Question about the Shadow Dance Wraith Addon "fix"

"Fixed an issue that caused the Wraith's "Shadow Dance" - White add-on to increase the locker opening speed while cloaked."
Wasn't that intended? I thought that it always said that it increases locker opening speed or am I going insane? And why only the green rarity one, when the purple one does the same (increasing locker opening speed by 60% while cloaked)?
It did have a effect and a text to match including lockers. Any dev will tell you it was a "bugfix" but no it was stated in the description and had a in game effect. It was nerfed. That was all there is to it.
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Yeah, I'm baffled that they removed that. This isn't the first time I've seen this come up, and I would have sworn it used to be in the description. It was definitely a universally understood part of the addon.
It's such a strange thing to remove besides. It confers almost no advantage and is easily the least impactful part of that addon line. Mostly it was just really funny to watch a Wraith with Iron Maiden and Shadow Dance yeet someone out of a locker at light speed.
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I just looked up footage of my recordings I made during the 6th anniversary event. Turns out it really did not say it on the card. I would have wished that they would have just written it on the card instead of removing the effect, since wraith is already in a mediocre spot and the "opening lockers faster" aspect was never EVER the strong point of the addon :/
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It definitely used to, though. It was removed a while after 2.2.0 released, but I can absolutely confirm that it used to affect locker opening speeds.
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Heres from a wraith video a year ago
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That for sure! In my footage I also open lockers really fast, so that was still in there even during the 6th anniversary event, but I thought that it still said so on the addon card itself. I will miss this great effect, it was really fun grabbing Dwights at hyper-speed out of a locker.