To everyone who's rejoicing this patch



  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Survivor players when chases aren't artificially extended 30 seconds by one perk and they actually have to be gen inefficient instead of spending their timing messing with the killer and opening chests 🤯

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited July 2022

    "Gen Rushing was addressed" a toolbox with 1 good addon or brand new part literally negates the Nerf entirely..... jeeez and i dont want to even talk about Prove thyself combined with toolboxes. can people just chill out and stop overeacting.

    Nurses / blights abusing the DS stun timer definetly needs to be adressed but other than that , this is by far one of the best patches for game health. (holding W nerfed , E to outplay a killer fixed , pre-droping pallets is no longer that effective , so people are now forced to learn how to loop properly to win instead of relying on BS perks / comp strats and faster gens speeds.

    soo far am enjoying my games on both sides

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2022

    1 toolbox? Ok, so you think that 1 toolbox overcomes 10 seconds on EVERY gen. So that means every survivor has to run a toolbox on every single game now. Beyond that fact that that's laughably wrong, even if survivors did that, that would mean that there would be no more flashlights at all, no more med kits at all, and even with all that, that only works if the killer has no gen slowing perks, which every single killer runs now. So no, 1 toolbox and an addon doesn't do jack.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    the point is if you hate slower gens them bring a gen speed build if you dont bother , them play with whatever you want jeeez people have to adapt to a more balanced gen speed. but having faster gens speeds by default was BS and am glad that is no longer the case.

    POP got nerfed , ruin got nerfed , pain resonance aswell , corrupt, my man there is no excuse to complain about gens now.

    also if you are gen jockey them whatever ,just run resilience for a aditional 9% gen speed bonus just by staying injured if you also hate thana.

    🙄 just take it easy not everything in the game are "GENS".

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 630

    Remember the fact that grade reset was only a week ago, and this patch brought new ålayers to the game, too. The MMR is wonky at the moment (even more so what it usually is..). Like I said, let's just wait for a while before we start yelling "The Sky is falling!"

    True. I'm not playing this game 6-8 hours a day because I have dayjob and etc..., but I do play almost daily. And yes, I DO play survivor as well. And mostly on soloQ. Sometimes with SWF with my boyfriend and with his mates. My play ratio is about 50/50 with killer/survivor.

    And I can safely say, the camping isn't that big of a problem.

    With this update I have been having more fun on both sides than before this batch.

    Probably the camping/tunneling is more of a problem in certain MMR bracket or region.

    And truth be told, SWF's and bullysquads have been the reason why killers have been doing this for so long. It was the only viable way to get at least 1-2K's against Godlike SWF's.

    And one thing I have seen what this patch has done, is that killers that I go against have been having really niche meme builds. I've also started to do this. Now killers can start to play other perks, too, and not rely only those few "sweaty tryhard" builds that lets you have at least SOME results.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    As I said, they give up from the beginning. When I can finish a whole gen + get 2 unhooks and 3 heals in the time it takes the others to finish 1 gen. Then something is off.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    No, the point is gens by themselves were balanced in a way in which when done perfectly you just made it out. And now they aren't. All the things you're talking about are based around special circumstances. And the gen issue is a hardcap which means BY DEFAULT the gens are now much longer. Because for every perk that got nerfed the others got buffed. So for every perk we can run to speed them up a killer can run one to slow them right back down.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    You made it about perks in the first sentence of your post. You said new players wouldn't get purple perks anymore and that it would take 3 prestiges to get there....that was blatant misinformation because that has never been the case during this patch or before.

    Yes if you took all perks away from both sides pre patch Killers would win because survivors were dependent on their crutch perks like now after DH and DS got nerfed. Killers are SUPPOSED to be powerful because that's the point of a asymmetrical game. The ideal balance for a game like this would be 100% power Killer while each survivor should be 25% power each so that if they work as a team they could deal with the Killer.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    The bp incentives will fix the queue times. The population that leaves is very much welcome to.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Honestly? I have always been extremely survivor biased and feel the game should have been MORE survivor sided than it already was, solely to prevent my queue times from increaseing; however, after tasting these salty tears, I am actually kind of okay with my queues increasing just for the schadenfreude.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090
  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    When the survivors know how to play the game and do not have a weak link throwing the match. Lol.

