Slugging for the 4K question for survivors

amaru1 Member Posts: 40
edited February 2019 in General Discussions
If a killer slugs for a 4K and there’s 3 gens left and you see the killer standing around the slugged survivors body waiting for you to help what do you do? I’ve been playing this game a long time and this obviously happens a lot. I just had a game with a wraith 3 gens left and just me and another survivor because 2 of our teammates disconnected. I managed to get her up once and she immediately got downed again and I was able to get away. With how many gens were left and how easily she was going down I just let her die instead of going for the bait. Then she raged at me afterwards SURVIVORS what do you do in this situation? 

I ask because they act like in that situation I did something so horrible, I don’t know. When I’m slugged I usually want the other to just get out if there’s a good chance we won’t both make it out 


  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    amaru1 said:
    If a killer slugs for a 4K and there’s 3 gens left and you see the killer standing around the slugged survivors body waiting for you to help what do you do? I’ve been playing this game a long time and this obviously happens a lot. I just had a game with a wraith 3 gens left and just me and another survivor because 2 of our teammates disconnected. I managed to get her up once and she immediately got downed again and I was able to get away. With how many gens were left and how easily she was going down I just let her die instead of going for the bait. Then she raged at me afterwards SURVIVORS what do you do in this situation? 
    Unless you have a syringe insta heal on hand I suggest doing gens and staying away, it's very rare to see a killer camp a downed body but if they are chances are that survivor did something to earn it 
  • Giddawid
    Giddawid Member Posts: 102

    A lot of the time it is dependent on the situation. I've thrown pebbles before, made noise in other areas, and the killer isn't budging off of that downed survivor. At that point, risking your life becomes a fool's errand rather than a heroic save. Also, taking into account whether or not that survivor can run the killer like you can is something to consider. If I'm running Unbreakable and I know that they could buy me enough time, then trading out the slug could be worth it for you to have the chance to get back up with the perk.

    Ultimately, it is a judgement call a lot of the time. I try not to get upset when survivors don't save me, as everyone is at different experience levels, and also they might have seen something that you didn't. The raging at you afterwards is where she has clearly not looked at it objectively, and I wouldn't take it to heart <3 It sounds like you did all you could.

  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @Giddawid thank you. She said she was reporting me for unsportsmanlike behavior. 
  • Giddawid
    Giddawid Member Posts: 102

    @amaru1 Reports are viewed on a case by case basis, so we can take into account the entire situation. I wouldn't worry about it :) I'd be happy as a slugged survivor if I bought you enough time to escape. That means I did the best I could for the team at that point, but not everybody sees it like that, which I understand.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2019

    If the killer was watching him that close you're "supposed" to just go work on gens.

    That said, let's be real honest here. 90% of my games that third guy will just DC to give the 4th guy the free hatch. Even in those small amount of match where the 3rd guy doesn't DC, that 4th isn't even gonna think about touching a generator. He just goes off and sits on the opposite side of the map waiting for him to die so he can take the hatch.

    This is the sorry state of end game we're in.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019

    I leave them to die.

    Sometimes they rage, sometimes they crawl and seek you out knowing the killer is following them, sometimes the killer will pick them up, get them to reveal your location so they work together to get you killed - this happens a lot.

    Why? because I'm not stupid enough to take the bait? if I see the killer run to the other side of the map looking for me then I'll help but I'm not stupid enough to attempt it when the killer is hovering nearby keeping an eye on them.

    Then the killers get salty that you didn't take the bait and work with the other survivor to get you killed. It's so toxic. That's when it's disconnect time.

    For the record if this happens to me and I get slugged, and the other survivor has done a decent job then I lead the killer far away. Normally to a random locker on the other side of the map so that I can help that other person live.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    I do gens, watch, and wait for an opening. 

    If I can get an opening, I'll wave the survivor over, and heal them, or go heal them. 
    If they're being camped, there isn't much I can do.
  • perotx
    perotx Member Posts: 77
    edited February 2019

    Do gens, wait for them to crawl far away from each other, and then help. It depends on the situation though.

    What would other survivors do? DC, of course. I had a killer game recently where I already had 2 sacrifices and I slugged the third, and he DC'd to give the last one the hatch. He said I was slugging for a 4k and he "wasn't gonna let that happened." Pretty pathetic, if you ask me.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    I will do a gen far away to spawn the hatch if there is enough time and look for it, keeping an eye out to see if i can get a sneaky save but there is no point in both of you dying and giving that killer what they want out of it.

    Playing smart isn't bad it's common sense to not try and save where both of you will end up sacrificed.
  • amaru1
    amaru1 Member Posts: 40
    @The_Crusader yeah I’ve had them work against me like that when I don’t take the bait ! It’s pretty toxic. I guess I felt a little guilty but not so much now. Thanks.