Why so many complaints about this update?

Personally, I love it. I love going against the killers now knowing that if I make a mistake I'll be punished for it. I like that it's starting to actually feel like a real horror game for once on my end. Yeah the game is definitely harder and with all the slowdown perks it feels a bit annoying but honestly I don't see a big problem with it.
For years everybody has been begging for a meta shift and that's what we got. On both sides. I don't know why there are so many complains about the changes. Did some survivors really expect them to just change the killers meta and not ours as well? DH nerf was hard but stop complaining because that's what a meta shift is. DH was always used so it shouldn't be surprising how hard it was hit. And about self care being nerfed whats the big deal? Two months ago everybody said how useless self care was but today your mad about it being nerfed? Yes self care was mostly nerfed because it was also a huge meta perk but mostly in Asia.
Honestly this update is good, no its not perfect but it really is going into the right direction. I know most people want a free win but why bother playing a game like this when you know fundamentally most killers couldn't do much.
And yes killers are still camping and tunneling. It sucks, its boring, its lame. But did you really think some killers were going to stop? Bad killers are going to be bad and camp and tunnel. Some good killers do it as well but guess what? The game isn't just about you thats what some people need to realize. The killer shouldn't have to worry about your fun and your enjoyment just like we don't need to worry about theirs. They wanna win by any means so do we.
Just FYI, you're about to invite a Hellstorm of angry comments.
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Big changes, adapting is hard.
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I speak for most when I say a lot of us don’t mind losing. We can handle it. But as of this update we are consistently getting STOMPED in solo Que. THAT IS NOT FUN. That’s why we are complaining.
Nerfing & changing the meta is fine, but it appears BHVR went overboard. I don’t understand why don’t they make changes in small doses & and move the needle up or down accordingly?? Why do they always put in 2 teaspoons of salt when they really should just add a pinch?? Sigh.
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Already getting survivors giving up by just standing at the hook asking to be hooked again. Even though i'm not camping or tunneling one bit. Survivors wanna be the power role so bad, and now they can feel their control slipping, so they just give up.
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The biggest issue I have is I was running into 3-4 gen slow perks pretty consistently, but BBQ was keeping it less than the entire build. Now that there's basically no incentive to run BBQ compared to before, I'm seeing A LOT more 4 perk gen protection build, which is INCREDIBLY boring and stale to go against, especially now that gens take even longer and perks like Thana actually got *buffed* from it. There's even less diversity than before, I think.
It's partially why I hate going against Huntress so much. 90% of huntresses run the EXACT SAME 6 PERKS (obviously 2 being interchanged with each other since 4 is cap per match. I mean you only ever really see them use 6 total perks). They're all exactly. The. Same. It's EXTREMELY boring.
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Then isn't your grievance that we should have buffs for solo queue survivors, like actual changes to prevent tunneling and more baseline info that swfs would have and solos don't get? Because this patch above all else benefited the lower tier and mid tier killers.
From the killer perspective, it's not fun loading into a match and knowing I'm already PROFOUNDLY disadvantaged because I didn't lock in Nurse/Blight/Hag/etc.
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I know but this update is the first time in a long time I feel like the devs listened to the whole community an not just a select few so I'm loving the new direction. I welcome the angry comments xD
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Seems pretty good to me so far. The killers I've gone up against aren't really tunneling or camping. It's usually the survivors twisting the killers arm in that situation. I've only had one sweaty killer out of 6-7 survivor matches which is far fewer than how it usually goes.
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Solo queue has always been horrible though
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Could it be that you are getting stomped because DH boosted you to an MMR you absolutely didnt belong in ?
Mayhaps ?
Perchance ?
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Well, I got plenty of those before the update too. I would not call it new. Those types will always baby rage when things do not go their way.
