DBD has the worst matchmaking of any game I've played

I play a fair amount of PvP games online. Some have some pretty terrible matchmaking but I can honestly say with confidence that DBD has the most unbalanced, rage inducing, dog crap matchmaking of any game I've played. I am frequently matched against survivors who can all run every tile like its comp. I don't even think it's a SWF issue, it's legitimately a lot of solo Q people too I think. I've gone roughly 6 games where every chase I get into is a no win for me. The survivor knows every loop and every pallet/window location. Even if I break chase, the next survivor I find is equally as good as the last one. How tf can you expect killer players to stick around if these are the matches they are thrown into?!
Honestly BHVR. Fix your horrendous matchmaking and the game might be playable.
For the record, I am a fairly good killer. I'm not the best, but I could usually secure 2-3 kills per game. Now I either get 1 or none at all. I've had a few games where I don't even get a hook because the survivors are playing so optimal.
It's disheartening to want to enjoy this game but I'm literally stressed out not knowing if the survivors I'm against are going to act like they are a comp team who have to sweat every single chase.
This isn't the survivors fault either, I'm not saying that. Kudos to you if you play this game non stop because you want to be THAT good at it. I blame the terrible matchmaking for putting me against players I could never hope to beat.
I agree that it's really bad. Players say they don't want a competitive mode or competitive matchmaking. Well, this is what you end up with otherwise: a system that almost entirely prioritizes queue time over match quality.
Your teammates and opponents will be more or less random. Top percentile killer players with 3k+ hrs will be rounded down and absolutely roll survivors who have 200 hrs and are in way over their heads. And vice versa with survivors against killers who don't even have tier 3 perks. And good luck if you're a good survivor who plays solo queue. You like to play meta comp style? Have fun with your 400 hr loot build teammate who has no idea where to be at any given moment and has an aversion to gens.
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I just play killer during prime hours. Because of the huge amount of survivors, I'm not getting matched against highly efficient survivors that know all the maps and can either loop or just pre drop everything every game. Playing during the day or very late at night is just punishing
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It's because of the insane role differences depending on the time of day. Late evening all the casuals, or SWF only players come online, and the killers are outnumbered in queue something like 20/1. You'll be thrown into whatever lobby can fill you in. But since there's so many mediocre survivors, the killer games on average are quite easy.
If you're playing in the morning, there's a huge surplus of killers, something like twice as many killers as surivors queueing. So again, the matchmaker throws you in wherever it can. And most of the survs playing in the morning are tryhards, so the games are super hard for killer. Also instant survivor queues + easy games.
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This has nothing to do with the Match-making, Survivors just get really good at those tiles.
There are some changes coming in next patch on Tuesday (we believe) that might help you. @JordanMalicious
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I have the same feeling lately, not like im a pro killer, but i have been playing against people that i cant simply match. Between 0-1kill in the last 20 games or so.
If im bad just give me players at my level.
I dont have the killers that have gen regresion perks and with random/casual builds i get destroyed soo hard.
As you say, just put me with people of my level.
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The devs have said they sacrificing "equal skill" matchmaking for faster queues.
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just gonna say, its sadly the truth that tunneling is now the best way to get kills
also you didnt mention what build or killer your using, i could help if i got more information on that.
it simply could be your playing a killer your not good at, is underpowered, or your running a build that isnt good
also try playing other killers, im a demo main but hes the killer i play the least because of how much ive burnt out on him, causing me to do worse in my games
and last thing, not trying to be that guy to tell you to play survivor but play survivor, it can always help you get better and also help you take a break. im a hard survivor main yet with all the techs and things i know it helps me not do dumb plays as killer, try and win a survivor game, boost your confidence and go head on into killer.
(after playing this game for 1000+ hours i realized that sometimes you just shouldnt play if you dont want to, even if your trying to grind, it can usually wait, but now with the new patch on tuesday it might not be able to if you need to prestige)
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You should try Overwatch, maybe it would give you a newfound appreciation for how great this matchmaking truly is. I feel spoiled playing DBD compared to that hell.
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And it's excruciating playing solo survivor. They've messed up two different sides & they don't care.
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You want to wait 20 minutes for a more well-balanced match?
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I wish I had this problem. Late at night (North America) all the survivors I soloQ with are terrible beginners while the killers are brutal. If I queue as killer I usually get very easy wins. During daylight hours, opposite. The survivors are competent and killers are fairly weak.
Tonight I just went off a 10 game losing streak as survivor. We never got all 5 gens done, usually not even 3.
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Overwatch has treated me FAR better matchmaking wise than DBD.
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How does this help survivors, and especially random survivors though. Solo Q (absolute bottom tier of this game, the dumpster role) gets nerfed even more in this patch.