    Tournament level is where you typically see that, and it trickles down. Matchmaking specifically has quite clearly been tweaked since its (mmr's) inception, so you know, getting an actual high level lobby is more rare than it was a few months ago. But it certainly still happens, and it will always remind even the most timid of killer mains that pretend the game is killer sided because of their success against bots just how soul crushing difficult the game can be. I remember watching Otz wildly swinging at shack window where a survivor taunting him like some frantic beginner because of how flustered he got under the overwhelming pressure of competence. And that guy thinks survivors should be enabled to unhook with no counterplay, just to put things into perspective.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    So Otz got frustrated in a match, after getting 50 win streaks. I feel so bad for him.

  • Lecruidant
    Lecruidant Member Posts: 162
    edited July 2022

    Ah yes. The old "Bandaid" tactic. Try to dangle that carrot to help incentivize players swapping back and forth. Doesn't make one side wildly less dog ######### in comparison.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I cannot really recall if he recently got a 50 winstreak. After mmr was implemented, that is. I recall he got close, or perhaps he did make it, but he was actually dodging high mmr lobbies to achieve it, for obvious reasons. You do not get 50 winstreaks against good survivors. It just does not happen. If he did in fact get one recently, it would certainly prove my claim about the loosened mmr.

    A lot of people are apparently experiencing mixed lobbies ever since this update. Literal baby survivors in lobbies with survivors who have been playing for years. Not sure about the veracity of those rumors, myself.

    But the point remains, the game is survivor sided when people are playing optimally. The issue is, as I am sure you are aware, survivors rarely are. Not that I blame them. Between archives and how boring gen rushing is... It makes sense why so many try more eccentric playstyles that are not exactly going to work on some sweaty killer playing as mean as possible.

  • Lecruidant
    Lecruidant Member Posts: 162
    edited July 2022

    I have 2k hours. Been playing since around Oct 2020. I was Red Rank when I like to think it mattered. Considering you had to actually play the game and do objectives to get and keep your rank. My lobbies have been filled with people who have 20-200 hours of the game. Walking around doing nothing, hiding in the basement when the killer is nowhere near them, and blowing gens every time a skill check comes up. It's not a "recent" thing with the patch. MMR in general is dog #########. It doesn't take into account how many gens you do, unhooks, heals, loops, etc. It just counts if you escape or not. Same with killer, only kills count to go up. Nothing else. So no matter how well you do all around. The system only cares about your bottom line. And you get banished to playing with people who have no idea what they're doing because of it.

    And it's been long enough. Lets stop using the term "Gen Rushing" when that's all they/we can do. It's our ONE objective. If you're being "Rushed", you aren't pressuring enough. The only relative term is camping and tunneling. And the Gen Rush term was only ever and will only ever be used by killers who don't overall pressure the map. They chase one person for far too long, ignore all other things going on around them, then say they were gen rushed when multiple gens start going off.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2022

    I'm curious, if it was only DH and DS nerfed, and none of the killer buffs happened outside of the perk changes, would you be happy?

    Do you see any benefits in the killer changes as a whole? Do you see more varied killers, despite the slow down builds you're encountering, or do you still see the same ones the most? I see a lot of people focusing on the negatives but I wonder if you ignore any of the benefits.

  • Lecruidant
    Lecruidant Member Posts: 162
    edited July 2022

    Here's the thing. The pallet break and door bust changes are fine. Though let me edit my initial statement and say coupled with the perk that lets you take less time recovering from a pallet hit, it's absolutely ######### rough. However the increase in recovery from a hit/miss were already something a perk gave you. Which now also stacks with said perk. Why did they need this? On top of that, they also got a decrease in time it takes to get to Bloodlust stages. Also why. Gens were already being increased in time, meaning there was slightly more fluff while gen regression perks got buffed as well. All of that did not need to be coupled together.

    DH and DS needed nerf. I never used those anyway. But far too many people relied on them.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    "I cannot E anymore after losing a mindgame to tbag the killer after reaching the window, the game is dead".

    This is really, REALLY preposterous. I'd be happy to not see this type of players in the game anymore.

