BHVR revived their game

With how much of a bore the previous meta was, where there was a lack of killers (mostly afking to bring down their hidden MMR) and most of the matches were facecamping killers, this patch brought a fresh paint to Dead by Daylight. There is no reason to wait out for a Dead Hard, there is no reason to camp any longer. Killers feel like an actual threat rather than your usual punching bag. All the killers that were plagued by these survivor meta builds are now viable and enjoyable all because they decided to change the meta. Playing against SWF is no longer a problem. Solo Q is still a problem but I trust them to eventually make plans to combat that. Playing as survivor feels like putting more effort and skill instead of pressing a button and extend a loop.

Honestly, I couldn't be more happier than this. You, BHVR, did the impossible. I'm proud of you all.
