Good/fun new builds with the perk changes?

brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

Has anyone come up with good or fun new builds with the perk changes? Not necessarily looking for the best possible load out, just a build that synergizes well

Edit: survivor or killer, btw


  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    As killer or survivor? Killers should sweat and run optimal builds after the update because it ensures a 4k. gg ez. If you're running a fun build on survivor, you're wasting everybody's time, I guess. It's not fun for your teammates.

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    My favorite build is Tracking Trickster, but could work with other killers if you replace Iron Maiden with BBQ or something:

    - Lethal Pursuer

    - Floods of Rage

    - Darkness Revealed

    - Iron Maiden

    - Diamond Cufflinks add-on

    Thanks to the Lethal Pursuer buff, it extends the aura duration of these aura perks and add-on and is very fun to play around with!

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    For Survivor, the Botany change rewards healing without a med-kit, so it pairs well with Autodidact imo since that works without a medkit as well. So currently my build consists of:

    - Autodidact

    - Botany Knowledge

    - Solidarity

    - Leader

    This is supposed to make healing faster for whoever you are healing and whoever is healing you. However if you want to just focus on healing others, you could replace Solidarity and Leader with Desperate Measures and Empathic Connection or We'll Make It.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Endgame build

    Hope wake up no one left behind adrenaline

    I loved this build prior to the patch already, but the buffs to hope and NOLB made it even better love it

    (Good luck reaching endgame if you soloq tho)

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I have been using lightweight with iron will, Premonition, and fixated.

    Its really fun

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    Skill check doctor has been a lot of fun, even more this patch with overcharge being a decent pick on him (anyone else and I'd use call of brine)

    Huntress lullaby

    Merciless storm



    Purple terror radius addon or iri.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    My current build on Demogorgon is:

    Lethal Pursuer (good for the early-game and helps I'm All Ears)

    I'm All Ears (amazing Perk on Demogorgon, better than Save The Best For Last if you're good at hitting Shreds)

    Deadlock (slows down the Generators passively so you can focus on chasing)

    Whatever I'm feeling at the moment (free Perk slot, use whatever you want (just not Save The Best For Last))

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    That's all you offer? Grow up.

    This is a crossplay game that buffs all killers by 12.5% here and 10% there in spite of the differences between character, platform, and input. Simply playing on PC buffs killers. Playing PC Nurse, buffs the killer even more. Add MKB to the formula, even more. You do know Deathslingers exist on Switch, yes?

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    CoH + Botany + Lithe + OTR is my survivor build.

    For killer? I have not general build honestly. It depends on my mod and the killer i am playing.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816
    edited July 2022

    Yeah I play video games to have fun. If you want your teammates to play optimal sweat builds only then find 3 likeminded friends. The only thing your teammates owe you in solo queue is to not cheat or exploit and make a sincere attempt to complete the objectives.

    Edit: thank you to everyone who has actually answered the question.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922

    I’m really liking Rookie Spirit right now. With everyone kicking gens now it acts as a great way to know where the killer is, which gens have some progress, and where your teammates are.

  • MineralWater
    MineralWater Member Posts: 13

    You can never go wrong with a scavanger build on survivor: Ace in the hole + Plunderers instinct + Residual manifest / Pharmacy (I like the change that BHVR did to it) + a perk of your choice (honorable mention: Appraisal).

    For killers there is a classic old one: Rancor + Nemesis + NWO + Remeber me.

    Or you can go try a gen camper build: Trail of torment + Eruption + Insdious + Dragons grip (not neccesery on insta down killers).

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    Did the update balance the game? Are universal buffs to killer correct when the experience of killer varies according to character played, platform used, and input used?

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 320

    For killer, my builds have always been 1 gen regression, 1 chaser, 1 info, and 1 flex slot to fill in whatever I feel is lacking with that killer. Really basic stuff. My killer builds generally look like:

    SH:PR or Jolt or Call of Brine or something (formerly PGTW)

    Bamboozle or STBFL or Make Your Choice

    Whispers (I've been using it so long that I feel blind without it, I only take it off for Spirit)

    Darkness Revealed or Discordance or Tinkerer or Lethal Pursuer with aura reading add-ons, generally some sort of second info perk to fill in the informational gaps in Whispers.

    For survivor, it's Windows of Opportunity, Off the Record, a non-Dead Hard exhaustion perk, and some other decent perk. Circle of Healing, Prove Thyself, something like that in the last slot.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    What else you liking with it? I myself have always liked it but rarely run it

  • zgameboy
    zgameboy Member Posts: 79
    edited July 2022

    Generator Jockey Build




    and I am debating between prove thyself (obviously better if grouped) and stake out which gives bonus great skill check progression.

    Stealth Ninja Build

    -Off the record


    -Lucky Break

    -Boon Shadow Step

    Post edited by zgameboy on
  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    I still love using this build on Nemesis and hasn't let me down:

    • Corrupt
    • Jolt
    • Snitch Crows
    • Starstruck: this one depends on what the survivors bring in the lobby, if it's for Medkits then Sloppy.
    • Add-ons: Dep. Ink Ribbon & T-virus sample

    I don't bother much with finding survivors at the start of the trail, instead, I slap the zombies asap then go for a survivor to get to T2 pronto. That's what Corrupt is for.

    On survivor:

    • Prove Thyself, CoH, SB/Overcome & Flashbang

    The only fun thing about this build is FB, everything else is survival mode.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922

    My current build is Rookie Spirit, Sprint Burst, Vigil, and BT.

    Sprint Burst helps me in chase and lets me reach a regressing gen faster so it doesn't lose much progress, Vigil makes it so I can get Sprint Burst so fast I don't have to bother walking everywhere. BT is for tunnelling.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922

    Glad you like it :D

    Although I recently took off BT for Kindred and I’ve found I’ve been having a lot more success. Kindred let’s me know if the killer is coming to my gen so I can sprint off early or stealth from them and it also lets me know which gens my teammates are on so I can go help them after I finish my gen.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    Deliverance, Sprint Burst, Off the record

    Unhook yourself, sprint burst away, have endurance if the killer keeps chasing you.