    Confused_Senpai Member Posts: 60

    Nope, the only perk that took a hit is spine chill and that's not even a game breaker for me, I run Windows, Lithe, Bond and Spine Chill, dance with me or quick and quiet.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,282

    Yep, they did indeed do it properly by nuking the meta perks, you're correct.

    The only perk that has a one-to-one replacement now is DS -> OTR, the rest I think are definitely far more up in the air. It's fair that some kind of anti-tunnel is going to be in the meta for survivors, but now there's room for more variety in Exhaustion perks, more variety in stealth perks now that there isn't one clear perfect choice, more variety in healing perks... for survivor it's unambiguously been done well. Heck, you might not even see that much OTR with the new anti-tunnel mechanic, though I'm sure plenty of people will like the increased safety net they'll get from OTR. No judgement- I'll run it too lol.

    For killer, I'll cede that we'll probably still see a fair amount of slowdown perks, but that they'll be different perks and every killer who wanted to branch out now can more safely, it's still at worst a partial success.

    So yes, I do think this is done well. They shook up the meta and provided more variety in what tools you can bring for any given purpose. That's what they meant to do.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I think if every other exhaustion perk were buffed to DH's levels, the game would lose a lot of players in the other direction. :P

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    They need their dead hard to fix their mistakes devs so they can keep bullying killers and maintain their ego

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    The simple fact of the matter is that in any online game, things do get nerfed and buffed continuously to keep things fresh. Yes there will always be a 'meta' where some things are just stronger than others. You can see this in EVERY online game. Call of duty, Halo, dota, league of legends, WOW, ect...

    You'll always have balance changes that alter the meta to where things that were strong before, aren't strong afterwards. Heck I've played league for 12 years and have seen every kind of meta change possible lol.

    The point is to make it to where more things feel viable, while removing the feeling, "I HAVE to run this specific load out every game."

    And they've definitely done that.

  • Confused_Senpai
    Confused_Senpai Member Posts: 60

    Dead hard from what I understand was mostly used for distance and exhaustion perks are generally a one-time use perk during a chase so honestly, they should be strong. Dead Hard was used as a second chance perk, Sprint Burst was mainly used to gain distance or disappear altogether, Overcome for getting to the furthest loop you can reach or out of a barren wasteland, Lithe the same as Sprint Burst except with a trigger, my point being, they are all used for different purposes and most high tier killers will just bait out or wait out dead hard, it's really not that hard if you expect everyone to have it since Survivors generally get nervous and use it early when they think you're going to swing.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Just to be clear:

    They nerfed four survivor meta perks: Iron Will, Spine Chill, Self-Care, Decisive Strike. These perks all objectively got weaker.

    They reworked two survivor meta perk: Dead Hard and WGLF. DH still does what it originally did, in the same window. It now has a trade-off: you don't get immediate distance for free, but if you can time it right, you get way MORE distance than before from the Endurance hit. This is not an objective nerf. WGLF lost the BP boost but now it applies Endurance to anyone you bring up from downed. This completely changes how the perk gets used and provides teams a reliable method of handing out Endurance when most needed. Again, a nerf, but not an objective nerf, since you're gaining something in the trade-off

    They buffed one survivor meta perk: Borrowed Time. It went from 10 seconds of endurance to 15 seconds + 7% speed boost. It's objectively better. It's also 3x as good as the default endurance they gave everyone, so it's still very much a meta perk. There was no nerf or rework or rebalance - it just got way, WAY better.

    Meanwhile, SEVEN killer meta perks got flat nerfed. BBQ, Ruin, Pop, Corrupt, Tinkerer, NOED, Pain Resonance. Each of these lost half of their abilities or numbers or applications or otherwise. They all objectively got worse. Some so much so that they're not 100% vestigial. Monstrous Shrine has more application than some of these.

    Actually, I'm going to take that up to Eight, because they 'buffed' Overcharge, then nerfed it right back down to uselessness in a couple of weeks. Getting something nice and having it taken away from you immediately is a pretty nasty maneuver.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    That's called power creep and is bad.

    As an example the games base healing is balanced around having to find another survivor and dedicating 16 seconds to heal.

    CoH + all the healing buffs made it so that healing yourself in that time or faster is normal and the game quickly falls apart if you keep buffing up and adding new perks that are better than the old.

    Nerfing is often times the best way to keep the game at a relatively stable level

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    I mean when the 'follow-up' patch-notes consist of visual and aesthetic changes for the biggest portion of the update, do you really think they've used much foresight into how these changes will affect the game negatives? Or even displayed care for what they've done?

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    By creating perks and buffs that not only help with camping and tunneling themselves, but also providing killer buffs that incentivize not camping and tunneling.

