Prestige Dodging...

I don't have a lot of Survivors levelled to max - Just the old meta squad.
I've noticed that people are dodging me like mad if I pick someone I haven't prestiged, yet....
Anyone else having a similar experience?
I'd remove it if I could T_T
Wait they put prestiges in the main lobby? Why would they do that?
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I imagine the opposite will also start to occur where if a killer sees prestige 50+ they are leaving the lobby
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They did so everyone will dodge lvl 1 solo teammates. Another win for solo Q players.
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I thought they learned from last time putting levels and prestiges in lobby makes it a dodge fest..
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The previous time "was a bug and not intended".
Now the "bug" is here to stay. BHVR logic.
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It amazes me we've come full circle, instead of ranks being shown in lobby it's now prestige, because for some reason that's important but the killer's ping to server isn't?
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I'm in a lobby (as killer) with two 10, one 3 and one 1. Half "console", half Steam. Nobody is dodging.
edit: and the "1" has rage-quit, the "3" died without me even noticing and the two 10s managed as good as they could in these conditions (even if I gave a lot of lee-way after the DC). So I wouldn't blame the 10s for not wanting that experience again.
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Imagine getting prestige ratings visible, which mean nothing with the perk unlock changes, and people using it as a way of picking and choosing teammates.
...but killers can't see if there's an swf in the group because they might lobby shop.
This has been an obligatory elephant in the room us vs them argument, feel free to ignore it.
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My survivor wait is too long to dodge people based on prestige. Will say I've had quite a few 0 prestige teammates that are making me question the matchmaking. 1 prestige seem fine but the 0s mostly have only had a couple yellow perks and play like they are new.
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Showing prestige is a mistake, plain and simple.
I have no particular issue playing against SWFs : when they don't gen-rush they are often giving me funny or interesting games. (So, put that into any potential "bias" from me.) But if SWFs are displayed, they'll be dodged 24/7 and that will not be good for the game.
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the point was their inconsistency in logic. I don't even want to weigh in on the subject, just making an observation in as impartial of a manner as possible since it was bound to be brought up with how contradictory their reasonings are for why things are(n't) changed.
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Lol,imagine joining a lobby as killer with 4 prestige 0 default survivors and they last second switch to their fancy prestige 100 character :O
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I'm not surprised. Similar things happened when they let survivors see each other's ranks a while back.
Grey/brown loads in?
But at the same time, part of me sympathizes with them. Solo queue can already be torture.
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I didn't realize. I'm only hoping they can disable this ASAP.
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I'm sure they will if it becomes something people experience a lot, but its not like they could have had the foresight to prevent it from being an issue in the first place. That was their excuse for not making a similarly impacting decision in the past, after all. like always.
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Prestiges I think should be hidden honestly because its gonna cause lobby dodging
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I'm having an hard time imagining they didn't thought about this possibility. It's the nature of the beast.
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They really need to hire someone with ADHD or an anxiety disorder, because naming oversights has become a kneejerk reaction to how often they completely overlook aspects of their own game with each decision. You could do bingo drawings with it.
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Yeah sure show it at the end but not in the lobby. It's just going to cause dodging on both sides. I suppose survivors already suicide on hook for the slightest 'offence' so maybe getting it out of the way may be an okay idea but yeah nah.
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If I see someone with no prestige level and default cosmetics.. I'm just gonna assume they're new, so I get why they'd dodge. Had a claudette that absolutely shouldn't have been matched with me, no prestige and default cosmetics.. they were new. Sometimes assumptions are correct. Most of the people I've been matched with are P9-10, a few being P3, and a couple being P0. Both of the P0s were new with default cosmetics.
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It's called MMM...
Manual Match Making...