For those survs that complains

Greeting fellow players i will be blunt and direct..
The game is now somehow more balanced, now.
What you are suffering its the mmr problem of adding surv with 5k with "just bought the game survs"
Of course u arent escaping u cant carry 3 persons.
On other cases is a skill issue...No worries not everyone is good at one game.
Why is it only survivors that ever need to "git gud" why does this never apply to killers?
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it did, for the last 7 years ...
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Wait I lost the 7th anniversary?
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Ohh do you think killers didnt had to git gut? Killers had to stand the 50 second chances per game during several years now its time to git gut to the survivors part.
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More or less since June 2016, with a few exceptions. Are you per chance only playing survivor?
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Because the only time killer mains play survivor is in swf that’s why they think it’s easy.
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So does that mean killers will be receiving nerfs soon? Because that is what happened to survivors.
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Nonsense. Many Killer "mains" are soloQ mains if they play both roles. "No friends" remember?
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I dont play SWF and Im main killer I do play killer cuz I pass of getting potatoes but thats but just mmr problem
I found surv that even repair in killer face when im looping really close and then I got those who just crouch in a corner or those who have a crow crown all game but you know? I dont cry
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I mean if you main killer right now and are still crying what do you want next? Survivors to spawn on the hook?
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Nope, it means that they should add ping system or comms so we can put closer SWF and Solos. Behaviour trying tp balance berween those 3 groups is basically banging his head to a wall.
Once we have that system and more or less is established we can nerf/ buff according
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Ive been main killer since i bought the game becuz I like the role and i dont have any friend that likes the game.
Which killer is crying on this update?
With adding comms or ping system and balance according skill not escapes im happy.
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Wow,what a coincidence! Me too. I only get potatoes as teammates, but I can't play killer because the queue times are too long. ^^
And with the direction BHVR is going after this patch, seems like queue times for killers will be getting worse and the only survivors left in game will be SWF.
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Most main killers surely have same issue.We get potatoes and its frustrating becuz no coordination and do stuff like flashlighting while carrying a survivor or just sun burning killer back with a flashlight.
So we prefer killer becuz at least is my mistakes that lead me to lose but then we found the second chances like Dead hard for distance that even if we dont make a mistake we get a punish.
And now killer is more fun becuz of the changes.
Im not fully agree with certain changes like:
BT in base game timer ( I think should be longer a bit or the surv should be intangible for 12 secs base after unhook) and add a mini sprint burst not a little hit.
DS stun should be 4 secs at least and keep desactivated.
Off the record according to the perk description have no sense to have endurance ( becuz u are "off the record")
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Yes! I am from the future... I have to go 🤥