    The amount of tunneling and camping that actually happens is a lot less than the amount that people say it's happening. Because it's easier to remember that 1 game where you got camped at 5 gens, than it is to recall the 9 other games where it didn't, because those matches were the norm.

    By incentivizing playing in different ways, the killers that didn't want to but felt the need to camp and tunnel won't feel the need to add much.

    Is this going to eliminate tunneling in camping? No. The ones who want to do it intentionally will always find a way. That's just the truth

    The day you figure out a way to actually eliminate tunneling and camping, go ahead and give Activision and riot and all those other developers a call. Because I'm sure they'd like to have a word lol

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    They've been buffing other perks for ages and they've still been ignored unless it's something extremely obnoxious like what they did to boil over.

    If they just did more of that + some very mild nerfs to the top perks it would do nothing. It would still be BT/DS/IW/DH, forever and ever

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,740

    Yeah, I was just exaggerating. Good riddance for Dead Hard. And it'll still have its uses now, it won't feel quite as cheap if you get Dead Harded. But I think it'll not see much use since it'll basically only be useful once a match.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    How you bait it out distance? The main problem is that they do their pallet route and when they reach the pallet they cant reach press E to enjoy a pallet stun on the killer. No perk should fix any mistake on anny side specially survivors.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Dead Hard was nerfed significantly, so yes, it's 5 nerfed Meta Perks.


    Significant Buffs to Killer perks

    1. Overcharge - Added 75% - 200% regression speed. (200% is the exact same speed the most used Killer slowdown perk, Hex Ruin, has. Plus, you can't get rid of Overcharge by destroying a hex totem. This is a significant buff). This is definitely a meta perk.
    2. Lethal Pursuer - Already a great perk. 2 extra seconds is a significant buff. This is definitely a meta perk.
    3. Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain - Amazing Buff. This will probably end up being a meta perk.
    4. Thanatophobia - Amazing buff. This will be a meta perk. (But to be honest, this one will probably get nerfed).
    5. Eruption - I've always been a fan of Eruption so maybe I'm biased but this buff will probably put it in meta territory also. (Again, I'm biased and run Eruption alot already)

    Insignificant Buffs to Killer perks

    1. Knock-Out - Not sure why this was buffed, seems like a perk to annoy survivors with.
    2. Coulrophobia - Waste of time Buff
    3. Dark Devotion - It will be something I use once in a while. Really just niche.
    4. Jolt - This could be a nasty buff but I'm not sure (I definitely see potential and have used Jolt before). I'll put it into Insignificant.
    5. Monstrous Shrine - This is like the Saboteur change, seems mostly useless. However, this is a much better buff than the one to Saboteur, which is really a waste of time buff.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Most I agree with you but overcharge. That perk was going to be a meta perk before they nerfed it to the ground before it even got to live. The fact it starts a 75% and takes 12s to get to normal regression speed kills that perk. Like I agree with others that it was overbuffed in the ptb but they nerfed it to much. What they should had done was lower the ceiling to 200% from 400% and left it starting at 100% or just made it not be able to stack with CoB. Now for you to get any value out of overcharge you going to have to run it with CoB. So yeah I wouldn't call overcharge a significant buff/meta perk after they have changed it from ptb.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Again, I may be biased, because I love using Overcharge with Oppression. But even without that combo, you get 2.5% regression for kicking the gen, 5% more regression if the skill check is missed and on top of that, you get the 75% - 200% regression for free.

    With all the synergies that Overcharge has, I think people are seriously underestimating how strong a slowdown perk it will be. Also, think about all the global buffs that killers got that will interact with all the slowdown perks. 200% - 400% is broken for Overcharge and my guess is the developers saw that and nerfed it and that seems like a big nerf. However, my own person opinion, I think it still will be one of the best slowdown perks in this new meta.

    Now Hex:Ruin will probably always be the most perk efficient slowdown perk ever. So it does suck losing it. But, the global killer buffs with the "new" slowdown perks will probably be oppressive.

  • Confused_Senpai
    Confused_Senpai Member Posts: 60

    okay following your logic, Noed fixes full game mistakes by providing instant downs, Bloodwarden fixes full game mistakes by literally blocking off the exits I could go on and on about perks for killers that fix killer mistakes dead hard isn't the only ability that fixes mistakes being made. ROFLMAO

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Lethal Pursuer got something that helps OTHER perks. Does it have a use now? Maybe! Is this another case of "this is a killer perk that needs a second perk to work correctly"? SURE IS! Boy, there's so many of those things, it's getting exhausting.