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I've been wondering if reset on the 13th every month messes with matchmaking? Because we go from whatever rank we've reached back to Ash 4, or whatever they call it. Or does that ranking have nothing to do with matchmaking? If it doesn't then it seems like a pointless ranking system. If it does then all players of all experience levels get thrown together until the more frequent players move up in the ranks and out of the lower tiers.
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Killers underperforming and getting buffed, does not help Survivors, in fact its supposed to do the opposite of helping Survivors.
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How many play Overwatch? Google says 760 000 players. Switch the playerbase and I bet you would have a similar experience.
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Doesn't mean we can't have a better matchmaker
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Rank, or rather the new grades, have been disconnected from the matchmaking as a criterium.
They are only to show your "dedication" to the game between each month and to get rewards depending on it.
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To be fair how many of the other games you played are asymetrical 4v1's?
I think DbD matchmaking was kinda doomed from the start because of that.
It could ofcourse be a lot better. But i don't think you can realistically have both accurate and fast matchmaking with these types of games. There are just to many variables.
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We could, but its not a priority atm. The game needs to be alot more less stale before dbd can even get numbers of players worth balancing properly in mmr.
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I'd wait 5-10, sure. I don't see the point in giving a quick queue for a completely one-sided match.
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Down to earth thread. I agree with all your points. I feel the same bruh.
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I think matchmaking in OW was fine, the thing that really ruined it was smurfs.... way too many smurfs & blizzard just didnt do anything or didnt care if people made seperate accounts so thats why DPS/ mercy pockets were easy & common in the gold & plat rank.
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Someone got it right. You only want MMR to work when playing Solo Queue.
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Yup, pvp game with MMR and literally everything possible to map generation tied to RNG in one way or another.
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Absolutely it is. I play Solo Q as well and it is absolutely ludicrous how bad the games can be as a solo survivor.
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I do actually play overwatch sometimes :) Admittedly not every day, but enough. The matchmaking in Overwatch is pretty bad, but for me it is the experience of each game. In Overwatch, my team may get stomped but I'm still helping my team and getting kills in the process. I feel like in DBD, the bad games feel like a waste of my time because I made little to no progression. Personal opinion of course.
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Thanks for the well thought out answer 😄
To start, I do play survivor a fair bit, I just prefer killer as my main 👌
I play many different killers, although I have been gravitating towards the Onryo and Nemesis lately. Usually I'm a PH main. My build varies depending on what I want to do, but I always have some kind of balance between tracking and gen regression.
I have a relatively good grasp on most of the killers in the game aside from Nurse, being on console I feel hinders me a little bit when it comes to playing Nurse.
I honestly feel that the biggest factor in my aggravating games is the matchmaking. It isn't (in my opinion) an issue with my builds, it's more a massive skill gap where I'm just not at the same level as the survivors I'm playing against.
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This makes me think back to a few rare matches I had over the past few months
, during which I didn't even escape,but they were extremely close.
I felt like the matchmaking rolled the dice really well and the killer match up was great,my teammates were all on par with me and it was just an extremely exciting back and forth.
literally everyone said gg in the post game. oh god how good this game could be if the matchmaking wasn't pure garbage...
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This has aged really poorly.
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When it comes to matchmaking issues, killer games are never an issue for me. I go against teams I can't beat, but that has more to do with the game being imbalanced, not that the survivors are so much higher caliber than me.
But for solo survivor, that is the way of playing this game that has always been problematic because of the matchmaking. I'm going into matches with teammates who don't touch a gen until at least a minute in, even when they spawned on one. Their perks usually feature stuff like Urban Evasion, Plunderer's, Self-Care, just all the hallmarks of noon builds, instead of anything resembling meta. They can't loop, they can't do gens, and assuming we make it to endgame, they give the killer free kills. Sometimes you won't have teammates like this, but a lot of the time you will, even if you technically should be at high MMR because you're escaping a bunch. It feels like completely random matchmaking.
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This, 10000% this.
During games where the matchmaking works, this game is in another league. Even if i die, I still have fun and felt like I contributed to the overall enjoyment of the game. So rare those games are though.
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I know right? This game is ######### insanely good when your matches are balanced
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Ok but can you really balance dbd? remember it's assymetrical so balancing in dbd is like shooting someone and almost killing them in an fps, but they don't have a gun. and you have to make sure they're having a good time.
you can't compare it to anything! across the board all assymetrical games ex. evil dead, vhs, propnight, currently have unbalanced matchmaking. if dbd were to fix this issue they'd have to get creative such as matching people by perks, the solution will never be matching people based on skill, time and time again that has shown not to work in dbd, or any assymetrical game.
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They will never be able to perfectly balance it but expecting a better match making system than what we currently have is like...bare minimum. If people are content with the current system I feel like they are matching perfectly most of the time or they have low standards. Either way, I expect a game I play to have at least competent matchmaking and right now, DBD doesn't have that imo.