Gen speed after update

As a solo survivor, I have to say after this update it doesn't feel like gen speed was increasedat all. I've played about half a dizen games and they feel 80s to me when I'm repairing one on my own.
Anyone else notice this, or is a 10s increase just not that noticeable?
I haven't even noticed surprisingly. I'd figure it would be obvious. Eventually it will be
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It’s not shocking cause 10 seconds is only little bit so.
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I still get gen rushed as a killer, seems even worse than before..
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I felt it a bit on the PTB, but I think we’ll probably get used to it fairly quickly.
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people seem to forget that the 10 seconds extra doesn't make as much of a difference if 3 people around doing separate gens. its not adding 30 seconds at that point, all 3 gens just pop 10 seconds later than they used to. the way the time was increased affects one person doing multiple gens much more than multiple people doing individual ones.
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Thats a you problem, we got a pretty great buff to all killers all around.
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skill issue
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That literally makes no sense lmao
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well considering almost every single slowdown perk got nuked, that doesn't sound as much of a "you" problem if they're experiencing that. The bandaids were removed and replaced with scotch tape.
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I dunno mate, i played 10+ games after the patch and every single one has been a breeze. Though that has more to do with dead hard being gone and me playing nurse.
Cant really imagine the faster recovery and no dead hard making it harder for basic killers but than again im playing a different game so i cant say for sure.
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eh its still 50 extra seconds, but I have already gotten destroyed handily by 4000+ hour survivors
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Well, as it was said, Gen slowdown perks have been heavily nerfed and Survivors still have the possibility to bring perks and toolboxes to boost their repairing speed. This makes up for the additional 10 seconds. Only SoloQ survivors are affected by this.
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Considering almost every single chase perk has been nerfed into the bin, the equation is valid
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As someone who did not run gen slowdown perks prior to the update this change is a buff.
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Lol gen slowdown perks heavily nerfed? Really? Combine pop with call of brine and overcharge, and generators regress at an outrageous speed. Only ruin got nerfed hard. But it's unnecessary with everything else killers have and can combine.
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I feel the same way. I didn't really notice it on the PTB, nor on the live server so far. I hope it stays that way :'D
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Just give it some time when the other half of our community gets home from work/summer school- you’ll appreciate it only being 10’s when those guys bring in their nasty gen slowdown builds.
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Ocercharge is really not worth bringing, just bring COB without it.
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Imo its cause how progres bars work. It looks like a simalar time even though its 12.5% slower. If bars were actually split into charges it would be much more noticable imo.
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Overcharge got walked back to the point of basically requiring the Call of Brine combo, even reducing efficiency beyond base value at its start and taking 12 seconds to catch up to not using the perk. Pop is a perfect example of manipulative math because people still don't understand the difference between flat and prorated values, Corrupt deactivates early if you get a down (not even hook) before it expires, Ruin just yeets itself out of existence if it manages to survive longer than 1 survivor, and pain resonance no longer gives info/synergizes with DMS. Oh, still needs scourge hooks too.
Literally Call of Brine, a perk locked behind a crap tier recent licensed killer, is the only gen slowdown perk that didn't suffer from the changes.
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Haha. No cap!
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Yeah it only makes sense that you get decent slowdown when the entirety of your perk build is composed of gen slowdown perks...
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Bringing 3 Gen regression perks? Never would I do such a thing, unless I have a very bad day. I thought the patch was about trying out new perk builds and not to rely on the gen pressure builds (at least this is what I was hoping for). But I guess survivors will slam the gens even more now that the times have been increased (and I can't blame them).
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Generators are still being done as fast as usual, just had a game against a huntress and 3 gens done before the first hook.
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its only 10 seconds, it wont change much of anything. The big difference this patch is more so the perk changes.
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You probably wouldn’t directly notice per se, it’s more like it gives the killer a bit of an extra buffer to get to a gen that was almost finished at 80 seconds. So over the course of a match it can mean some extra chases off gens but it wouldn’t be so huge that you’d never get them done.
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Jolt - Buffed
Deadlock - No change
Dead Man's Switch - No change
Dying Light - No change
Eruption - Heavy buff
Oppression - No change
Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain - Buffed
Thanatophobia - Buffed
Call of Brine - No change
Merciless Storm - No change
Argue what you will about the effectiveness of some of these perks but don't spread lies to make your argument better.
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Most of those were worthless and continue to remain so, with only a few like DMS and Deadlock (which pause gens, not regress them, major difference) being any good. CoB has already been mentioned as the new BBQesque pay2win, which basically just leaves thana's buff that is specifically for 2-3 killers and not really important on anyone else. Gen blocking perks are important to distinguish because its a neutral effect: it stops gen progression but also stops and prevents regression at the same time: there's a reason theres a survivor perk that can block gens on demand. Is it often a better thing for the killer when a gen is blocked, of course, but its not the same as regression.