    Thanataphobia went up by 0.5% per stack. That is NOTHING. How are so many survivor players losing their minds over a maximum of a 2% action speed penalty? The only killers who use Thanataphobia are the ones who can very quickly spread damage around (Plague, Legion). For everybody else, the survivors heal up way too quickly for those penalties to stay in place. This is N O T H I N G

    Overcharge gained a regression feature, but that got immediately nerfed. Currently, it is WORSE than not using it if you're not running Call of Brine with it. You flat-out get less regression. AND they didn't fix the core problem of "the skill check doesn't actually stop survivors from tapping gens like it was originally designed to." This had the most promise and got gutted. It's trash.

    But these are all weak perks that were buffed to try to get people to use them. Survivors got those too. I was just talking about meta perk changes. Of which, Killers got mega-shafted, while Survivors got a handful of hits, some gentle reworks, and a hilariously over-generous buff (for no reason).

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Survivors only got 1 perk buffed to meta status, OTR. And it worse than current DS and BT because it deactivates at EGC. Sure the time for the endurance effect is long (which I wouldn't be surprised if that gets nerfed), but that survivor can't work gens so it's a 0-sum game at that point. As long as that survivor isn't working gens, then you are golden as a killer.

    If you remove all the perks that you don't think will be meta perks, then you still have 2 meta perks. However, you are wrong on Overcharge, that will be one of the most used perks in the game after this patch.

    Lethal Purser will also be one of the most used perks after this patch. (I already see Lethal Purser almost every game now). Being able to reduce gen speeds by 1/4 by immediately getting into a chase is significant.

    And lets not forgot to mention the global buffs all killers got.

    1. Faster Bloodlust
    2. 2.5% gen regression on kick
    3. 10% faster attacking
    4. 10% faster pallet breaking
    5. 12.5% extra gen time

    That's a massive amount of buffs that all work together multiplicatively.

    Killers did not get shafted on this patch at all. I'll honestly be surprised if a lot of these killer buffs are reverted. I do know this, I'm not playing solo-survivor and I won't be playing SWF until after everything calms down. I plan to play solely killer instead of half/half because these juicy buffs aren't going to last.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    I do say you're biased for overcharge is clouding your view on how strong it going to be after the patch and how much it's going to be used. Yes, overcharge will be pretty strong against solo newer players but when you get into higher mmr brackets you going to see less and less value from it. Good players with a decent amount of hours will hit that skill check more often or not and you see more SWF who won't leave gen unattended for more than a few seconds after being kicked. The only killer who will mostly get the most value is doctor since his base kit power can make skill checks harder to hit but other killers won't be about to use the perk all that well. Also, a lot of players don't like kicking gens all that often and I don't see that mindset changing even with the base kit buffs they doing to the killer. I feel you just see more passive slowdown perks being used like Deadlock, Pain Res, Thana, No way out, Gift of Pain, etc over gen kicking perks like overchange, pop, and Eruption. I just don't see overcharge being a highly used perk without combining it with CoB or something.

  • Rise432
    Rise432 Member Posts: 162

    no cause people would still run the same meta perks they ran for 7 years, only difference is there would be 2 or 3 more combos to do

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    I mean this seems a little overdramatic.

    Sure, DS is worse than it was previously. 3 seconds could probably be changed to 4 comfortably. But, that doesn't mean DS is completely useless. It's still one of the only perks that can turn the killer picking you up to an escape with no help from your teammates. If you go down in a dead zone with DS maybe it's not a problem if you go down immediately? Realistically, you'll probably go down at a pallet or at a locker. With the DS nerf, you might also find killers less likely to respect DS and then you hit them with it. Currently, DS is so common that every killer just assumes you have it and slugs you for a minute rendering the perk mostly useless without some help. It's still a solid perk that provides a strong benefit. It's maybe not S tier anymore but it's still strong. The only other perk combination that can really do the same is Flip Flop/Power Struggle/Unbreakable and that still doesn't work if you don't go down at a pallet and it doesn't work if the killer picks up immediately.

    Yea, it's pretty useless against Nurse. A lot of perks are useless against Nurse.

    Ruin is still going to be powerful. It's the only perk in the game that regresses gens automatically without having to actively drop chase. All of the kicking perks usually require you to drop chase or get no use from them. You also potentially go to a part of the map with no survivors. Ruin allows you to hook someone, start a chase, and then it automatically regresses the generator of a person who goes for the save or it forces them to stick to the gen to complete it before saving (giving you more time and pressure). Is it worse? Yes absolutely. Nuked? That's a huge overexaggeration. It will still be a solid and useful perk. Remember, generator times are increased to 90 seconds and the time on hook is not. Currently, if you hook someone, they have to complete their current generator and run to the hook in 60 seconds, but the generator takes 80 seconds. If they have been working on the generator longer than say ~30 seconds they can probably finish it before saving. Now it's ~40 seconds which is HUGE.

