With the new gen slowdown METAs some killers are way too strong

Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

Teleporting killers have gotten way too strong with this new meta.

While they might have some cooldowns to their power they can get to any gen real quick and that puts a lot more pressure on gens than killers that need to walk around the map.

The games I've played against dredge have been pretty boring to the point people ended up giving up. Same with Freddy. I haven't seen any Sadakos yet though...

I don't know what's everyone else's experience here


  • Pikachaouuu
    Pikachaouuu Member Posts: 87

    Well, for my completely unprofessional view the tp on killers, most of them are somewhat counterable, dredge tp needs a locker wich you can lock or a tv you can turn off with sadako, freddy is a special case but he also suffers 2 problems that the other tp killers have that are somewhat related, bad on split gens and low chase potential.

    For example if you play freddy and you tp you chase a survivor, another one minimun is on a different gen, and freddy have a long cd for his tp so or you overstay on the chase because the other point is you are relatively bad at finishing chases quick or you have to return walking to a gen to start pressuring again and the cicle goes on.

    As a said, if your team is somewhat coordinated or tries to do so on solo q, split push happens and the killer problems to snowball from pressure a gen, to chase, to hook and reduce the pressure. One of the reasons of why nurse is the best killer in the game is cause she can move around the map and do this snowball pressure thing.

    So in conclusion, the tp is fine if your team is somewhat competent but if you experience the average solo Q games, you are going to have these kind of problems

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    games have been dragging for ages and killers are camping gens too besides slowing them down and regressing them...

    As for Dredge, when you play against him, the number of lockers multiplies by a fair amount so you find a locker in almost every location with a nearby gen

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Not when I play Dredge. I swear, playing him makes me so frustrated about where lockers spawn. It is like they purposely chose the most ridiculous areas.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Most of the "old" gen defense perks are so weak that I never see them get used. So while CoB+Overcharge is strong it only works if nobody touches the gen quickly.

    Survivors need to realize that maybe the new meta is pair repair.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    well, we know map RNG has always been BAD... ask the poor totems haha

    This last game was in Autohaven. aka Lockerheaven.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    pair repair as with other survivors? I ask them to follow me and help me repair and they ignore me... they're either braindead or simply do not care

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Two people working on a generator has always been one of the biggest threats anyway because if the killer chases one person then the other can go back and finish the generator.

    Looking at all the regression perks the only thing that really offers a quick regression is : CoB+ Overcharge. You could try something fancy with Jolt but that depends on survivors being near the gen when they go down. You could try Eruption but if they finish the gen before you get a down then you get nothing. Also if they are not on the gen (because of SWF coms) then you get very little.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    tp killers being new meta itself really isn't a problem, and even with teleporting ability they can't chase and pressure at same time, probably non issue.