Wanna know why gens are hard now?

Survivors are still inefficient and you will often get 1 or maybe 2 survivors barely trying to push gens.
The games quite balanced, just now you have to have more skill in looping and efficiency than relying on fast gens or others carrying you.
Now if we changed mmr not to be based on escapes this would be the most balanced DBD has been.
A single gen taking 164 seconds is not balanced sorry.
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I also have had alot of games where survivors just don't care about gens anymore cause it's in there head that gen rushing is gone and a extra 10 seconds is "OP" so they end up doing nothing and dieing. Most of my games I'm the only one doing gens. I did 4 gens by myself with no one else doing any. This has been common reasently. But yes I do agree with the 10 seconds extra being a very nice balance but I do have to say the devs should of only nerfed sprint time after you get hit or weapon cooldowm. One or the other not both
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Sorry, I quess I am too bad at looping againts Nurse with purple range addon and faster recharge addon with builds like Starstruck Agitation, 4 slowdowns or my favorite - Infectious Fright and trying to slug everyone until she gets everyone down.
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Gens really aren't that bad, I've been running the new Deja vu, adrenaline, resilience, and prove thyself and they're flying by and if you get a squad running that type of build it's a real problem for the killer, 5 % speed on any gen you touch thats revealed to you, with 9 % resilience and add in 15 % prove thyself once you complete a gen and possibly meet someone else on the next one, you can repair up to 29% faster on a gen per survivor with the build.
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Pentimento alone is 30%, and for 4 survs
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Sounds like a super good build. I forgot deja got a buff. Will give it a go.
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In what situation does it take 164 seconds for a gen to complete? This is a genuine question btw because I stopped running slowdown builds altogether.
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Yea but I'm also running adrenaline to reward staying injured, if I ran overzealous instead and cleansed a hex or a plaything to set pentimento up, I would have up to a 45% repair buff on a gen with just me and another survivor and even if they ran no gen builds that would a 60% repair buff in total percentage with two survivors and a 75% repair buff with three in total because prove thyself gives each survivor 15%
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Bring a toolbox and gen-speed improving perks 👀 Like, there are resources to offset this. Toolboxes have been considered second rate items compared to the sacred medkit for such a long time merely because gens did not need the help. Now they do.
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If you sum every survivor buff then pentimento alone is 120%
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Ok make kindred basekit and I'll have a free slot for gen repair perks.
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I've been estimating that the additional stress put on survivor's loadouts is part of the impact of the meta-shift. I agree with you that improving in-game information sharing between survivors is important, but that you feel like you can't fit everything you need into one loadout sounds like the patch is having the effect it should. "Something for gens" is now a thing to factor for when it was previously a novelty.
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I keep seeing people complaining about Thana and Pentimento stacks making gens take 70% longer, but even before the patch they would take almost 70% longer on the base 80 seconds so if anybody ran that combo you’d still be looking at 140-150 seconds for a gen I think (something like that, I don’t know the exact number off hand). This patch hasn’t actually suddenly made that particular combo uber powerful compared to how it was before.
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The effect it should? my perks are exactly the same before patch, none of them was nerfed.
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No, but the game was changed. As a survivor, you and your loadout don't exist in a vacuum.
To the point, even if you didn't ever run Dead Hard you still benefitted from its power if anyone else in your match was running it. If someone brings Prove Thyself, you benefit. If you bring Kindred, your teammates benefit.
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The game wasnt changed for solo q besides making it worse. My build consists on solo q. Bond, kindred, inner strength and lithe since killers chase power was also buffed.
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You're arguing past me. To my original point, if gen speeds (base or modified by killer perks/powers) is unconscionable to you, bring the resources that exist to counteract it.
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Maybe people don't want to run progression perks? Maybe people want to run chaser perks, or meme about, and not be forced into running specific perks just to smooth out the game and counter any regression/deadweight teammates?
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Where's the math on that?
