Gens are not getting done In Solo Q
Every killer I have gotten has ran a minimum of three slowdown perks. The only way to get to endgame for a team Is to run all gen speed perks and that really Isn't fun for me at least. So many people are dc'ing which I get being 10 minutes Into a game with 5 gens still up Is a lot. I have been having more fun In SWF which kinda feels like the only option left until Solo Q becomes better or they de buff some of the killer changes. Has anyone else been just sitting on a gen the entire game while your team dies doesn't seem like any gens will get done unless you just hard commit...
I've been having...ok results?
Like, theres definitely been more 5 gen blowouts Haha but my solo team is scared shirtless so they're trying a little harder....on average. Sort of.
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I agree they do try but Idk the Killers are just playing so aggressive with all the slowdowns
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gens arent getting done because survs dont know how to play without DH. I dont run slowdown usually on killers and when i do its normally something basic like jolt. Im winning many games at 4 gens left to go because survs have no idea how to do chases without DH to save them.
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Next tome survivor achievement.. do a gen
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I never used DH Im a Q&Q Head on person, but I disagree DH Is still good take an extra hit get a speed boost chases just aren't happening killers are just using slowdowns and hard camping tunneling the first two survivors out In my games at least
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They can't balance the game around you getting bad teammates.
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But killer is balanced around 4 stack SWF
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Why do killers need and beg for buffs if they're playing against bad survivors? No Dead Hard, survivors are now bots. That doesn't explain it. Killer is too easy, now. Those are the facts.
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im not saying DH is bad now, i think they got it to a good spot. My point is, the results here are the same for me and i am not a slowdown heavy killer, either run none at all because im obsessed with like 5 different perks or run 1 slowdown perk.
I am still getting these games and noticing alot of people doing much poorer jobs at doing chases, while far less DH is being used.
I believe personally, these games are occurring at least in part because survivors' have had DH as their perk for years and dont know how to play the game without it and basically are noobs.
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Gens should be reverted back killers do not need the extra seconds with the slowdown meta
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I've never ran DH, I've always ran prove thyself, overcome, off the record and bot knowledge.
I'm going down x2 as fast due to all the basekit killer buffs, gens are not going down below 3 despite me being on one every chance I get. people keep saying do you want me to adapt to, none of my perks got nerfed, nothing changed for me other than every killer is 10x stronger and doing gens seems like an impossible task now.
my last match our team actually got it down to 1 gen. you know why? because the killer let us, and it was a 3 gen scenario, you know what happens now in a 3 gen scenario? the whole team dies, there is zero counter to a 3 gen now if the killer never leaves the area...
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My main problem is the inherent slow-downs in Killer's kits adding to the chaos.
Pig's traps are basically just a time waste, but combined with increased gen times, it actually takes a long time to get everything done.
Same with Mending. What was a normal "slow down" mechanic for the game seems slightly overkill.
Small tweaks could change this.
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It's so boring now I love dbd but a game that's unfun Is just not playable
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I love pig but stopped playing her for a long time because i felt i was guarenteed to lose with her each game. I picked her up again a few days ago and she feels good. her slowdown feels like an actual slowdown, where before a trap would always seem to come off within 30 seconds after it was put on.
im not sure if the extra 10 seconds is really that big of a deal. ive never had much of an issue with mending but tbh, for whatever reason in the entirety of my time playing DBD ive had mend applied on me like MAYBE 5 times. so i might just not have enough experience with it to see what its impact is in a negative way.
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I see that "survivors just don't know how to play without Dead hard" will become the newest lie on the forums.
I was getting pretty tired of the "survivors just don't want to learn how to play against Nurse"
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Killers aren't and have never complained about bad survivor teams. It is SWF and good survivors at high MMR that people complained about. 4 survivors running dead hard + knowing how to loop = you lost unless you played nurse/blight. They took steps to address that problem(based on stat history kill rates have been dropping across the board and as of the last time they released stats were at roughly ~55%ish for most killers. If that trend has continued we were probably sub 50% since the last time they released stats). Given that they also said kill rates are lower than they'd like I don't think it's that far-fetched to assume kill rates were sub 50%.
