Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Killer hypocrisy



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  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Those are not second chance perks you do realize what second chance means right

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 902

    We could just end the Us Vs. them thing and come together and help make a better game for both sides no?

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Without these, how else would you easily know when someone's view is incomplete and thus unreliable?

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited July 2022

    Congratz to your 3k I guess, what is wrong with ppl using 1 single game as "proof" for their argument? Anyway what I mean with that is for example on your build, with dead lock the furthest gens are beeing blocked which means pain res will not regress those gens, it will pick a different "furthest" gen. Therefore you cannot slow down the actually furthest gen as planned. Ofc if the furthest gen is blocked but that is rng and in the wrong moment PR will not give you much value combined with dead lock cuz lets say it will then just pop a complete different gen that is at like 10% for example. It may also pop on a 0% gen if there is no other gen atm beeing worked on.

    Same goes to DMS with dead lock for example, what if you have atm dead mans switch active? Now a gen pops and another gen is blocked, well you could anyway just walk up to that gen and block it anyway with dead mans switch. Again 2 perks that colide and take each others value away.

    Another example, you cant use dead mans switch with the majority of gen kick perks since the gens are beeing blocked the majority of the match. You cant use pop, erruption, call of brine or overcharge with it. I mean you still can but ye... good luck I guess.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,094

    The game isn't always killer sided with solo q. That's just something people scream because they want the survivor role buffed. Solo q is the normal mode, and it's SWFs and voice communication that is giving extra advantages that the killer isn't compensated for.

  • AvengerBear
    AvengerBear Member Posts: 100

    not really, killer role has always been the power role against solo q, and that is your so called "normal mode". It's widely acknowledged the power goes Nurse > SWF > Killers > Solo Q

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2022

    Not exactly true, it's only backed up by incompetence of solo q survivors, if all of them were competent enough, majority of killer players got wrecked anyway.

    This is also known to BHVR because they have the statistics.

    POLBOY Member Posts: 69

    somebody prbl said that already, so let me just throw it out

    ,,There needs to be a hard limit on how much you can slowdown a gen and an increase in the sacrifice timer while on hook, 60 seconds does not account for new killer action speeds and how much easier it is to catch survivors now"

    let's do not go to these extremes

  • AvengerBear
    AvengerBear Member Posts: 100

    what are you talking about? Are you trying to say solo q is somehow stronger? Even Otz admits solo q is the weakest role in the game

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,094

    BHVR said solo q and SWF was off by like 15%, which isn't even a full survivor (25%). All this complaining about solo q is just people trying to get voice communication information given to solo q.

    Bridging the gap between solo q and SWF just means making it easier for people to find a stable group of people to play the game with. It has nothing to do with giving extra in-game information to solo q, because SWFs without voice communication have the same in-game information as solo q.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I don't think that they did. Stats have long shown that killers out perform survivors. What I think they tried to address unsuccessfully was that 4 man stacks were able to win consistently with few losses. They tried to and failed to address that. All that has happened now is that the only way for survivors to win is to 4 man stack.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    they literally stated killers were winning too little though.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Killer's dont have second chance perks. There isn't a perk to undo an unbreakalble.

    There isn't a sprint burst.

    They have a very limited pool of perks to detect, help in chase, slow gens or general utility.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I can’t speak for other killers but I’ve been running all sorts of loadouts, some have no slowdown some have it. Just tonight I played Juggernaut Dredge with Endurance, Brutal Strength, Fire Up, And Bamboozle and it went great. 🙂

  • Sebadriel360
    Sebadriel360 Member Posts: 9

    El reto para los killers ya no es llevarse 4k

    El reto ahora es llevarse 4k antes de que reparen el primer generador.

    Ahora se ven más que nunca las perks que ralentiza la reparación y lo peor es que todas ellas se van sumando 200% de sobrecarga más el 100% de salmuera.

    Si un generador ya fué golpeado dolor resonante baja aún más lo reparado de ese motor...

    Jugar de sobreviviente se ha vuelto estar si o si pegado a un motor y nada más no hay nada que ayude con eso.

    Las pruebas de habilidad excelentes deberían premiar más en la reparación y salir aún más constantes... Que se yo...

    Intentaron sacudir al juego y lo único que hicieron fue dejar a los sobrevivientes en el gancho... Yo ni me quejó del chungo o de las meta perks...

    Pero en serio jugar de sobreviviente no renta.

    Mis perks de siempre (incluso antes de la actualización)

    Curación Interior, sobreviviremos, vínculo y tiempo prestado (porque si, con tanto tuneleo y campeo aún es necesaria)

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 766

    I'm a little confused? Comparing second chance survivor perks to killer slowdown is kinda weird. The definition of a second chance perk is to get a second chance when you make a mistake. Dead hard is a second chance perk. On the killer side...I don't really see any second chance perks except maybe NOED. If there's a killer tunneling down one the gens. Most slowdown perks only work if the killer is actually working for it. They have to kick the gen, they have to hook someone, they have to actually down someone first. How well any of that works depends on how good you are as a survivor but that's a completely separate thing that you can't blame perks on

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Tell me a second chance perk? Do I have a perk that hit you if you reach a window or a pallet?

    NOED doesnt give second chances.Just punish for rushing while DH punish me for nothing.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    So surv can run second chances but killers cant.Do you wish killer focus on chase perks?you really wanna last 5 secs in a chase?

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    The game is a race , plain and simple. Slow down perks mean that a killer can play badly and win. Second chance perks extend the chase for survivors, buying them more time to do gens. Gen rushing is the true opposite of gen slow down. But it accomplishes the same thing, just in different ways.

    I am ok with base time increase for generators, but I do not like builds that focus on slow down. It encourages sloppy game play where the killer is winning but in the slowest way possible.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 742
    edited July 2022

    Like I have said in multiple threads, BHVR went little bit overboard with some of these changes, but over all, this was a necessary step for the game. Now they can start to tweak and adjust things in coming weeks and months.

    I had couple of matches yesterday where I lost entirely, because all survivors escaped. So it is possible. But this time, I didn't get upset about it like I did before this patch. Why is that? Because this time I never felt like I was robbed from a sure victory because of some bs mechanics that survivors used all the time before this patch. I felt that they actually deserved it and I deserved to lose those games.

    My point being, those surv perk nerfs were necessary for the well being of the game. And some survivors, who were boosted by those crutch perks, are now upset because they cant cakewalk the games anymore like they used to, and refuse to adapt to new gamestyle.

    And keep in mind, (and I am certain) that BHVR will tone down some of those killer buffs. They are reviewing the data for now.

    Everybody just keep calm, and please stop instigating this "Us vs. Them" (on which I have been guilty couple of times in the past myself)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh ######### i totally forgot about Deja Vu! Adding it to my build right now.

    Thank you!

  • AvengerBear
    AvengerBear Member Posts: 100

    yeah, sure. I guess killers go against SWF, and cried about DH, COH etc are also player problem