How are survivor games? Are they bad?

I can't play at the moment because I'm currently doing something but how is the game from survivors. Are they good or bad?
I wouldn't know...
Been matchmaking for 10 minutes... they have the BP bonus as well... and apparently "if they have a bloodpoint bonus, they will have quicker matchmaking".
Just closed down the game.
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Oh dang that's not good
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All 5 games played back to back in solo. 100% bonus BP to survivor (I started with <1000 bp). After 5 games Im at 600k bp and 3 escapes out of 5 games. Huntress & Clown tried to camp and failed miserably.
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Seems the exact same, just played 4 Solo Qs and it felt like normal. Although you can definitely tell that gen speeds are noticeably slower though.
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Was Prove Thyself buffed? It's at 15% now
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After 5 games in solo survivor I've earnt 600K bp. Feels pretty good I'm not gonna lie. Games can be rough though.
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Prove thyself wasnt touched, it's been at 15% for awhile now
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Lot of DC
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At first pretty bad. Nemmies/nurses and blight with 4 slowdowns. Then a few ok matches.
only play soloQ.
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Played three games so far. First game the killer DC'd, second game a survivor DC'd at five gens, and the third game I was hard tunneled out of the game at five gens.
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double DC and 13k bp WITH the bonus in my first game so its gonna be a long day haha.
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Killer: instant lobbies = no Bonus
Survivors: waiting times = Bonus
I thought the bonus comes when there are not enough players
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Even with thr basekit changes you were still tunneled? Was your other teammates helpful?
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Don't you think tunneling at 5 gens a bit much?
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Ehh, they did try to help but wasn't the best at it, but I didn't play great myself either though.
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I would say that now survs cant be fooling around
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Well believe it or not its not tge same 2 gens 4 persons that 2 gens 3 persons.
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I got tunnelled out of a game in the solo queue for using off the record and lucky break, killer literally said it in the end game.
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I'm jealous of the people escaping. Every game since the patch has gone this way:
Pop maybe one gen
Killers tunnel and camp still
All 4 die
Rinse X Repeat
Of course, I have noticed that killers have been notoriously campy and tunnely since the anniversary event. This caused me to take a break, so my MMR might be lower. But teammates are (sort of?) helping a bit, but seem allergic to gens. Meanwhile, all the killer has to do is tunnel out of the game until the last person dies.