It's very clear that they did not reduced the grind at this point, right? By a very big margin.

Mercês Member Posts: 376

I think what they wanted to say was: for new players, it's better.

The players who had it all completed and sat at bloodweb Lv. 50 farming good add-ons? FU, your time is over.

When we will have a add-on "recycle" interface?


  • Archvile
    Archvile Member Posts: 57

    It definitely takes way less to unlock all perks on a new character now. Not only you get tier ones for free, the small bloodwebs after a prestige let you get a bunch of perk tiers for very cheap. Today I banged out 25 perk tiers for half a million bloodpoints, for example.

    If you play a single character and all you care about is getting rare add-ons, then that's definitely gotten worse.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,550

    I hold that they reduced the grind on perks overall, especially for those who invested in their characters already - the next time a killer comes out, I will only need to pump points into them to get their perks on everyone and then everyone on that side has all perks. My survivors are more of a WIP but eventually that'll be the case on that side too.

    New players I don't see much benefit for them perk wise overall, until they've put a lot of time in, then it gets better, see above. So I don't think the new player experience will change much.

    Add on, offering, and item wise this was absolutely a downgrade from the previous system across the board.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,753

    What will be the saving grace of the new system is the BP incentive. It worked multiplicatively, so if you see there's a 100% bonus active, you can bring a 100% BP offering. Get 30k, and you'll get not 90k, but 60k*2, 120k BP just from that. That will be the saving grace for new players. It means all BP offerings are stronger now. But without them, the grind for BP at least got worse, as well as the grind to get good perks on a few characters.

    But the grind to get all perks of everyone is massively reduced.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    When you have all perks, so everything is unlocked for you, your grind is finished, simple as that. Why should the system do anything for you, if you are not grinding (you said it yourself, doing bloodwebs for addons is more like farming)?

    To post some actual data about the grind reduction, here's my experience:

    Before the update, I had two survivors will all 321 perk tiers, five with around 200 perk tiers, and the remaining ones (24) with around 180 perk tiers. After the update, all the remaining, not maxed out charachters are around 300 perk tiers. So the update gifted me around 80-100 perk tiers PER SURVIVOR, which cumulates to roundabout 2800 perk tiers (5*80 + 24*100). Thats 1400 bloodwebs in the old system, times 50k BP required per web (very optimistic estimate) -> 70.000.000 BP required in the old system. And thats just to get to the point where I am NOW. There are still 20 perk tiers left per character, but that last 20 can be easily fetched after prestiging, bc. the bloodwebs are small again.

    Sure not everyone will have such a big reduction. But anyone that has many characters unlocked and wants to have all the perks on all that characters, they received a MASSIVE grind reduction, now and most importantly, for the future as well. These are the players which really "suffered" under the ever increasing grind, not the new players, not the ones using only one or two chars as mains. It's these players that really needed a reduction, and they got it from that update.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    The grind for perks -- absolutely reduced, and it was a great change.

    However, having to go through a ridiculous number of bloodwebs to find either an item as survivor or add-ons as killer worth using -- that's an INCREASE to the grind, and it's not a positive change at ALL. It makes bringing items that are actually useful in as survivor much harder to do (with the risk of burning through them you have if you end up in a bad run of matches), and if you're playing a killer that is reliant on add-ons to be useful (and there's more than a few of those), then it's even worse.

    There needs to be a change to the rarity of items in bloodwebs after a prestige, or a sell-back option for BP for the junk stuff no one ever uses, If not, then even a BP incentive isn't going to be enough to make up for that issue.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    If you only need the good perks on your favorite killer/survivor, then you're not suffering from the grind like others are to begin with.

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    I get it. But the grind is worse. Because before bloodweb Lv. 30-ish it's very hard to path to the things you want, because the bloodweb is small and you just buy everything that comes with it. And when you reach Lv. 50. You are obligated to prestige and start all over again. Fair for you? Better for you? I don't think so.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    For fetching perks, starting all over at level 1 actually helps, yes, at least it feels like it. For addons its bad, sure, but again, thats farming for me, not grinding. But don't mistake me, the whole point of mandatory prestiging is also strange for me. Don't know why they don't just let it be optional. But that's nothgin to do with the catch-up system granting me 2.8k perk tiers.

  • BringShaggytoDBD
    BringShaggytoDBD Member Posts: 412

    Grind has been reduced for veteran players by 10%. By removing BBQ + WGLF double BP, adding tax for prestiging and forcing prestige it doesn't seem like they've done anything positive at all.

    I'm also finding Escape Cake and Party Streamers a lot less now. Wouldn't put it past BHVR to decrease the rate at which they appear in bloodwebs.

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  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I would call myself a veteran player, and it reduced the grind for my survivors by 31% / 37% percent (depending on which surv). Don't know where you got that 10% from. The 20k tax is neglectable, and the small webs actually help getting the remaining perks with less BP.

