Solo Queue Is Perfectly Fine
My history: I usually end up rank 1 in both Survivor and Killer, I play survivor just a tad more. I’ve been playing the past 5 years.
I dont think I have ever seen so many people upset about how “Unfair” solo queue is. I will occasionally have a game with a bad teammate or two but not once have I ever thought, Solo Queue is garbage. When I play SWF its a curb-stomp to new-ish killers, which in my opinion Isn’t that fun or sportsman like so I tend to not SWF. That being said, I firmly believe Solo is the way to play. Even lore-wise with the game. No-one in the game knows each other except maybe Steve and Nancy but yet they try to work together anyways.
If you can’t adjust your play style for a teammate thats not doing anything then you are practically giving up. If noones doing anything, try to be the last one alive. And to be quite frank It doesnt even matter if you die or not. You dont lose your grade, you still get BP and you can just go into another game. Its entirely a mindset thing that I see a lot with incredibly entitled people who think the game is “Killer Sided” when in reality its Map Sided, which is balanced in my opinion.
I have the most fun solo queueing because its a cosmic gumbo of casual play and risky play. Its easily the most tense way to play the game which is something that I desperately strive for and hold on to deeply in DBD. Nothing feels better than a tense match that you just barely escaped or killed everyone.
Furthermore, I just want to say I care a lot about sportsmanship in DBD because i want more people to get into the game and I think a lot of new people will be put off by the toxicity of entitled players who demand the best of the best which is SWF and just want everything to be the way they want it.
Noone asked but literally the only thing i would change is adding a Wave Hi and/or a STOP emote (like you’re about to get hit by a car). Just something to add a tiny bit of communication using body language.
Edit: Be sure to read every comment in this thread, I have added some more reasons and arguments that support my opinion
Re:Edit: Read the title and make sure you can tell it says “fine” in the title, and not AMAZING, PERFECT, ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE, SEX. Its not its fine where it is at the moment but there is definitely, 100% ways to improve it that aren’t just tacky ping systems or whatever.
My old Xbox account to show that I am pretty balanced in terms of what I play more of
I agree man. Survs lost their toy and now they are throwing tantrums. Its like when killer lost old ruin. I admit i was one of the ones who cried doom then. But i adapted. Now survs need to adapt
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Even then I dont get why people were so reliant on DS and Dead Hard. I played most of last season running a team healing build without dead hard or DS and I was genuinely having a lot of fun.
However, I think a dash perk would be pretty okay if it didnt have invincibilty.
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It's actually not tho
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why is that
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Have you actually played solo queue lately. Like I'm genuinely asking.
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I demand a stanky leg emote
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"Solo Queue is perfectly fine"
Said no -actual- regular solo Q player, ever.
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literally last night and saw Zero issues.
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SoloQ is not fine. It really isn't. If your soloqueue games are "perfectly fine" congrats, but you might be the only one. I am a killer main and after playing a few matches of soloqueue today and yesterday after the patch I understand 100% why many survivors are unhappy with the killer changes. I didn't use all the meta perks survivors had anyway so it doesn't hit me as much, but the 10s more for each gen and buffed monstrous shrine make camping a pretty much failsafe way to get you a 3k as a killer. Out of all the matches I played only ONE wasn't down right horrible and that ONE match sadly was against a beginner killer, that had no clue what they were doing, so it was horrible but in a different way. The nerf to self care is the worst about it. You still your team mates running to a corner of the map and self care even if the killer has Sloppy Butcherer. I do agree that self care should not be used by so many people but a lot of players will run it anyway. On top of all that the matchmaking seems to go haywire. From bad killers to Huntresses that hit you across the map and NEVER miss a single hatchet I've seen it all today.
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Solo-Q is perfectly fine ? Is it joke ? Sometimes the games r fun, but many times not at all.
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I wouldn't oblige. Bring on those stanky legs!
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Yea, sure thing
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I am happy to hear you are still enjoying solo queue, but I for one can also definitely understand why some people are very unhappy right now. The killer buffs are fantastic, but the lack of survivor buffs isn't. Solo survivors need some more information to work with, but more importantly, now that killers have gotten buffed, the devs should have taken that opportunity to also nerf camping and tunneling. There is no reason to address killers frustrations, but not survivors.
