Help Me Understand Some of the Perk Changes

So, I've read the 6.1.0 update in its entirety. I had a few questions regarding a few of the perk changes. Some things were just not as clear as I'd like them to be, so I figured I would engage the community. Help my two brain cells process the following changes xD:
Iron Will -Reduced the grunts of pain volume reduction to 25/50/75% (was 50/75/100%) Added: Does not function while Exhausted. Does not inflict Exhausted.
The issue I see here is...I regularly use Iron Will with Sprint Burst. However, once I've used my Sprint Burst I am in the exhausted status. The time Iron Will comes in best is when you're injured trying to escape the killer. For example, killer slaps me while on a gen, I sprint burst away, and find some cover around an object. This is where I would want Iron Will to come in. If I'm exhausted, Iron Will won't activate...meaning I'm still moaning Myrtle. Most of the advantages I get from Sprint Burst is 99ing it when exhausted and using it to clutch certain situations. There's no more synergy with Sprint Burst...unless you just want to walk everywhere constantly...which the only time I'm not running is usually on a gen. Soooooooo...that being said, my question is: Does it mean exhausted by means of a killer status effect like from fearmonger or does this also mean survivor exhausted status.
Lucky Break - Added: For each 1 second spent healing another Survivor, increase Lucky Break's duration by 1 second. Lucky Break's duration cannot increase beyond its starting value.
I've had trouble understanding Lucky Break from the start. However, at tier 3 Lucky Break activates for 60 seconds. So, my confusion will this increase its duration if the starting value is 60 seconds, and you can't gain more than the starting value...this has confused me. Again, I'm not sure I understand how the perk works in terms of duration in maybe I'm just smooth brain.
No One Left Behind - Now triggers when the Exit Gates are powered (was triggered when an Exit Gate was opened) added: When unhooking a Survivor, they gain a 7% movement bonus for 10 seconds.
At the beginning of the patch notes it states that when a survivor is unhooked, they get 7% movement speed and endurance (BT) for 5 seconds. Does this mean that No One Left Behind will give you 7% movement speed for 15 seconds altogether? Just looking for clarification on that.
Off the Record Added: Once you are unhooked or escape from the hook, Off the Record activates for 60/70/80 seconds. Gain the Endurance status effect
Okay...what xD? This one is confusing, because it looks like you have at max... endurance effect (BT) for 80 seconds. Now...if you pair this with borrowed time from the person who saves you and add the free BT given to survivors with the update...that's a total of 95 Seconds of Borrowed Time....that's a lot of Borrowed Time xD. Am I reading this right? I don't think I'm understanding something.
Self-Care - Reduced the self-heal speed to 25/30/35% (was 50%). Removed Med-Kit efficiency bonus
No question about Self-Care...just watching it take L after L each update...I just wanted to say
I can answer some of these!
Lucky Break has a total duration. Say you get injured and run away from the killer, losing them due to being very stealthy, and then heal up straight away- say that takes about 20 seconds Lucky Break's timer then pauses. Next time you're injured, you'll have the remaining 40 seconds of Lucky Break. It's a timer that ticks down while you're injured, not an effect duration each time you get hit, if that makes sense? With this new change, you'll be able to refill the timer, like putting sand back in an hourglass' top bulb.
Off The Record has its effects cancelled if you perform what's called a "Conspicuous Action" - basically, the same actions that deactivate Decisive Strike. So technically you can get 95 seconds of Endurance, but you would have to never touch a generator, start healing someone, touch a totem, etc etc. Realistically you'll be getting much less than the full 80 seconds of Endurance there.
As for Iron Will, I doubt it'll make a distinction. If you're Exhausted, it turns off, regardless of the source.
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When it comes to OTR I figured it would only be one hit since that's how BT works. How come you don't get the 5 seconds of free BT when saved off the hook and the 10 seconds from max BT from someone who saves you with the perk. To me, that would seem like the total seconds would be 95 seconds. That's a lot of time to play around with regardless of if you can only take one hit from it.
In terms of lucky break...thanks for explaining that to me. I was thinking that it was like any other perk that had a cooldown and just automatically reset. So, Like, When I run around with Sprint Burst eventually after not running for a while it activates back at its 60 seconds. This is how I was thinking Lucky Break worked. Tbh...I just never really used any of Yui's perks besides Any Means Necessary.
Thanks tho :)
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That's how I was thinking OTR would work. That's a lot of BT from off the would render the actual Borrowed Time useless. Like...why use a perk that gives you 10 seconds of BT when you can just run OTR and guarantee yourself at least 90 seconds of borrowed time. No one would ever need to run BT. They would just need to run OTR as base kit.
As for Iron Will...this is just a bummer to me...this means Iron Will has no synergy with exhaustion perks anymore...and that's where it was at it's strongest to be honest. I've been running Sprint Burst since the dawn of just...breaks my heart 😭😭
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OTR does keep it's aura blocking and grunts of pain suppression as well. Not sure if those go away (but guessing it does) when you do a conspicuous action.
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So, it's BT, Iron Will, and Distortion in one perk xD? That's what it sounds like :P.
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Yes, it is. Currently it is an underrated ninja perk.
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BT currently works during the endgame whereas OTR does not.
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I copied the OTR update straight from the patch notes into my post. I didn't see where it said "does not work during end game collapse" is that in recent patch notes or something?
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Recent dev update said that OTR will not function once the gates are powered when the update hits live.
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I mean, that makes it a bit more fair...but they've made OTR way too strong imo...80 second BT... who would have thought lol
Survivors with this new update be like:
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I feel like people focus on the 80 second of BT while forgetting it works on Decisive Strike rules.
Unless you're in the habit of doing little of value to your team while DS is up, I don't imagine Off The Record will be much different
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Look, I just read it how the update put it out. I personally, never used decisive strike. The only time I tried was in the past, but it would only let the obsession at the time use decisive strike...which led it usually being a waste of a perk slot if someone else brought it. This put me in the habit of just never using it. I don't know how I can forget how Decisive Strike works with OTR if I don't even know what you are talking about. I mean, I've never used either of those perks, so I wouldn't know how they work together. Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm focusing on what I know, yeah. So, if I don't know something, I'm not going to include it in my post.
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To quote DBZ Abridged Krillin, "woah, hostile."
I was talking about general response to Off the Record then you, specifically.
Nevertheless, I always thought Decisive Strike's rules were generally known, even if people didn't use it themselves. Once active it stays active for one minute or until you do something to progress the game (heal, work on a gen, etc), whichever comes first. Things that are now called a Conspicuous Action. This same rules apply to OTR. You have its effects for 80 seconds or until your do a Conspicuous Action (or at least endurance I'm not entirely clear myself if all the other effects are lost or not)
Hence "Borrowed Time with Decisive Strike rules"
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lol at the DBZ abridged comment xD.
Look, I'll keep it 100 with you. They've changed Decisive Strike so many times I lost track. The last time I knew what DS did was when you could bring it in a match, but only the obsession could use it. So, if you brought DS in a match and weren't the obsession it was a wasted perk slot. That was the time I was actually going to try it out since everyone hyped it up. I could never use it though, so I said eff this useless perk xD I'm going to use other perks. So, I did. I never looked back since. I don't know how it works anymore and frankly I'm 96% of the time solo queuing. So those cool head-on, flashlight locker saves, and other cool combos you see SWF do just don't work with me. It's hard to have synergy like that in a random lobby. I think if I practiced with a SWF I would know how to pull off crazy things...but as an adult it's hard to sync up times to play with my friends. They're all busy except the ones who are unemployed lol. So, there's that. I'd say my perk knowledge is extensive in some areas, but overall average.