Really bad killers are getting 4ks and its okay.

Behavior will adjust its ... behavior. If I'm cautious and play proper hide and seek, things are fine except against the usual busted killers. When I try to showboat and be obnoxious, I get hammered.
I get it, it was fun to bully killers. It was fun to do outlandish dumb things. Now you kinda have to respect them for a change.
While it may have been fun to bully, I don't think the killer thought it was fun (may be wrong, though) and you always should've respected the killers as they are the big bads, but sometimes the game get Clicky SWF's and suddenly they're the big bads.
15 -
I don't think the fact that you used to bully inexperienced killers is something to brag about.
35 -
It's not okay... making one class rather useless simply because you wanted bad killers to look good is not okay. We have been getting 4kd in solo Q by awful killers.
26 -
It used to feel like a struggle to get 4k and I would sweat my ass off. It was really nice being able to relish a win that I barely got.
Now, Killer feels like easy mode. A lot of the challenge isn't there anymore, and I do not need to put the same effort in that I used to. I seriously have played 2 hours of killer today, and not once did I get anything less than a 4k (barring the survivors I gave hatch to, ofc).
10 -
So, hear me out. I went in both in solo queue and in a 4 man today. Obviously the 4 man was easier, but none of us used exhaustion perks or other second chances (cause we don't need them), and in solo queue I only really brought BT as a second chance, with Aftercare, Botany and Desperate Measures. This has been my solo queue build with a while. Solo queue felt largely the same as before.
What's really going on here is, survivors lost their ultra safe and free second chance perks (aka - dead hard), along with things like the ability to just nullify a killers 2 second gen kick with the tap of a button mid chase...and now what's showing is that many, many survivors aren't as good as they thought they were.
33 -
Wow...the hypocrisy of a survivor saying that
3 -
hypocrisy? What is? Being able to land two hits in less than 10 seconds? That for sure is... haha
1 -
awful survivors deserves to get 4kd by awful killers, which wasn't the case in past.
6 -
I am still escaping just like i did before. Its honestly funny tbh. The amount of people who have 6 years of using DH all of a sudden losing it and not knowing how to loop is unreal. You can tell who needed the DH crutch.
5 -
And I agree, totally. But now you have the case where good or decent survivors still get killed by awful killers because they changed the mechanics to allow this. For example, I just played a game versus the Huntress. She was axing people and taking them down with the hatchet in less than 10 seconds simply because the cooldown between hits is reduced, the distance a surv gets after a hit is reduced and some maps are awfully designed with dead spaces.
1 -
Can we not turn the thread into an us vs them? They have a right to comment about how their survivor experience feels without it being hypocrisy.
8 -
Map issue, also that's been the case against huntress all the time when you get close to her.
0 -
I played a bunch of Devour Hope Ghostface and some big terror radius Clown tonight. I played about 10 games and there wasn't one person teabagging or clicky clickying at all during the game. 1 guy teabagged at the exit gates and he was the only one who escaped that game lol (all gens done beforehand). A lot of the arrogance went down with the removal of Dead Hard and the killer buffs lmao
5 -
THIS! DH was such a strong perk that it consistently boosted a lot of survivors to higher MMR brackets then they actually belonged, without ever needing to learn how to loop properly.
DH was actually a crutch for a lot of players, and without it their lack of skills are showing now. On the other hand killers are getting now a lot of hits and downs that were negated with DH, but that under normal circumstances should have been there's. A lot of survivors just had no idea how much validated DH boosted their performance.
But people will adapt and many will learn how to loop properly now; which I don't mind, looping can be fun when you get a fair chance to get your hits in when the survivors make a mistake. I faced a squad earlier with 4 Lithe, but that didn't bother me at all. They got away a few times, at others I was able so close the gap pretty soon, but it all happened at once and not some 40s into a chase.
I encountered a single DH user and he landed his parrt, but that was ok, too. The whole game feels less oppressive for the killer now, and it was sorely needed.
14 -
It truly is amazing how many people said survivor meta wasn't unfair or a crutch but just look at everyone on these forums complaining about how OP killers are now and how they are constantly dying. Guess what homie, maybe killer isn't to good maybe you just had no business in the MMR you were carried to by extremely busted perk combos. Game isn't balanced around you having 4 hook states and 3 health states while also making no sounds at all.
13 -
In a world without dead hard suddenly the "bad" killers are winning. Imagine that.
17 -
Yeah it's actually a really good time to clean up any old Killer challenges anyone has skipped. I have skipped some and I'm breezing through them right now.
1 -
I think it's more about survivors can't bully killers for eternity without doing gen.
13 -
It's funny you assume everyone used DH...
8 -
Just as a personal anecdote - I didn't get looped by a single survivor tonight. I don't mean that I won every loop, I mean that survivors weren't even attempting to stick to loops. Its a ton of folks getting caught out either trying to get from a gen to a safe area or getting caught out trying to chain tiles and not being able to make the distance.
I think there's going to be a harsh adjustment period, but it was kind of eye-opening to me. I suspect things will feel less one-sided when these tools start to be leveraged again.
2 -
So you're telling me that it's fine that every killer who crossed a certain threshold of skill is now just winning every game? My games as killer were so easy that I stopped after 4 games because I felt bad. They couldn't even do something.
BTW I won most of my matches before the patch when I tryharded. Doesn't matter which killer. Yeah there are strong swfs but those are rare. This patch was for the baby killers who cried on the forums every day. They just needed to nerf Dead Hard and maybe DS and that would be fine. If you can't win then you don't deserve to win, go practice!