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pretty sure i saw @GoodBoyKaru mentioning something like that yesterday
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The whole point of the patch was to address the feeling of having to bring specific perks because of unfun aspects of the game. And now we have the same problem in a different area: survivors have to take gen perks to avoid absolute snooze fest 120+ second gens.
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You're arguing to be able to have your cake and eat it, too. Plus a huge swath of meta perks were meta because people felt 'forced' to run it - DS being the chief example. If you want to run a different build, you can still do that - but expecting to not be deprived in some area because you wanted to focus on being able to do one thing really well seems like a tall order to me, especially when I'm making the same concessions in my killer builds.
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Hi I've been summoned with some maths
Working on a generator from 0 with 4 stacks of Thanatophobia (T3) and Hex: Pentimentio active (T3) grants 22% slowdown for Thana and 30% slowdown for Pentimento. This totals to roughly 164.84 seconds per generator, not factoring in regression, blocking, or Pentimento/Thana activating partway through or Thana not being at 4 stacks constantly.
Not the most common scenario but a Plague using Shattered Hope, Hex: Plaything, Hex: Pentimento, and Thanatophobia can achieve this with alarming consistency.
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Even if kindred was basekit, randoms still won't do gens when someone's being face camped.
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Yet you people are ones to call survivors OP before the update.
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More occasions where they would so, idk what your issue is with it being made basekit
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Survivors aren't suppose to have all the information in the world. Swf has it but people seem to forget that swf shouldn't be the standard.
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I honestly dont get it. First people say survivor OP because genrush, but then when things get nerfed for survivor killers say "it's because survivors are STILL inefficient. So if they're still inefficient, why did killers need all these basekit buffs?
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As a side note this combo made gens take 142.85 seconds before the update
So 22 seconds or almost a quarter of a gen more.
Double buffing slowdown perks by upping their vallue and increasing the base gen time was just way to much
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Except by base they arent. You're just taking every possible slow down stacked as if a killer spawns with it when in reality a killer has to earn thos higher numbers and by that time loads of gen progress should be done unless the survivors arent being efficient.
Ah yes let's go to the mega extreme and act like its every game.
If that's the case how did killer ever with with 4 survivors with commodious, BNP toolboxes rushing gens with second chance perks... oh that's right, it's not every game.
Besides that's a nurse issue not a gen issue.
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Survivors was too strong before the update, 4x DH and forced to run slowdown everygame to stand a chance against good survivors isnt a good thing lol
It's why both was addressed
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You mean like killers had to? Like corrupt to stop people spawning on multiple gens across the map... or any form of gen defense because if survivors actually did generators youd lose gens fast...
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Killers can still make it happen and it is a problem.
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Killers still get 0 regression with that happening and by the time that's built up alot of the progress will be gone.
Plus survivors can counter alot of those debuffs from not detroying totems to give pent, heal to reduce thana or run resilience, prove thyself.
You run perks to counter perks, it's how perk based games are...
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Cant run perks to "counter" gen slowdowns in solo q since everything else is already used for solo q
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No that's your choice, you arent forced to run certain perks for you team. While I get you're trying to help them it's not worth it as even running kindred multiple people will be waiting for a save lol.
But a killer is using every perk to try achieve that and it takes the killer to do multiple actions while relying on the survivors to also do certain actions like breaking dull totems for no reason
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It's not for my team it's for me.
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Okay, you still have 3 perks and you still have ways to counter the killers build which he used every perk slot for... which has no chase or regression in only slowdown whole replying on survivors to act certain ways
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No I dont have 3 more perks. I have kindred for me, I have bond for me, I have inner strength for me, and I have lithe since killer chase was also buffed.
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Alarming consistency? Maybe. But how long would it take to build up to that point though?
