I'm pretty sure some players will be looking for new excuses for camping and tunneling in the future

PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415


because I'm also pretty sure that the developers will take a closer look at camping and tunneling in the future to make it even less attractive. I could imagine the developers increasing hook times in the future to make camping less attractive or something similar.

Let's see what comes next. Maybe the Solo Q Pain excuse? One of the three has been seen more often in the forum since the 6.1 patch.

For me, it's definitely clear. This patch is refreshing and I play 50% killer and 50% solo survivor. My experience with the patch has been very positive, and if that's not the case for other players, I'm sorry.

But the fact that some people here are badmouthing the Solo Q like this and also scaring away new players is just ridiculous.

Too many players focus too much on escaping and killing

It is a pity that it is like this. I can not say more


  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Of course they will.

    Some people just play scummy for the sake of it, so even if the Devs made everything else much more enticing and stronger, they would still do it.

    As for your take on the reactions to the update, yes a lot of people are overreacting. That is to be expected with changes this big, especially referring to the Dead Hard nerf here.

    They will adept to it soon enough.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    They will adapt to it by not playing survivor.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    "Find excuses", as is one needs one excuse to play following the rules.

    Tunneling and camping are valid strategies. They may not be fun, but they have their uses.

    I don't particularly enjoy being camped either but unless my team is really bad, it's usually the right time to do gens.

    As for tunneling, well, at least it's an opportunity to improve my jukes so I will not complain.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Who needs excuse when there is nothing to excuse

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    Crazy, but yes, some players always will. With a sample size of about 40k players you are bound to find basically any combination that you coild be looking for.

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    Just remember according to the killer mains on this forum: you only get to care about winning if you play killer. If you play survivor you should only care about "having fun" If they don't 4k every game the people holding their family hostage will not let them go.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,546

    There is a little difference between playing scummy and playing efficient.

    Do you seen some tournaments and how killers played on them?

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I believe they believed buffing chase, regression and gen timers people would stop camping because "camping is the only viable strat I wouldnt do it if you gave me all these buffs", so they gave all the buffs and then surprise surprise, people just couldnt help themselves and continued camping and tunneling because its the easy way to go.

    Self-policing is always a mistake, doesnt work in advertisement, doesnt work in banking, doesnt work in antidoping, its not going to work here either.

  • LadLord
    LadLord Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2022

    Yeah Killers still face-camp, same as usual, if not more now.

    And they just change meta from iron will and dead hard to off the record and lightweight, the other "unintresting" perks are still not gona be used more, I believe.

    I guess it's a new learning curve with this new update, but my win-ratio as survivor has gone down significantly.

    Now I maybe survive 2 out of 10 games solo... insted of like 6/10.

    I think this update will ruin a lot of new players experience, since it was hard enough for them before, and now it's even harder.

    And why do I need to lvl up like 70 lvls to get green version of a perk I just took in the bloodtree? I feel like it wasn't like that before...

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    It kind of does. Camping is usually done by new killers having no clue as how to play and killers without any other option left. (And a few that only do it because it's annoying, like many other things in the game.)

    A "normal" killer will camp if there are survivors around, or the gens are (almost) done, etc. Otherwise, it goes against his interests to do so.

  • Hibagon
    Hibagon Member Posts: 27

    Camping and tunneling was rampant before, its rampant now and itll be rampant forever. If im a killer and i want to win, eliminating one survivor as quickly as possible is the single most important thing to do. You could triple gen time and half chase time and that would still be 100% true.

    Its a fundamental problem with the design of the game and perks like DS or BT were only ever bandaids. removing the problem would require a major redesign of the only game mode and BHVR has shown no interest in making such drastic changes.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    From my extensive experience as Solo before the patch, no, a lot of Killers of all skill levels and seniority camp from first hook because is one of the strongest strategies against Solos, lack of info and comms means usually 3 people go to the hook to see if they can save and it usually takes around 20 to 30 seconds (10/15 to reach and 10/15 to go back to your gen) which severely hampers the team odds of finishing remaining gens before the person croaks. Ive seen people with 100 hours and people with 4000 hours camp and every number in between, even big name streamers who are hailed as very good players camp a lot, the whole "I need incentives or buffs" was a blatant lie.

    This patch making it stronger means people who relied on camping are going to get more juice for the same money.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    "even less atrractive" ... they buffed both pretty hard. But hey, its no surprise this coming from you. Youre one of those making threads on a daily basis to proclaim "its not so bad" to ensure youre easy 4k killer gameplay. Killer entitlement deluxe.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    First, they have to know they are solos.

    Second, in my normal solo games virtually nobody goes for the hook until it's (almost) too late. If I'm grouped with beginners however, it's several layers of awful.

    Camping is also pretty rare for me : once every 8 games maybe. I"ll see if it increases but for the moment, it's fine.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    I hard tunnelled to adept Myers the other day. There is no consequence to tunnelling atm and it helped me adept so why not. The TTV and another in the lobby questioned why I did it, I apologised and moved on. Player was on console and long gone. They even had DS but barely made any distance.

    There is no real punishment for hard tunnelling a player.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    No why would I be interested in tournaments for a game like this?

    This game is about as competetively viable as Mario Party, it's obvious that anyone trying to be as optimal as possible is going to sacrifice all potential fun that could have been had, which, at least in my humble opinion, defeats the entire point of a game in the first place.

    Also, I was clearly saying that some would play scummy just for the sake of playing scummy, not optimally. So even if the Devs heavily nerfed camping and tunneling, some would still do it despite it costing them every game they try it in.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited July 2022

    They dont need to know they are Solos, around half the players on this game play(ed) Solo so odds of having at least 2 on a lobby are super high, its just risk assesement, if you play a roulette where there is a bet with a 75% win chance you play that bet over and over, sometimes you will lose but you will win more often than not. If they get Solos they win, if they get SWFs they may lose but since there are more Solos the odds are stacked in their favour and they can always come to the forums to complain about SWFs if they lose.

    Plus its actually very easy to determine Solo teams, first of all, globes, if there are only 2 globes almost universally the Survivors are Solo (maybe, and its a HUGE maybe, they are two SWFs of 2), second, the way they appear on the lobby they are arranged like globe, no globe, globe, no globe? they are Solos, how they join, 2 at the same time and are both no globe (or globe)? a SWF of 2 etc. SWFs made from different platforms are SUPER rare, they do exist but I dont think Ive encountered many of them.

    I believe the most common team composition is 4 Solos or 2 Solo and a SWF of 2, and SWF 2 are not that strong either.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Players will always justify how they play regardless of what you think of the play style.

    I hate survs standing around in the gateway as it wastes my time, they counter with you can make them leave, but i shouldn't have to make you leave, you could just not be a clown.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    I would say what you said is a big pile of BS, but thats just my opinion.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    Or wenn you call them out to it "uwu ... I just wanted to give you a free hit to help you maximize your BP", like you get that a lot, but when you actually chase them out a lot of survivors actively try to evade your strikes. Hmm, what could be going on here? (and yes, some will give you free hits ... but thats more rare then not).