Going back to solo queue, how on earth can they make changes to help you when you have a teammate going for 5 totem cleanses in one game for a challenge? Or someone running No Mither? Or someone giving up because they went down first? It is literally throwing the entire game when this happens vs a good killer. These are purposeful actions, however there's also tons of cases where survivors just literally don't know what to do and go down in < 10 seconds from full health to an M1 killer. That should never, ever happen. A bot holding W in a straight line will get more time out of the chase than that. What skill level are survivors expected to be at in terms of balance? It's a question that BHVR has never answered because they don't want to.
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SWF is one thing, but I don't buy that only Nurse and Blight are capable of going against good survivors. Artist doesn't have to play tiles. Huntress throws beach balls. Plague slows the game down and skips health states. These are just a few. As far as stats, the latest numbers showed that kill rates were at 55%.
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Unplayable for survivor rn
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Or...gens aren't getting done because the devs made gens take longer? And also buffed quite a few regression perks. Shockingly enough, Dead Hard had pretty much nothing to do with gen speed.
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Cant do gens when killers still camping and tunneling even though they were just buffed.
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Every game has been toxic
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hm, when it was common that in the first chase 2-3 gens would get done and now survivors have no idea how to play the game now apparently cant get any done with a simple 10 second addition to gens?
Somehow i dont think 10 seconds is the culprit here on whether half the gens are done by the time the first chase ends or starts here.
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The logic for this patch is so bizarre.
We will make killer easier so they don't need to run anti gen perks all the time.
"But won't killers still run them but now the base changes included?'
No of course not killers wouldn't do that.
These changes clearly come from listening to one pov.
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In my opinion Dead Hard has a tremendous amount to do with gen speeds. Let's assume every use of dead hard extended chases by 30 seconds and 80% of survivors ran dead hard then the value from the perk is 30 * 3(lets round survivor count down) * 2(dead hard once each chase) = 180 seconds worth of time bought for the survivor team. Now it doesn't directly correlate to gen speeds but that is quite a bit of free time for all of the survivors not in the chase to do anything.
Now with dead hard dead that means survivors aren't getting that 180 seconds of value from it, if other exhaustion perks arent as strong(I dont believe they are) the survivor team has lost a huge buffer of time to work on gens/heal/do whatever while other survivors were in chase. Now I do understand that the math does not back up the reality, which is many times survivors won't be in ideal scenarios to make use of that time, but dead hard was undoubtedly helping other survivors bang out gens.
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Those extra seconds on top of all the slowdowns and killer buffs Is for sure the culprit not to mention all the built In killer buffs and survivor nerfs the devs messed up with this patch survivor q Is Instant no one wants to play survivor
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Solo still feels good for me. I don't know what mmr this impossible gen situation is in but I'm not seeing it. The killer changes have made no noticeable impact on my survivor experience.
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um....some regression perks that werent used much got buffed and they most popular and powerful regression perks got heavily nerfed to where they arent very appealing now.
One of the more arguably best perks is overcharge which only has an effect if the survivor doesn't immediately tap the gen after triggering it.
and yea, kill rates for killers were lower than what they wanted so they made changes. If kill rates go too high they will adjust accordingly.
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Here's the problem though. You pretty much have to be AFK on killer to lose right now. And there were players like myself who played a lot of killers and didn't have issues prior to the update. So what's the balance target for killer skill? What does BHVR say about the killer players who didn't need buffs and are now even more oppressive? This is what balancing around low level play looks like.
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Just goes to show a lot of killer players didnt want fair games they just wanted to bully solo q players even more to feed their ego.
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I think that the idea of longer base times for generators is good. I just think that slow-down perks need to be nerfed. All of them.
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That's an absolutely great point. BHVR has not said what killers or survivors are expected to be at skillwise for them to determine balance choices, add in an awful experience for new players and it's just a mess of who do you make balance decision for? High MMR survs and killers who are playing super min/maxed? Or do you balance for more casual players/people who don't know how to run tiles/loop/strong perks, etc.
It is definitely not just a survivor problem
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I played probably 30 games as killer since the release of the update, not a singe team managed to do all 5 gens and escape. Even when im playing pallet eating wraith without any slowdown perks. So something is wrong.
Are the 10 extra seconds per gen to much? Are the chases so much faster becasue dead hard got nerfed? Is something wrong with the MMR?
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Dh is garbage now I laugh when someone tries to use it. They went overboard with the nerf it makes you just slower.