  • Lecruidant
    Lecruidant Member Posts: 162

    Did you say the same thing when killers were upset about not being able to rely on Ruin to pressure the map for them?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Why will you have quit by then and queue times will be better?

    Sorry but all the doom and gloom posting is just silly.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    But that'll actually take skill and time to adjust! 🤯

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Honestly, I do not get it.

    I played only survivor since the patch dropped and only two rounds of killer to check how the faster recovery and pallet kicking worked. I die plenty but usually we work out 2 escapes. This is pretty good.

    Camping and tunneling are still there but they do not feel worse. If anything they feel better because many people are using "Off the Record" now which allows better unhooks. Still an issue that should be adressed thou.

    I think once survivors figure out their new meta and get used to the shorter speedboost things will balance out a bit more. Same for the new Dead Hard. I think people are sleeping on it now and ignore just how good it can be once they get used to it.

    While I was dead I watched my better teammates and they were able to put in quit some work with those perks. Also the new Botany Knowledge is dope and can save your team plenty of time.

    So overall this patch feels good as a survivor. I especialy enjoy the nerfed Hex: Ruin when Killers pair it with Undying...

  • PlayEvilDead
    PlayEvilDead Member Posts: 91
    edited July 2022

    Distortion and even sole survivor need to also work to block bond and empathy so the survivors I'm waiting to die so I can camp the gate to get out of the elo hell i descended into yesterday won't be able to make me have to keep running around the map using empathy just to avoid them trying to drop the killer on me for hiding all game while they dropped like flies or hid from gensthemselves. I go out of my way the few times I even q survivor any longer to avoid generators and spina round instantly as if I walked up behind the kilelr when I see one LMFAO. I really enjoy the irony but it only makes solo playable one or two games for every ten games where I slug everybody as killer just to break the monotony

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Few killers can force camping effectively. With a few situational exceptions survivors have the chance to counter this with coordination alone; 2nd chance perks like bt aren't even needed but do additionally contribute to the odds of success. With the new base bt a single survivor now has enough time to reposition and cover the unhooked until hit or a fresh pallet is reached.

    Camping is not a guaranteed kill just as an unhook is not guaranteed to be safe. There is always the possibility of success or failure for both sides.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Is that a joke?

    Dead Hard wasn't removed by just doing a totem.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,504

    Imo... You're clearly overreacting to this patch, the patch just got live... Please, guys. Just calm down and think, you can create a new meta now. Most of survivors to me playing the same overaltruisticly as before. Some thing about survivors tactics needs to change.

    I agree Qtimes are longer now, but you what? I'd rather go against strong survivors who's not gonna DC, rather than 2 sec qtime with dc after first down...

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333
  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    I’m hanging in there, but this patch made me really want to quit 3 times within the past 24 hours. Like uninstall. That’s not a good feeling. I got the last feeling this morning but then I remembered I bought the rift pass yesterday, and that made me feel worse.

  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95

    We hear this every patch. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    So its ok when it was survivor sided? Because I can tell which side will ALWAYS have the lower population, and its not survivors.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I would refer you to my reply 3 posts above your response.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yes true.

    It's already starting to show. Even during the evening, where killer queue times used to be faster, they are now longer than survivor queue times.

    Who knows, maybe there will still be many people that will continue to play survivor like normal. I know some people still enjoy solo queue. And swf anyways. But yeah, I am definitely expecting killer queue times to increase noticeably within the next weeks. And then the devs will hopefully realise that they have to buff weak points for survivors, nerfs against camping and tunneling will hopefully come at first.

    And then nerf certain slowdown perks on the killers side.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2022

    No, it's ok when you address both sides, not ok when you address one. Which is what they did here, they addressed just killers, and nothing but. And I'd like to mention that they were told repeatedly by respected DBDers that play with them and around them, that this patch is extremely killer sided. And they still went on to release it despite that. So it's not like they don't know what they did, they know, they just don't care.

    And it's already showing, in the last day their review on steam went from 83% positive to 80%.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Like keys and moris being addressed at the same time?

    Or dead hard validation added

    Or wiggle skill checks coming with a free bonus reduction to wiggle time up to 1 second

    BHVR has an awful track record of being "fair" to both sides when they buff/nerf.