Killer sided next joke. Swfs business as usual


I'm a pretty good killer but sorry all these survivors crying must be in different game from me because gens are FLYING and swfs destroying as usual.

I can imagine solo queue may be worse but I don't seem to ever be getting solo q... It's TTV gank squads, all prestige 10, 2-3 prove thyselfs etc.

Are we playing a different game or is this showing the true survivors MMR? I am laughing at the feedback because there is NO way killers are destroying the way this forum is making it out and the Devs will have the actual data showing results of solos and swfs.

I've won 1/7 with 3-4ks. Rest were 1k or less. I'm a 3k+ hour killer with every meta perk on all killers.

Give me some of those solo queue games because this is honestly not fun playing nonstop super gen rushers, worse than before as they now all use gen speed perks etc.


Where are the survivors saying lol business as usual who keep trouncing me? Seems their a bit quiet on the forums?


  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Some killers are indeed destroying this way, and yes, most SWFs are generally operating business as usual.

    These are not mutually exclusive ideas, and they can be pretty easily traced to how the patch did not target all populations in this game. That was it's intent, for better or worse.

  • BringShaggytoDBD
    BringShaggytoDBD Member Posts: 412

    Exactly! I've had some really good killer games and was able to hook a couple survivors before a single gen popped, but I've also had plenty of games where gens pop left right and centre resulting in 0 kills.

    I've played majority of survivor today and although some games I went against strong killers, I've still survived the majority of them.

    I play on PS5 so maybe that has something to do with it, but I seriously don't understand the crying. Feels like I'm playing a different game to everyone because people just attack any opinion I have that is positive about this update.

  • verysleepy
    verysleepy Member Posts: 50

    Just feels like same old same old, but worse as I'm trying less regression and more fun.

    I'm ps5 myself too but holy mother I've played atleast 20 games and 95 percent of them have been prestige 10 coordinated swfs, very easy to tell how they operate.

    Give me a break already I want to relax and enjoy the gameplay.

    Basically kinda forcing me to run full meta plague just to compete ATM (I'm a plague main pre patch anyway).

    Never seen gens go so fast, do people not realise killer still can only be on 1 person at a time... And has pallet town windows of opportunity crutch to deal with meaning no easy downs due to godlike awareness of even potatoes... To contend with, and yet all survivors get is 10 s longer on a gen that they counter directly and worse with prove thyself etc?