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good thing there are dozens of other perks to use.
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Am I the only one who hasn't had a bad exeprience as survivor? Like sure i have had bad games but the worst experience I had was when people just tried to insta-sacrifice themselves on the first hook... each.
I agree that maybe the gen regression is a bit too much with how much you can stack it, and there still isn't enough base game incentive to not camp (seriously, other than devour hope and monstrous shrine what reason do people have to not camp?). But people still are playing as if the meta is the same when it's not. I've seen survivors acting just as 'aggressive' as before. Some people try to unhook infront of me, some try to use head on aggressively rather than loop, and heck some people are still using dead hard- while I just wait for it to finish and then hit them. I genuinely think survivors just need time to understand they are no longer in a meta where they are supposed to face killer directly. When the survivors don't engage and try to properly loop you it's still possible to get gens done. Give it a month, if things don't improve then we can see WHY rather than just immediately assuming it's because killers are op now.
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I mean, before the update I was experiencing mostly toxic survivors. I think it's less one side is toxic and the other isn't, more that the toxic people play whichever role they feel will let them be the most annoying.
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I really feel it's because people aren't used to the new times on gens nor the punishments
I've only played 7 games in the new update (5 killer, 3 survivor) so take this with a grain of salt but I don't run slowdown perks and usually am the guy focusing on gens.
As killer, I have incentive to actually kick gens and have been doing so which makes people touching gens really dangerous. One of my games I kept the game at 5 gens because they kept trying to bait me instead of doing gens. The one poor dwight who had a toolkit and was doing gens was so obviously at a loss that I gave him hatch at the end.
I saw the same thing from survivor side: people are so impatient. They do the work with me on a gen but frequently just got up to get hit and run around instead of going for a gen. Every hook for two whole games kindred showed me I was the only one doing gens lol
Basic answer is that I think we just have to wait till people understand the new changes.
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Holding m1 is boring, if they made gens more engaging with mini games like in among us for example it would've been much more fun to do gens.
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I was just thinking the same, why not use this system it keeps your focus on the task but not too much, it would be way more interesting than holding m1
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Had two games yesterday where 2 people were already dead at 4 gens. Not from giving up either, the killers were just steamrolling us. In one game, i decided to just let the killer get me next, so the final person could just get a shot at hatch and the game could end, but the killer just took pity and smacked a gen and walked off. So us final two just completed the 4 gens and killer opened the gate letting us leave. Second game, the killer got a 4k but purposely pulled back after those 2 kills and walked around for a bit letting us get stuff done before sacrificing us. I appreciated it as there were 3 bloody party streamers in play, so i ended up with heaps of bp. I doubt though that those games were fun for the killers either.
BUT that was only 2 games out of about 10 all up. The other games were good, some easy and some challenging. I think it just comes down to good old inconsistent SBMM.
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It was pretty much like this:
Killers on forums: Hi BHVR, please nerf DS and DH. We promise we won't camp or tunnel or abuse slowdown or regression perks.
BHVR: Pinky promise?
Killers on forums: SUUUUUURE!
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Gens aren't getting done bc nobody is doing gens.
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All in all, killers have been saying survivors only wanted easy games. They now have the easy games... wonder how fun it is though...
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I've been thinking that people MIGHT do gens if doing gens was the only available daily quest that existed.
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I have noticed people are playing it safe. They're not looping pallets as long as they use too. Or they are flat out abandoning gens in dead zones if they are injured.
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Oh yea sorry my mistake- now it makes total sense. Cuz without DH extending a chase the other 3 survivors def cant do gens. Cant believe i couldnt figure it out. Sorry for trying to discredit.
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It's actually getting kind of frustrating that every update criticism is being met with 'people just don't know how to play without DH'. DH was at 75% usage in *high MMR* per the chart released by BHVR. The devs also said only a very small percentage of the player base is actually in high MMR. Looking at the chart, DH was used about 18% of the time in lower MMR, and about 45% in mid-MMR. I personally never used it.
Blaming its nerf for literally everything a survivor does wrong now is frankly getting old, and i suspect that's intentional as a way of dismissing legitimate feedback on the current update. Your comment is also ignoring the basekit chase buffs that killers recieved, which are also helping you win your chases - not just the absence of DH.