Right now I am expecting killer queue times to become longer with every day, and BHVR will need to help out survivors, especially solo survivors, in some way or form. And I think a good first step would be to actually nerf camping and tunneling in a noticeable way. And I also hope that they finally give solo survivors some more information they can work with.
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^ FYI only. From BHVR.
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I thought it was gonna say "said no one ever" when I clicked on it..
Im not sure if you've actually played solo queue, its not about not being SWF or being more close to the lore or immerse in the game, its about not being balanced for solo survivors. Solo surviving was bad before the changes, we complained about it before all these changes, we arent crying cause they got rif of "crutch" perks, its because they destroyed the few perks we had to help balance the lack of communication.
We don't have teammates to tell us where the killer is, if they are being chased, if its safe to unhook, ask for someone to take a hit if we are being tunneled, we rely on perks for that, we use spine chill to know if the killer is close, iron will to try and lose the killer if we dont have teammates to take hits for us or help us if we are being tunneled, etc. and now they are mostly useless, the few things we had were nerfed and solo queueing is worse than it ever was.
If we are lucky we get competent players or 3 SWF with us, which rarely happens, even if its not "lore accurate" wether u want it or not its a team based game, all survivors need to work together to open the door, each accounts for themselves when it comes to surviving at the end of the day but they all need to work together to do gens and unhook, without it they can't escape. So yes, we need those perks.
Post edited by MissBehavingX on4 -
His solo Q games aren't fine, because he doesn't play them. This is another person who mainly plays killer trying to create a fake narrative to make it seem like the changes are fine. There's not many of them in this forum, maybe 10 or 12, just a handful. But they're -extremely- vocal (pretty much you can see the same person creating 5 or 6 threads in a row praising the update or trying to debunk the complaints) who spend 24-7 here, they're extremely biased and upset at survivors in general for some surprising reason beyond comprehension, and will say anything to defend even the most bizarre and ridiculous nerfs survivors get.
They never did care or will care about balance, they care about making the developers buff them to the point they're pretty much guaranteed to win every match, so then they can feel in control of the game, because "killers are supposed to be the power role", but because they can't achieve it through actual skill, they need the game to force a win for them. That's why they enjoy fast pallet breaking, that's why the enjoy no punishment to camping or tunnelling, that's why they enjoy almost instant bloodlust (which rewards and buffs the worst players of all) and want everything handed to them.
This is not all killers. But this is a lot of the most vocal minority of the most entitled you will see in this forum, unfortunately.
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Well when killers tunnels you ds helps but not anymore as killer catches you instantly. Dh was best survivor perk and was too strong but they went overboard with the nerf should let it have dash but no invisibility and maybe should changed only 2 time use.
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Seems like too many people either think solo is an unendurable hellscape, or that it's perfectly fine.
The truth (imo) is that it is somewhere in the middle. I would rate it as okay, but in real need of improvement. Add more emotes/gestures and activity indicator icons so survs can see what the other survs are up to, and then I think it would largely be fine.
I mean there's also MMR, but that's not a survivor specific issue.
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You’re complaining about good killers and bad teammates which I literally explain in the discussion. Change your playstyle
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Just came back after a while, never used survivor metas before.
10 games, 0 escapes as survivor, all survivors 4k'd.
Most killers using all slowdown perks. Generators exploding/regressing every down/hook.
I'll check back in a few patches time.
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I want you to look at my friends list on steam and see how many of my friends actually play dead by daylight. Literally one. And I dont think you understand that Solo Q is literally THE ONLY way I play now.
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annnd that's my cue to leave this forum...
emotes...this man said all the problems will be solved with emotes....LMAO wow.
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I agree with you to some degree, I genuinely like the MMR change because I like the challenge of good killers and most of the time I have good randoms because of MMR, i believe. I think adding more gestures is great but I think activity icon is a bit much because I think its giving survs too much information, in a useless kind of way. Like I dont think it matters if your team is doing a gen or not when you’re getting chased because personally when Im getting chased my goal is to escape him or run him as long as humanly possible. Since the main objective is just to do gens I should already assume they’re doing it tbh. If they arent doing it then thats on them because we cant make them do gens in that situation.
And I think the devs tried their best with that by letting you see the obsession getting chased by their icon. But I think perk builds centered towards team cooperation and auras is the way to do it.
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I really like your idea about adding more emotes for communication. Maybe emotes that gives indications on the survivor HUD for everyone.