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Gutting stealth killers is the only thing I'm not happy about. As for the survivor side of things, I never really used DS or DH, and they buffed lightweight and gave basekit BT, so survivor has been a bit easier. I'm kind of stuck between two places, though. I play survivor and killer. They've effectively removed my main from the game (Ghostface) from the surprise spinechill buff, but now spinechill is incredibly overpowered to the point that running it on survivor gives an extremely solid safety bubble. Don't even have to look around for killers anymore (and stealth killers are 0 threat to you). You're given some far advance notice if they are headed your way regardless of LOS, and the terror radius additional feature let's you know if they are heading directly towards you or not. Don't need to know where they are at, you can run and gauge the TR reader to determine if you're evading them or heading to them. Again, as a survivor, the new spinechill is incredibly amazing, but as a killer, stealth killers being no longer playable is a real bummer. I'm likely going to retire killer and swap to a survivor main at this point.
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Nothing I stated in this thread pinpoints an exact grievance, with the exception of BHVR overdoing it. I’m already on record on these forums and Twitter questioning what happened to the plan of bringing solo que closer to SWF. I made a blanket statement as to giving a reason why we are complaining (getting stomped consistently), and made an observation of the devs being heavy handed.
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The whole community were killler mains. In few days it would be killer mains playing surv to get a match
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I'm sure anyone would gladly get stomped for more bloodpoints, that's just me though.
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Honestly this is how I feel about most of the time when I see people complaining. So much of the survivor community were crying about killers crutch perks like noed, ruin, or whatever it maybe at the time of complaining. But they never stopped to think how often they got away due to something like DH. I first stopped running DH after a challenge I had on stream and it really made me sit back and realize even though I escaped some chases without it, it showed me how often I'd get away because of DH so I stopped using it and I've gotten better because no matter how many other survivors cry and complain, DH is the epitome of a second chance/crutch perk. A lot of people in the communiy aren't as good as they think they are once dead hard got nerfed.
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I'm looking forward to this update
Because it means the killer doesn't have to worry about too fast generator speed all the time
Because it means that survivors don't have to worry about camping and tunnels all the time.
But the effect is not obvious
"This update is a good direction, but more needs to be done."
The advantage of camping to the killer is too great, and it needs to be radically cut off.
I don't like camping because it's boring, I'd rather have a rich and scary game.
Slowing down the generators is a good idea, now there's the camping problem to solve.
"The need to make camping an act without any advantages."
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Man this constant "meme" never gets old does it
But hey. Perhaps it was the same amount of people who piggybacked on Ruin and relied onCamping/Tunneling since the MMR system doesn't know how much "Skill" you actually took to get into your MMR rating.
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Forced prestige is BS, the old method of getting perks at lvl 40 was fine. Why am I now forced to P3 EVERYONE just to have perks unlocked on other characters? On top of that adding BP cost to actually prestige.
Reducing the amount of BP gained in the shrine by 50k is also an asinine move.
"reduce the grind" LOL sure BHVR.
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which ones though? since especially pain resonance got nerfed by not giving info and dead mans switch synergy anymore. also Pop got nerfed by doing way less damage and without Pain Resonance info you don't know which gen is best to kick. If I see these more often, I wouldn't even be worried too much in a 4 stacked slowdown build
I actually noticed a lot of aura reading instead. like every thirg game is a lethal pursuer game, stacked with anything else, may it be either BBQ, floods of rage or any killer addons giving aura read
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Because survivors will actually have to learn how to play better now instead of relying on broken cructch perks.
I always disliked especially in soloq,seeing survivors running the meta perks and somehow thinking this made them invincible and they shouldn't even try to play better.
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Oh for sure tunneling and camping are absolute crutches. So is ruin though i never personally liked it since i started after the undying nerf. Noed is also another absolute crutch on killers. Shame tunneling and camping didnt get any solutions yet. Imo something like base kit Kindred and increasing the hook timer if you stay too long around the hook would be a nice start <3
But hey as long as we understand each other and you understand that @KerJuice and people complaining about getting stomped in the new meta were probably boosted af, we are all good : )
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my summary of the Patch so far =)
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To put it simple people have had their world turned upside down. Unlike many other games that make frequent balance changes, the core balance of Dbd has not changes in 6 years. People honestly just have to adjust and adapt. That's literally all they can do since they're not use to the game changing like this
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yes dude, we get it, your an angry killer main, you dont need to try and bash survivors on every thread, chill
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I was wondering if they have also tweaked the mmr a little bit. I mostly just play survivor and the amount of games i had last night where youve taken the killer on a decent run get downed and have a look around at what your teammates are doing and they are doing nothing is super frustrating.
