What builds are you guys running on survivor? I tried OTR & DS but only needed them during EGC.....

Tested new OTR and didn't get a chance to use it the gates were already powered both times, and ds same situation. I like the new distortion although only got use out of it once not a lot of killers doing aura builds. Have any of you found any fun builds. The amount of thana sloppy pain res I've gotten has made the games take forever... Kinda wish they would revert ds back to the 5s and works In egc really could have used it. Solo q has been awful...
Haven't made it to EGC today... so I don't know if my build is bad or if the game got really hard to play for survs.
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I have made it twice but playing with one other friend. The first 4 I played were solo q and it was horrible I was the only one who finished gens never got to egc In those....
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Haven't really had time to play around. Currently using Kindred, Lucky Break, Bite the Bullet, and Overcome. Bite the Bullet and Lucky Break are quite good together. Survivors are more happy to let me heal them under the hook, which recharges LB.
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I did escape one through the hatch with 5 gens standing... versus Hillbilly... can you imagine Hillbilly being strong again? haha
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That's a good Idea I forgot about bite the bullet Ill try It with LB
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It's time for Left Behind to become meta.
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Had a billy just camp an entire game we got to egc In that one but he got 2k
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What's that do again did it get buffed?
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I'm running
the exact same build, except now I give people endurance when I pick them up off the ground now.
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Had a random do that to me God Tier random that's a super cool buff situational but very effective against slug camping
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I was having a lot of luck with prove, built to last, streetwise and a purple toolbox and then whatever forth perk I fancied. It does make the first gen pop disgustingly fast, but I figure with solo the way it is right now there's nothing wrong with a head start.
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Built to last is one of my favorite perks solo q Is so bad rn
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It comes in handy more often than you think.
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deliverance + off the record + built to last + lithe has treated my solo q endeavors well so far.
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Good suggestion thank you
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Shows you hatch within a 32m radius. Had no changes in a really long time, with how rare powering exit gates are, I've gotten tons of value.
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I'll try it out thank you
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Im running Distortion+Bite the bullet+Botany+Self care. Since healing its now more important because of Iron will nerf i find this build very efective for my solo games.
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Is the heal quick I know self care by itself is like a minute
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I'm not sure yet but OTR is a must and DH is still fine. It works well against Nurse IMHO.
I'm not sure DS is worth it but a team should have one or two.
Circle of Healing for the fourth maybe?
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Unbreakable, Prove thyself, Lithe and off the record is my personal loadout.
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I've been running my usual build but replaced BT with Q&Q. I run Inner Healing, Lithe, Stake Out, and now Quick and Quiet but I'm still trying to decide what to use for the fourth perk cause Q&Q is super situational.
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Ran calm spirit earlier in the day it's complete crap now don't use it
Was also using decisive earlier and now it's bad as well