Don’t mind the flood and lack of argument, they are just boosting their forum profile.
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Explain why your solo queue experience is bad rather than just exclaiming its bad. Its a discussion.
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And also playing survivor is about risk taking too. I want you guys to try at least 3 times to just find the killer, Have him see you, and then you just walk slowly towards them and see what they do. Most of the time they go along with it, befriend you and basically puts the killer on easy mode and they might end up giving you hatch.
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The “Problem” which you refuse to explain leading me to believe you’re just bad and can’t adapt to the game.
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My “Lore accurate” statement was so minuscule compared to everything else. The fact is most of these people who are complaining about this are Relying on perks. I’m going to play a survivor game later with no perks and have the most points by the end of it to show just how stupid that argument is. That being said of course there are killers who are going to be really good against you and might seem BS at times. I cant stand “trap build” Artist, a trickster in a map with short wall loops, Pyramid head and Deathslinger are extremely boring to play against because most of the time the mindgame play is a 50-50 on whether you get hit or not. But even then those killers still have to: Find you, chase you, down you, hook you 3x, and also stop generators. Adapt to each killer. And not only that, like i said Maps will most of the time determine whether its a killer sided map or survivor sided. So dont blame it on “Overpowered killers”, blame map design and RNG
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I wouldn't say it's fine, but it's certainly better than people act. Some nights I get really bad teammates and mmr being the way it is means it can be a struggle to get better teammates on a losing streak. But that's just how solo queue in any game goes. Sometimes you get awesome teammates and sometimes you get really bad ones.
Still there's still a divide between solo q strength and swf strength and hopefully bvhr's next mid-chapter focuses on improving solo q.
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absl. agree and thank you. You made my day
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I think it's worse than people make it out to be. They say it's the worst experience you can have in DBD. I think it's worse than that.
On the other hand, for those changes you say you hope to see, see you in another 6 years, maybe.
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couldnt have said it any better my self. That being said tho fine isn’t really a powerful adjective. Its not Perfect, its not great, its not just fine. Its perfectly fine
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Record a Solo Queue game and link it to here so we can see just how terrible the experience is for people who aren’t as “Lucky” or “Fortunate” as me.
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Killer main vibes
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from my old xbox account. 1704 people is 426 games worth of people. and i have 645 escapes on survivor.
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Solo all day is my way to play. Seriously think players are overestimating the changes while under estimating how many mistakes they're actually making.
Solo feels good and I'm looking forward to future updates if the devs stay the course.
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thats just how we roll my dude and Thats what I’m thinking, I genuinely dont like telling people to “Get gud” but most of the time thats literally what they have to do!
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If there is a way to show just how much more I play survivor than killer you’d eat your words rather than falsely assume a narrative that doesnt derail your “behaviour has no idea what they are doing” fantasy. if you look at my old post from 3 years ago I still have the same exact outlook back then as I do now because if you are actually a good survivor then you will “Win (whatever winning is to you)” your games.
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The problem that the people complaining about solo queue don’t want to admit is that solo queue isn’t really a design or game problem, it’s a bad teammate problem. And no amount of hand holding is going to fix that. A survivor who runs at the slightest hint of terror radius or who urban evades on the edge of the map while you are about to die on hook won’t suddenly come rescue you because BHVR buffs solos.
All that is happening right now is we are seeing what a massively broken perk Dead Hard was and survivors don’t know how to adapt. It reminds me of how lots of killer mains whined when Ruin got changed awhile back. I haven’t run DH in like a year. If you’re used to not having it, the patch didn’t really change much.
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Solo queue is not fine, but purely because of humans.
Not the game, not the matchmaking, it's players itself, this is why nothing will fix it.
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Solo only gets good when you make it to high MMR, where teammates are actually efficient and run strong perks. Plenty of us are more than capable of reaching there when unimpeded by awful/selfish teammates. The problem is that all we seem to get no matter how often we escape is awful/selfish teammates. And when you get dragged down to MMR hell like that, all you begin to focus on is making sure you personally escape. That perpetuates the cycle of people making bad plays which causes their teammates to die, because they're so concerned for the enjoyment of their future games, that they don't care about anyone's enjoyment in their current game. Even if you wanted to be altruistic and save people, you can't take the risk, because more than likely your great plays are going to go to waste, because you got matched with an uncarryable team. So you become what you hate most: a Blendette with Urban Evasion, Sprint Burst, Left Behind, and a key. This is what happens when MMR is based solely off of kills and escapes.