6 -
"If you can't win then you don't deserve to win"? so you wanna say all survivors complaints are invalid now?
1 -
That was sorta the experience I and a lot of others got. Obviously not EVERYONE used it, but damn nearly so. But maybe the mounting and staggering amount of survivors suddenly dashing forward to a save palette or vault or through me and my hits was all visual bugs? Who knows?
6 -
All I see on the forums today are killer players laughing and saying: ''I can easily 4k every match using wraith and playing with one hand'' maybe SWF squads are fine but this was a nerf that impacted solo queue the hardest...
3 -
I, for example, only levelled up David when he "became" gay to use him with the new shirt he was given in the pass xD
0 -
i played one game of wraith with overcharge + eruption + pop + shadow dance and they couldn't even finish a single gen. Sure MMR is all over the place right now because of so many players trying out the changes but yeah... guess killer is the easy role now
2 -
I mean, when it was literally confirmed by the devs themselves that upwards of 80% of survivors used the perk, we kind of had to assume that yes, everyone ran it.
9 -
This game is still incredibly survivor-sided--even in solo queue.
I'm sorry, but the average survivor is a complete airhead. That, or they play this game with a fraction of their brain, because the game has repeatedly rewarded them for doing so.
Basic concepts like "divide and conquer/split pressure," "take aggro/play safe" or "create space/don't loop near the f'ing hook" are completely lost on 90% of the survivors I come across.
I was in a lobby earlier today where the Jake stared at me doing a gen for 30 seconds, then deliberately walked into a zombie and tanked 2 hits before urban evading into the corner. I followed him, and we wasted the next 2 minutes together as I tried to deduce if he was AI or an actual player. Jake survived for at least 8 minutes, and finished the trial with 4k bp.
We completed 4 gens, and I died on first hook. How do you think that game would have gone if our Jake had even half a brain? My poor teammates are probably crying "this patch stinks, the killer is too strong!" when the problem is clearly not the killer.
This was an extreme example, but I see player behavior just as egregious on a daily basis.
Survivor is still a joke, and those that struggle to learn simple concepts should not be catered to. Learn how to play the game.
9 -
Nothing you can do about it. Unfortunately the survivor that does know what they're doing gets screwed up because they're matched with 1, 2 or 3 survs that don't or that are still learning.
And the fact that this game provides no info for survivors that are playing solo, makes it even worse.
8 -
The little lower could be solved by simply delete Dead hard.
Look at overall, there are alot of little things go with it.
- 50sec Gen
- 10% faster M1 cool down
- 10% faster kick
- 10% shorter speed boost on hit
- Buff on anti healing perks (which is good)
- Nerf on healing perks (many change are questionable)
- DS nerf (also cause Unbreakable harder to use. DS alone is fine, but should not be paired with Unbreakable)
The Gen time buff may not so needed, it was because of 3rd health state from DH that should not exist in the first place.
5 -
There is nothing I can do about it, which is why I advocate for a more challenging game (for survivors). Making the survivor role more challenging is the only way that players will learn to improve.
1 -
this because you faced extremely bad survivors... i'll gladly gave my mmr since i didn't won a single match on 5 matches played except one cause in that match i was using blight and i started tunneling at a certain point...
0 -
And what is the goal of this improvement?
0 -
I don't believe any of your killer experience is true, not even in the slightest. Based on what you complain about and how you go about doing it I'm going to say you are a 95% survivor main 5% occasional daily ritual killer player. It's fine if you dislike something but don't assert yourself as some kind of experienced expert when you know full well that you aren't.
1 -
I am a daily ritual killer and I destroyed survivors before the patch and I'll most likely 4k every game now.
3 -
To please Guenther Steiner
Warning: Strong Language
I would have just posted the gif, but i'm sure it would have been considered trying to evade the chat filter
0 -
My heart bleeds for them.
0 -
It's just the killers turn now. I'm not even going to clean the rust from my traps.
0 -
Imagine if lunge attack was a perk. Remove lunge attack for killers and you’ll see that perhaps they’re not as good as they think
3 -
"it was just a joke!"
0 -
I would just run the lunge attack perk...
1 -
Yeah, 75% of top mmr players and 50% of average mmr players. Hardly anyone, really.
His point is that a very large amount of survs have been carried by their perks to higher MMR than they can handle wiyhout their perks. Just like Noed can carry killers too.
2 -
Game appeal drops dramatically for me when killers are ridiculously easy to counter or loop chain. Glad to see some of the changes made improvements.
1 -
Just use demogorgon then.
0 -
I, as a main killer, sometimes did not mind soft bullying. The problem came with those survivors that always click regardless of what you are doing. If they stun you, 360 you are do a save; they would click or teabag. I remember a hell of a match as Pinhead against a swf group that brought 4 flashlights and all 4 had Head On, and they were very toxic. However, an occasional teabag does not come across to me as toxic.
0 -
maybe don't judge people you don't know. I can send you twitch footage of me playing killer in a tournament if you want. Yes i have 3,5k h and that's probably part of me winning most of my killer games but i haven't won this hard before the patch. MMR may be all over the place right now, let's see, but from my survivor experience i have to say that killers have to play it very wrong to really lose a game.
1 -
You just proved me right in two ways, thanks for that. First off 3.5k hours is nothing for a tourny player, secondly they mainly play custom matches not public so again I don't believe you.
0 -
Love you [BOT] Jake 💘
0 -
Bad survivor used to escaped in the past since forever,how is it not ok for killers that are not that good to ger 4k to probably againts survivors that play even worse?
1 -
Weird. I think I specifically said that its... okay.