Im gold 3 at the moment so you would think you would get paired with people similar to level you are at/similsr skill level but it was like a was playing with brand new players last night.
From a survivor stand point i dont think the changes are bad at all playwise. Hardly notice the generator changes what is it? An extra 10 seconds? Its barely noticable. Couldnt tell you about the perk updates though as ive been running the tenacity, power struggle, flip flop, unbreakable build for weeks now cause its so fun.
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I'm not even a killer main,I play both sides 50/50
Its unfair to see things from only one side,especially since killers have been feeling powerless for years.
And now that killers got buffed and they feel more like a power role its somehow bad.
Survivors having to get good at the game and learn how to play,use teamwork to their advantage is a good thing.
No more relying on crutch perks,I agree things are bad for soloq and BHVR needs to add some sort of comunication betwen soloq survivors.
But this has nothing to do with BHVR buffing killers,its more with the fact survivors need a way to communicate and the game needs a proper anticamping mechanic.
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Because people think they know how balanced the game really is after few hours since update.
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You're not forced to prestige anybody to level 3. You prestige a character to 1 and you get all of their perks unlocked at tier 1 on EVERY other character. If you want to level those you can find the tiered up version of them on the bloodweb OR you can prestige the character a second and third time to unlock tier 2 and tier 3 perks on every other character.
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I love to see a bully squad getting owned xD
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If you p1'd a killer/survivor you would get tier 3 of all their perks since it boosts you to p3 I ended up getting every killer perk available for me which saves a bunch of grinding
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Honestly thank you for explaining this because I thought we HAD to prestige 3 everybody in order to get the tier 3 perks you honestly saved me a lot of time
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The thing is though...as solo survivor, you also get punished for your teammates mistakes, as well as for their decissions not to play.
For example, i had a game vs a nurse, and i was in 3 chases with her, and i escaped every single one of them. But my team didn´t bother doing gens in that time, and then nurse got after all others which she caught one by one, until only i was left.
so, did i get punished for my mistakes. No, because i didnt make them. Nurse, however, did make mistakes, and was she punished for it? No, her hand was held by the changes made to the game.
Dont get me wrong, while i am a solo survivor main, i do play both sides, and a lot of this changes were needed.
But the game turned from "The killer is punished for mistakes, but survivvors get free" to "survivors get punished for mistakes, and killer go free". I would have liked that every mistake makes a difference, no matter which side did it.
And thats not what we´ve got.
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I think this is a great update, it is gonna take some time getting used too with all the big changes. It almost feels like a new game.
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There are less and less surv main out there. With the incentive killers main are playing survs, and they’re bad as hell. 1 killer that play surv is 5 surv less you need in the game. But this is also reducing the people that play this game
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A lot of the changes feel minor on the survivor side, even though they do make a difference. You notice the killer catch up a bit faster after hitting you or kicking a pallet, gens taking slightly longer etc but nothing massively gamechanging. This all from the perspective of someone who hasn't ran DH in a long time.
If you did run it every match you have to adapt to those changes -and- you've essentially had your health states per chase cut by a third, which is a much bigger deal.
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It's not as bad as I expected, but most of the perk changes were still ridiculous. And this new update is bringing this new "Endurance meta" for survivors and "Thanatophobia/Dying Light/Pentimento" meta for killers, which is quite annoying. Also no improvements for Solo Survivors, which is the biggest issue with this update.
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well cool, that's an awesome take but most posts you're just trash talking the survivor role, this isn't about the skill of the survivors, it's about balance of solo to SWF, SWF is still insanely strong regardless of the update, your team mates feel bad because they are solo players, not because they are actually bad, its a common thing to think your team is bad because your perspective is biased, why is this player not doing what i want them to do, they must be bad.
bhvr need to start thinking about solo QOL and reining SWF in a bit
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The majority of complaints are rooted in the fact that this patch was poorly optimized and thus when a gamer cant properly play the game game they will complain about everything else. Not to say those complaints arent justified just that its what they call a spillover effect. This patch was not tested long enough and with so many changes it probably required double the amount of time to beta test.
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Survivors complained becasuse their winrate went from 100% to 99% and now its a bad game xD