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We need dbd content again!
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Playing only SoloQ most of the time since 2017. For me it's like 50/50. Either the team get's destroyed or the killer.
Even with MMR there's not really much inbetween. Better avoid SoloQ in the evening until midnight, just play killer.
/Edit: Bring Kindred! (Would have been the better basekit)
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It's been "under discussion" for literal years and the best suggestion they ever came up with was extremely tentatively suggesting showing you if your teammate is doing a gen or totems on their icon, with PLENTY of asterisks next to it. BHVR's approach to bridging this gap is a complete joke and it will NEVER be done to a satisfactory degree.
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Its funny that some people make a post, get good games in soloq and claim that its just that.
Solo Q was a bad experience, now its worse. And some people want explanations, i'll give you plenty.
- Killer camp and tunnel more, since the update. Its more efficient, since slow down perks are buffed and you can camp scourge hooks.
- Against certain killers, you litterly cant do much of gens, thanaphobia with plague and legion on small maps, with 164 seconds on a gen is just ridicoulus.
- Second chance perks deactivate at the endgame, where solo q need it the most. Why? Cause seldom people take protection hits.
- You need to run kindred, otherwise you dont know if a killer is camping. Or other survivors go for the safe.
- The endurance 5s effect is most of the time not helpfull, either killer wait it out or for example a trickster in his fast form can down you too fast.
- Selfish teammates, had litterly a match where another survivor teamed with the killer.
- Slugging killers are still a problem, with Solo Q, you dont have much of a choice there.
- No communication overall, i still think they should introduced the solo q images they are working on earlier.
- Teammates often just leave in the endgame, even when they have 0 hooks.
- Teammates farming you off hook.
- ... etc
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My problem with this argument, which Im glad you laid out, is that teammate issues are quite literally in every game: Overwatch, COD, League, CSGO, etc. Teammates are always going to be garbage sometimes. And even if they are garbage you’re not completely helpless. Personally, if I escape and I have barely any points, I will not be satisfied. Escaping is the name of the game but so is the tedious grind for bloodpoints, which i surprisingly have heard absolutely noone complain about. Escaping gives you 5,000 extra bp and no other incentive other than a higher unbroken emblem grade.
Camping hook has always been a non-issue for people who arent hooked. If a leatherface is camping, then literally just do gens.
And off the record and decisive being disabled after the gates are powered is a quality of life improvement for killer. There was nothing more frustrating than hooking someone when the gates arent powered, they get unhooked, powers the gate and you down them and then you literally can do nothing because all they have to do is hit a skill check and you dont get the kill. and now that they are disabled after the gate it incentivizes more teamwork after unhooking someone to protect them from getting picked up or hit again. Even then they still have dead hard they can use they just have to have the right timing when they use it.
Tunneling is a get gud issue on both sides. If a killer is tunneling its going to cost him the game, if a survivor is getting tunneled they are going to have to play extremely well or just take one for the team and get downed.
Slugging has always been around, and I had to deal with it yesterday against a legion with Knock-Out, if you want to prevent slugging separate from your team and then pick them up when you can, otherwise leave them and do gens.
Kindred is honestly one of my fav perks and I use it all the time, but I dont think its necessary all the time especially if your mmr is good enough for good teammates. Again an issue that isnt in your control and honestly shouldnt be. If noone is going to unhook then just take the 4% chance and if you fail, whatever, go to the next game maybe with a different loadout or item so you dont get hooked so early.
Thanataphobia is stronger sure but Legion is the most bottom tier killer in the game and is useless when it comes to downing people, just spread out and get out of his terror radius and you’re fine. And then you can just heal a teammate if you get the chance. Similar idea with plague. but this time Just use a fountain. Honestly, a plague with thanat is how i pictured plague would be played years ago because its a good gameplay loop for her because she will actually get her corrupt purge because everyone is going deterred by thanat and use fountains. And if your team cleanses in every fountain on the map it gets rid of all the fountain and plague automatically gets her power which is actually bad for her. Not only that Thanatophobia is had a 2% change which is barely anything even with added gen time.
And if the 5sec endurance time isnt long enough, then like run Borrowed time??? Like everyone did before the endurance was a thing.
