New Rift - ain't appealing at all

I would have expected a more interesting rift... lately I've been less and less interested to complete it yet I did, simply because I'm a completionist...
This rift though... I don't know. It might be that I'm still a bit upset about the patch and about my games being horrible 2 days in a row, but I just don't feel like making any effort to get to lvl70.
(Also, given the changes I don't know how easy it'll be to do it unless I max it out only by playing the killer missions)
Jonah, Jonah is my lord and savior and i will do anything for him. this tome is for me.
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I remember when he came out and I said "I need to get this guy to P3".
The groans triggered me so bad I never used him again
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I love Jonahs cosmetic. It makes him looks hot if I'm being candid
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They had to fix his lore since hes such an adorable War Criminal. my favorite war criminal
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They generally never are appealing for the most part. Spirit has a cosmetic in the Rift that's straight up just a recolor of another skin you can get.
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And Meg's? And Claudette's? haha cmon...
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I haven't bought the pass for the last two rifts, but I actually don't mind this one. Jane and Mikaela both have some nice cosmetics so I'm definitely tempted this time
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I'm disappointed due to the fact the free rift is so barren.
I like the Claudette Head Cosmetic in the paid rift but I don't want to pay for it, especially since I'm thinking to take an extended break from the game.
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I personally liked pretty much all the skins and recolors tbh. Would rather have any other character than Jonah, Blight and Nurse tho.
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Yeah, I don't really care for this rift. 90% of it are recolors and boring charms. And I don't care for Jonah or Blight, they're both boring characters. The only thing I want is the Mikaela skin because it looks really pretty and she's kind of grown on me.
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I like the Legion mask even though it's a recolor but that's it.
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Well I can play that much because of work so I don't buy the pass and there isn't enough stuff in the free section to be worth it....
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Yeah. Pretty unimpressed with the rift. I didn’t care for the previous rift either though. 🤷♂️
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Feng generally has a lot of stuff already, and Mikalya is a fairly new survivor too.. didnt she come out less than a year ago? LOL
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Not an appealing rift
I only bought the last one because the David head made him look like a soyjak
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I love Claud and Mikaela but the outfits are so bad I had to pass on this one
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I haven't found the last few rifts worth doing, let alone spending 1k auric cells to get the pass.
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All the more reason not to bother with it this time.
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The Jonah outfit is pretty good all things considered, people just don't like him for some reason.
I'm a fan of the Jake, Clown, & Jeff outfits in the Rift, even though it's a recolor.
The only one I'm not that fond of is the Claudette one and maybe the Nurse
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I very rarely actually get to the end of a tome by the time its over. That's why I don't buy a pass for every one, just the ones I like. If I don't like the tome rewards I'm unlikely to play much.
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Not too bad of a rift imo, the Jane recolor and the Mikaela skin look pretty nice
However, something the devs should consider adding for the free track of all future rifts is BP and Iri Shards
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Y'all are WEAK.
"i RefUsE tO bUy tHe NExT tOmEs uNlEsS ThE NexT 5 rIfTs arE foR FenG MIn"
Hell no, give us more old man rifts.
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I kinda like this one, the Mikaela skin is super cute.
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Jonah. <3
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Got it for the nurse and blight skins, both were pretty dope imo.