It takes time to infect multiple Survivors. It takes time to get your first hook and you aren't certain to make it to a white hook. It then also takes time for that Survivor to cleanse their totem, there's odds of them just ignoring it as well. Then you'd have to spend more time re-sparking it for Penti. After all of that time how many gens could there be left? 2? 3 tops. When your first hook can can cost 1-2 gens by itself that doesn't leave all that much room by the time you can fully ramp up. At best you can use this to help lock a 3 gen. And that's IF Survivors leave you with a good 3 gen setup considering you'd been running all over the map not pressuring gens.
That's not something Id call alarmingly consistent and should be not too hard to counter by smart Survivors. Spreading out gens, staying split up, running early, and more.
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Except by base they arent. You're just taking every possible slow down stacked as if a killer spawns with it when in reality a killer has to earn thos higher numbers and by that time loads of gen progress should be done unless the survivors arent being efficient.
It wasn't, actually, but now this did make me think of it.
Working on a generator from start to finish with 4 stacks of Thanatophobia, 1 stack of Pentimento, Gift of Pain active, and Dying Light at 8 stacks, assuming that there is only one non-Obsession Survivor working on the generator, it would take 258.2 seconds to complete.
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I’m fine with gen times being increased but they didn’t really do much about the slowdown meta. Yeah, Ruin, Pop, and Corrupt got nerfed (and really, Ruin was overnerfed imo), but PR is still very effective (no info, but the regression is higher than before since it’s 15% of 90 rather than 80), Thana got buffed, Surge got buffed, Eruption got buffed.
I’ll admit Overcharge and Gift of Pain did need buffs so I’m not upset about those perks.
But overall, this isn’t changing the slowdown meta, this is just changing some of the slowdown perks and replacing them with different ones effectively keeping the killer meta the same, which has been the case for the last year with all the new slowdown perks - the meta was still the same, but killers started having more options than just ruin/undying/pop/corrupt.
And just because killers have more of a fighting chance than before without camping and tunneling and/or stacking 4 slowdowns, doesn’t mean they aren’t doing it anyway knowing DS got nerfed into the ground and that 5 seconds BT isn’t enough to realistically stop them. And the increased gen times means there is more time to camp than ever before.
There are some good things in this update, but there’s a lot to fix imo.
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I'll be sure to choose my team mates builds the next time I play.
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Oh it's absolutely not like I was saying it would be every generator, but being able to make at least one gen take this long at least once a match consistently is kinda... i dont wanna say strong, because youre dedicating your entire build to it, but can we agree that holding one button for almost 3 minutes straight isnt the most engaging gameplay experience?
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No BS, I had the exact same experience, ie some games it seems like I am the only one doing gens.
In the past I didn't use DH at all and died a lot in my first couple dozen games. But over time I learned how to evade the killer, how to loop, how to corner tech etc. and it made me a way better player.
This update shows that there are a lot of players who played only decent because of DH. But now this players will have to go through the same learning experience as I am way back. There are, of course, still good players who could always loop you for half a trial and who wont be that affected by the loss of DH, they only lost their savety net and will just play it more save, but all the boosted players feel like the game totally shifted in the killers favor... which is did, but not irrevocably so. Just invest some time, learn how to loop and upgrade your techs and you are golden.
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So DH was an issue, alright. I dont agree but lets say you are right. Why again did we obliterate so much more than just DH then? Ah "stale meta" eh? There will just immerge a new meta which will be "stale" after a while. We gonna rework 40 perks again then?
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Had those squads as Killer. easiert 4k. Adrenalin wasted perk slot, in no game I played we saw the endgame even once. 1 game was very close with 1 gen left. All other had more than 4 gens left. GG WP, nice balanced m1 simulator
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Yep I've been forced into bringing prove thyself because I'm not interested in these slowdown stacking games
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You don't have to if you read it you would see I mentioned that even if they weren't running the build that was the percentages with other survivors when it's in full effect but also like I said I was running adrenaline not overzealous I just brought it up because pentimento was mentioned
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You can heal to reduce Thanats debuff and you can cleanse pentimento. In fact a survivor should know exactly where pentimento is because a killer cannot make a pentimento totem on his own ever