    Also, with every next new characters, the additional grind stays exactly the same, it's no longer increasing. Thats the big benefit of the change.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    The grind was only reduced for those who had already grinded. They removed the BP gains from BBQ and WGLF (which is just dumb) and made prestige almost mandatory, when it should have stayed optional.

    Easier to get perks? Sure, if you had planned for that before the update dropped. Now it is far more difficult to get items, add-ons, offerings...

    And those things are needed.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited July 2022

    Even for those that did grind its increased because there's just a bunch of junk rather than valuable items. If you want something worthwhile you end up having to waste more time doing webs that mostly off nothing.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I went from all my killers having 30-40 perks to instantly having literally every teachable perk at level 3 the moment the patch hit. It's a MASSIVE savings. And future killers I get will likewise be much cheaper for me to unlock their perks on all my other killers because it's now a constant price to do it (50 bloodwebs to unlock them at level 1, 100 at level 2 or 150 at level 3 at most).

    So yes this patch is a huge, HUGE bloodpoint windfall for me as a veteran player. And it's also a price reduction for any new players who stick with the game long enough to unlock at least about 12 characters.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The devs already said they're going to be adjusting the rarities on post-Prestige bloodwebs to be the same as the level 50 webs so you'll be able to get Rares and Ultra Rares and such at the same rates.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    The grind has been reduced for players who have multiple characters they want to play as. Personally, I only play four killers and one survivor. I only want specific perks, so the grind hasn't exactly been reduced. I would like to see an option that lets me skip leveling altogether and just prestige for the perks since I can easily grind out the necessary BP.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Huh? It is literally the opposite. The grind was reduced heavily for people who already invested a lot of BP. New players are BEYOND screwed with this new Titanic grind they have ahead of themselves.

  • AngryHobo2
    AngryHobo2 Member Posts: 106

    Do you think that chest builds will potentially serve as a solution to the item problem?

  • JibbyNeutron
    JibbyNeutron Member Posts: 208

    I mean its one thing to do for new Killers, because eventually you actually will play them. But Survivors? Bro I dont want to dunk in prestige 3 amount of Bloodpoints into a garbo survivor I will never play just to unlock teachables. Thats an insane waste of BP for every chapter released. Most people main 1 or 2 survivor characters, the others are never touched unless to unlock teachables or do one of these dumb tome challenges

  • AngryHobo2
    AngryHobo2 Member Posts: 106

    That's part of the reason why the developers probably made the prestige change tbh. If you only play Quentin & Bill then you'll probably never buy cosmetics for Mikaela or Feng, for example. By making the perk unlock process require prestiging you're forced to spend time on a survivor you otherwise might not have on the old system.

    I'd love for the main motivation for the change to be purely wholesome and act as a means of persuading people with survivor mains to play other survivors to mix up the survivors we see in matches. Realistically though, most people say that they prefer to buy survivor skins because you see them all game. And what better way to sell survivor skins then to force people to invest time in all of the survivors?

  • AngryHobo2
    AngryHobo2 Member Posts: 106

    I don't think BHVR will ever add a recycling interface. Asking for a shared item/add-on/offering storage might actually get us somewhere though. At least for survivors anyway.

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    I don't see the problem of recying but I can see why most of the community doesn't feel needing it. But can you see my pain? These are my offering pages. I think there's too much trash. Don't we all?

  • ACleverName4Me
    ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450

    The grind has been reduced for me because now I only have to buy addons and items for killers and survivors I never played before. I have every perk unlocked on them expect for the universal ones which are easy to unlock.

    Killer is far easier to grind for new players as they'll always get more bp easier as they're from start to finish. It's always harder to grind survivor because they get less points normally even when in swf unless offerings are added in.

  • Jokersmile
    Jokersmile Member Posts: 95

    I think it would have been better to just grant all Tier 1 perks and then P1-2 would grant T2 and 3 it would have left it more of an option to prestige now you have to P1 to get those perks

  • AngryHobo2
    AngryHobo2 Member Posts: 106
    edited July 2022

    Personally I disagree. I would LOVE to have so many offerings in my inventory. Each and every offering has a distinct use, so I'm happy you have such a majestic bounty of offerings! I assume you are burning one every single game, right?

    EDIT: The developers stated wanting to remove moris at somepoint, so perhaps you'll get some BP compensation when that time comes.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Those Splinters...they sure bring a smile to my face. I miss them so much.

    I lost my last one due to a foolish mistake of deciding to prestige the one killer that still had them.

    I will never forgive myself for that.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Behaviour not telling the truth? Nah, this has never happened

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    BHVR will never implement a system to recycle the numerous useless items and add-ons. Players have been asking for it forever, so if it hasn’t happened yet, it’s never going to happen.

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    Too many offerings and only one slot to use. By the time I've burn 100 of some I would get 2000 of others, so there's a large portion of unused here. I would agree with you only I was able to spend multiple "bonus BP" offerings at the same time.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,550

    No I don't since that doesn't fix add ons (barring one perk for specifically survivors) and offerings remain bad for both.