    Are these perks weaker and people will potentially choose to run other perks? Yes and yes! That's the point! If it turns out that they made a mistake and it's too weak to the point where nobody uses it according to their statistics, it'll get buffed.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Many meta perks needed a nerf. Not to be made so terrible nobody will run them.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,282

    If, after the nerfs, they were still viable and good... why would anyone stop using them?

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    When I see someone say this I can't help to think "Why not just delete them from the game then?" If you want ppl to stop using these perks I would rather see them either completely reworked or just deleted. I personally don't like the idea of perks being made completely useless to make ppl stop using them. I agree the meta needed a change but I just don't like the idea behind the changes they made. X is useless now and Y going to replace X. Then in few years Y is going to be made useless for Z to replace Y. I rather see all perks being somewhat useful and have a lot of options when it comes to build/loadout making.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,282

    Because they still need to exist...?

    Besides, X isn't being made useless so Y can replace it. X is being made dramatically less useful so that you can pick between Y, Z, B, H, or U without feeling like you're giving up on the strongest available tools.

    (There are a handful of one to one replacements, like OTR for DS, but for the most part there's variety in your available options.)

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    Terrible game design It's gonna be so unfun to play on both sides

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    You said in your last post that if they were still viable ppl would still use them. So if they are nerfed to be not viable then they are useless. At least that is how I see it. Either way, I honestly don't care that much I just don't agree with this way of balancing. To me, all perks no matter what they are should be viable and offer some usefulness. The nerf to meta perks kinda goes against this since they are making them more or less not viable so why then why should they exist?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,282

    They need to be made weaker, that doesn't mean they're useless. Most of them are still usable, they're just explicitly no longer the strongest options, because if they were even close this would be a failure.

    If you have nothing else to use, or you're doing an adept, they'll still do something. Hell, I don't think any of them outside of maybe Ruin and Self-Care are even all that bad, most of them are still "fine".

  • VideoGameMage
    VideoGameMage Member Posts: 358

    Y'all did more than reduce the strength of some the perks. Y'all straight up nuked them. Some of them didn't even deserve it. Iron will, self care, spine chill, calm spirit (that useless buff is more of a nerf because of the speed debuff), ruin (might as well be a non hex perk now), pop are all so bad.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I think you're confusing viability and meta. Are these perks going to be the meta? No. Are they going to still be viable? Absolutely. They each still have their uses, they're just more of niche and specialized uses rather than catch all perks that can be used in every match.

    The difference between the average and the meta currently was so massive that nothing outside of completely broken perks was touching it. So yes, they had to be nerfed in a way that doesn't place them higher than every other perk. Otherwise nobody would stop using them for other things. Now they're still viable, but in certain builds or situations other perks might be better.

    But everyone is under the assumption that because something got 'nerfed' that it means it's completely useless. When many of the perks that were nerfed had just been over performing for a long time, so much so that they were ran in every build in every match, and needed to be changed.

    Take a game like league of legends. You can practice a certain champ and be really good with them, and win just as consistently as you would a "meta" champ. The difference where the meta comes into play is in high and pro levels of play. Because they're all extremely skilled at the game and are mostly on the same levels skill wise, so they have to take every advantage they can over their opponent. But that's all they are, small advantages. They just increase the chance of winning slightly when skill is on pretty even ground.

    DBD is a lot of the same way. I can take a trapper or a clown, or a survivor with no perks or addons and still have the possibility of 4king or escaping. Perks just increase the chance of achieving that end goal. But all killers and builds can be viable.

    But the problem is that the meta was so strong that it was removing a lot of the skill aspect, and should've been changed a long time ago. Hopefully we'll start seeing more changes like this that shake up the meta more consistently to where people don't grow too attached to the one build for too long.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    You could change the meta without having to adjust every perk.

    Make gen kicking and regression meaningful then killer's wouldn't need to tunnel/nuke/camp to stop gens getting done. Then survs wouldn't need 3, 2nd chance perks.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Because hopefully they also buffed other perks to be inclined with the power of the nerfed ones? Let's face it. There's alot of bad perks in this game and there shouldn't be any. Something as atrocious as new Self Care or Calm Spirit should never have made it to live.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,282

    Self-Care was shockingly bad already, and people still used it. That one needed to be gutted even if all others didn't, because people still insisted on using it for some godforsaken reason.

    Calm Spirit was intended to be a buff, to be fair. Not a nerf.

    And, y'know, they did? They did buff other perks to make them more attractive, on top of the multitude of perks that are nice and provide clear value but couldn't compete with the power creep of the current meta.