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it's... been the same as always? why is it some revelation now that solo q is somewhat crappy, it's always been.
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"Camping hook has always been a non-issue for people who arent hooked. If a leatherface is camping, then literally just do gens."
So, there we have the first problem. The other 3, dont know if he is camping. They either look 1 by 1, or get downed on an instant. Especially with insidious.
Also "Just do gens", with the new slowdown perks, thana for example, on the max is 164 for one gen.
So, until the team got the information, either some more are hurt or run back to a gen, its already the first hook state.
This strategy only works on SWF's.
"And off the record and decisive being disabled after the gates are powered is a quality of life improvement for killer. There was nothing more frustrating than hooking someone when the gates arent powered, they get unhooked, powers the gate and you down them and then you literally can do nothing because all they have to do is hit a skill check and you dont get the kill. and now that they are disabled after the gate it incentivizes more teamwork after unhooking someone to protect them from getting picked up or hit again. Even then they still have dead hard they can use they just have to have the right timing when they use it."
Well i agree with DS, but not with off the record. The perk is deactivated completly, while it only should for endurance.
Also the case is, that its now frustrating for the survivor, cause not only are always every survivor there (especially when you are alone), your perks deactivate now completly.
It should be equally fair.
"Tunneling is a get gud issue on both sides. If a killer is tunneling its going to cost him the game, if a survivor is getting tunneled they are going to have to play extremely well or just take one for the team and get downed.
Slugging has always been around, and I had to deal with it yesterday against a legion with Knock-Out, if you want to prevent slugging separate from your team and then pick them up when you can, otherwise leave them and do gens."
And the same argument is made above. Also if a killer wants to tunnel you out, nothing will help you. And the killer has the advantage of that. Always. In Solo Q especially, since teammates will play selfish.
And with thanaphobia or other slow down perks, with buffed gens doesnt do the job.
"Not only that Thanatophobia is had a 2% change which is barely anything even with added gen time."
Its already proofen thats not true. A full Thanatophobia goes from 90 secs of a gen, to ridicoulus 164 secs of gen time. And with plague, for example, you see fast on which gen survivors are. You are fast infected again and if she gets mid chase her bad vomit, you are down.
Legion is better now, Legion got buffs and legion profits from every buff killer got. And especially gets better with the buffed slow down perks. I dont think Legion is low tier anymore. Spreading also only works on big maps.
"And if the 5sec endurance time isnt long enough, then like run Borrowed time??? Like everyone did before the endurance was a thing."
You know, thats the core problem. Killer now you always get 5 secs of borrowed time. So its useless. They wait automaticly 5 seconds. In solo q, i never see someone take borrowed time anyway.
Sure its a bad teammate situation, but thaths why it need to consider and solo q needs buffs.
Since you talk about your Survivor experience, can i have a look at your steamprofile? Would like to know.
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”Cris Fowler” but on steam i only have 185 hours but on Xbox which is also Cris Fowler I have more than 31 days put into it.
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I will argue that there is zero reason to have anyone injured when a killer is camping hook, and usually when someone is on hook one or two are usually doing gens or at least in my case. and if you run empathy and kindred like I do, team information is constantly in your face.
If you are running perks that only benefit you and noone else then thats on you. Better together, Kindred, Empathy (which is way better than bond), borrowed, even key/map addons are great. When I play killer usually every game I get into someone has Borrowed Time which makes hitting the unhooked survivor pointless which is why I still think BT is a good choice especially since it extends the timer to 15 instead of it just being 5 seconds.
Legion still cannot down people with his power without first hitting the entire team, so the point still stands that he is not that great in a chase. At that point hes just an M1 killer.
and for plague like I said if you arent cleansing in fountains then it is on you for letting Thanatophobia be that much of an issue for your team. That being said it doesnt mean that its going to be an easy game it sounds miserable af. but sometimes things workout if you play well enough or they make mistakes.
And regarding off the record the perk is deactivated completely when the EXIT GATES ARE POWERED which is completely fine. If you get unhooked you have 80 seconds of endurance, which is more than 1 minute out of the 2 that the endgame collapse last for. Which gets worse when a gate is 99’d, and is usually the only time people unhook. So its absolutely insane to be upset about that considering how obviously broken that can be if teammates decide to take hits after unhooking too.
Post edited by NamesCris on0