Does anyone allready gave up playing solo Q Survivor?

I didn't yet, but so far the games are... difficult lets say. I also see way more people giving up than before the update.


  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I mean, if you were playing survivor before, it wouldn't be that hard to wait.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    It’s not a joke. I’m playing civi 6 now. I won’t play this game until I can have a minimum of fun

  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 264

    Yerps- won’t touch solo now- tbh my current 3 SWF struggle now-

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I used to play survivor in the morning and then few killer games after work. Its the best way to get fast queues and also play and do challenges for both sides. But not so sure about it anymore

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I've been escaping solo more than ever. It's weird and I don't understand why.

  • BrowneChiari_
    BrowneChiari_ Member Posts: 38
    edited July 2022

    No, I'm having even more fun, even though I'm losing fast

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited July 2022

    I did, Solo is just a pointless waste of everyones time at the moment.

    Not sure about Europe right now but yesterday during day was around 5-6 minutes to find a lobby, 1 minute because nobody ever readies up (to be fair I would need a minute too to compose myself knowing whats going to happen after the game loads if I were playing Survivor), 30 seconds offering screen around 30 to 90 seconds loading, on average I had to wait around 8 to 9 minutes since I pressed "ready" until I had control of my character.

  • JibbyNeutron
    JibbyNeutron Member Posts: 208

    I already gave up. Not really because of winning, I couldnt care less. I play Solo Q. But the fact that you can be sitting on the same gen for the entire match.

    I switched to killer day 1 patch, ez mode. Sadly, my Killer Q is already taking 10 minutes

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    The survivor q is instant all the time so I figure with my addiction to keep playing they're atleast getting stats from my dying over and over. The funny thing is I've seen way more killer DCs than survivor, seems like survivors are sticking around to make sure the kill rate stats are being counted instead of thrown out.

  • JibbyNeutron
    JibbyNeutron Member Posts: 208

    I be honest with you, the 100% alone didnt even motivate me. I would consider TRYING it again if I would get 1000% BP Bonus. And thats just trying it out, I doubt I would do this to myself with any incentive. But for now, no man. Im not looking at my survivors. I boot DbD and straight I play Killer.

    Usually I do Survivor Challenges 1st and then all the Killer challenges. This is the 1st Tome where I completed all Killer challenges already while havent even touched a single Survivor challenge

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Soloq has been rough, so far the first day it wasn't too bad, difficult but seemed manageable. The 2nd night it was super rough, didn't escape most of my games and frankly didn't get more than 2 gens done because of either killer perks or the team just gave up. Last night wasn't so bad, I had better games, but I think I was the soloq that filled a 3-man for the good games, hence why they went well... some games were absolutely awful.

    Sadly, I actually enjoy survivor way more because I feel like it takes more skill and more interaction than killer, so I'm stuck in this weird place of enjoying survivor but not really enjoying it. I enjoy the role more, but my fun level is definitely lower than before when I play.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    I'm trying to push through, but it is tough.

    For 6 trials now, I've tried to complete the archive challenge Blood Debt (unhook 4 survivors who unhooked you earlier in the trial), and I've made zero progress.

    Either I don't get hooked first, and the killer tunnels everyone else out of the game.

    Or I get hooked first, and I get tunneled out of the game.

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 420

    my games r getting to the point where my solo queue teams have been congratulating each other on only having one person tunnelled out instead of three and also managing 3 gens which is highly impressive and needs more reward post update imo

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Civ 5 is the superior Civ game, especially with all the mods available on Steam.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    I couldn't stand solo Q even before update honestly, I was one of the players expecting BUFFS for solo Q, I hate this patch.. and yes killer queues are way too long, pls give a temporary bonus until you fix incentives

  • JibbyNeutron
    JibbyNeutron Member Posts: 208

    This is the one of the dumbest challenges ever. This one was sitting for me several weeks on standby. It takes forever to finish it when you play naturally and optimal. And I dont throw a game just for a challenge

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited July 2022

    Help. Please make it stop!

    Someone DC in loading screen so we didn't have to play this but still... just seeing this make me depressed.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I've been doing better against tunnelers and campers with OTR. I last longer and I've gotten escapes where pre-patch the Killer would have gotten a 4K.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699
    edited July 2022
  • LittleBigSunset
    LittleBigSunset Member Posts: 242

    That build is probably the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. Seems like DBD is back to being a horror game.