Survivors leaving me on hook and Killers face camping me for having an AOT skin

So with the new AOT collab and having enjoyed the anime, I decided to get the Hange skin since I thought it was my favorite out of them. But after playing games while wearing it, I had many instances where survivors let me die on first hook or times where the killer would tunnel me the moment they saw me and then proceed to face camp me.

At first I simply thought this was dbd players being dbd players and didn't think it had to do with my skin. But as it kept happening and had certain moments like in where a survivor would come to unhook me but once they got a clear view of who I am they would simply run back.

When I shortly played with another survivors with a non AOT skin, these issues rarely happened. Once I went back playing with the Hange skin, these issues spiked right back up in frequency.

And then recently after a game with the skin in where I was left to die on hook again, around 15 minutes later I received a dm on my PS account saying "Next time don't support a racist and his antisemitic anime" which left me in shock. After searching online, apparent there are those who find AOT to be "antisemitic" and thus are ruining the games of players who even have just charms from the crossover.

Have any of you guys experienced thr same issues wearing anything related to AOT and is there any truth to the anime bring "antisemetic"
