Solo Q is a lot less fun & less accessible

I know everyone is sick of hearing about the meta-rework but I feel as a console solo queue survivor I have sone legitimate complaints. Of the five games I have played post-update i have gone against 4 tunnel and camp killers and a thana edge-lord legion with no survivors escaping any of these games.
Behaviour have gone too far with the survivor nerf and killer buff. It is not fun to sit on a gen longer and have few perks at your disposal to extend a chase. I dont use DH so dont care about this but the rework to Iron Will and SpineChill are huge.
The Spinechill change makes the game less accessible for hearing and vision impaired players without an actual solution being provided by Behaviour - this is not ok.
The new skins are fine but the Devs really need to refocus themselves on rebalancing this game because as it stands it is unbalanced, not fun and not accessible.
I've found that builds centered around OTR and SB work very well against tunneling. I did throw in DS for a bit but I never got to use DS (except for once when I let a Pig down me specifically for DS) since I wasn't downed quickly enough the second time to use it.
Some other perks I've found that help when I experimented with different builds are Deliverance, Deja Vu (for mainly preventing a 3 gen but also taking 4.5 seconds off of each gen), Prove Thyself, Built to Last with really good medkits and, in case slugging seemed to be an issue in games, Unbreakable with Soul Guard.
Hopefully if you try those out you'll find greater success combating tunneling and camping Killers. It worked for me so I'm hoping it could help you out as well.
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Pop isnt really nerfed, it's been changed and gen regression/delay is still insane with stacking perks.
I think Devs really need to take a look at things because as they stand the game is a lot less fun for solo survivors and very unbalanced.
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
Ok… and if you take that same Legion before the patch, do you think it’s fun for them to always have long chases against competent survivors because any time they make a mistake or get outplayed they can just Dead Hard to safety?
”Fun” is subjective, but obviously solo will be less accessible than SWF. That’s just common sense. But solo is just the way the game was meant to be played. There’s a reason survivors have no voice chat and only two gestures. It’s not meant to be super easy like SWF. People forget this is a 4v1. The 4 side should ALWAYS have to play very well to win. Otherwise there is no balance.
Before this patch the killer, the 1 side in the 4v1, had two options to win:
- use a broken OP killer
- go against bad survivors
Thats it. Now they have more of a chance. Not seeing how this is a bad thing.
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As broken as it is, I have been playing round with OTR and Deliverance (though note that unhooking yourself doesnt activate OTR).
Thanks for the hints, it really has forced a shake up in core perks for a lot of players but think solo q survivors will be playing with one hand forced behind their back for a while.
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You were boosted by your perks and matched against killers too strong for you, lose more games and your MMR will adjust.
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Yeah, that's not even close to what is happening here.
Balance is so out of whack that a killer doesn't even have to perform well, and can still win.
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I think legion may be a bad example because they are, by design, an "unfun" killer who smacks 3 survivors before chasing the 4th while the other 3 mend. Nobody enjoys playing Mending simulator.
Well aware the odds are supposed to tipped in the killers favour, just feels like the scales have gone a little bit too far with this rework.
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Had 0 escapes tonight in soloQ since no one wants to do gens anymore... Every killer is running thana.
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None of my perks were changed and my matches are way worse.
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Don’t you understand it’s 4 survivors versus 1 killer ? If your 3 teamates are not used to the new meta, there is nothing you can do. Wait and the MMR will adjust for everyone.
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No it wont because everyone who is dcing and suiciding at 5 gens is dragging everyone else down with them, and once you're low mmr there is no way up unless you swf.
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You can still escape by the hatch. Your MMR won’t decrease this way (won’t increase either).
If your MMR is too low, I advice you to play these perks in soloQ : deliverance, ds, clairvoyance (to find the hatch if your team is throwing), exhaustionperk. You can also try circle of healing, it’s a huge help the team overall but you have to know totems locations because randoms love to break full totems.
Play selfish as hell, don’t take any risks. Play for the hatch if you have to.
If you are still matched with 20h teamates while having thousands of hours playing these builds, there is no hope for you then.
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I dont think thats accurate, fair or conducive to an open or honest discussion. The only perk rework that really impacts me is SpineChill and that is because it makes the game more accessible for hearing and vision impaired.
Throwing matches to decrease my MMR is not a solution - the game needs to be rebalanced with feedback from the community.
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It has always been an asymmetrical game, but the scales have been tipped a bit too far to the killer side. It is a toigh thing for the Devs to balance and they havent got it quite right.
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What do you mean? You don't find Legion with slowdown addons with slowdown perks with game that can last 30+ min fun? Pff.
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can we really say that when most survivors aren't even trying to play and are giving up 30 seconds into their first chase and throwing? Not even doing gens?
That's not going to let anyone gauge anything accurately.
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Pop has been literally just nerfed, there is not a single situation where current pop does better than old one.
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Actually, perk nerfs will impact literally every solo que players no matter what.
Even if you don't use all the meta perks, your teammate did, and thus you will lose until they leave the your MMR bracket.
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DS is useless now.
My build is already the best I can get for solo Q. Like you said hatch doesnt raise my MMR, so it would just still keep me in low MMR. That isnt helpful at all.
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Go watch good players and learn from them because you are obviously doing something wrong. DS is still strong, if you can’t make it work it’s because it requires skill now…
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I'd rather play the game then waste my time watching random streamers.
What I am doing wrong is still playing solo q when I could be playing more killer instead. My pig games were going amazing.
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People greatly exaggerate. I'm not good at looping killers, but I work on my gens and in half of the games I manage to escape
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Another thing that I think plays into the whole "accessibility" thing is how affordable the game gets.
Nearly all of the nerfed survivor perks were either general perks (Spine Chill) or perks from non-DLC characters (DH, BT, Iron Will, Self Care).
Sure, there are plenty of interesting builds to make that are not the old meta. But many of them depend on perks you either need to buy a DLC for, or wait for months to have them available in the Shrine of Secrets.
I think the charm of the old meta was also the fact that you could play the game at high ranks without buying DLCs. I think if some of these perks were used as much as they were, it's also because they were free to obtain with simple grind. I sincerely hope the devs will not make a trend of nerfing the perks that every player has access to in favour of DLC perks.
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Cause survivors needed to perform well to win the game prior to the patch ?
Come on, survivors required 0 skill to win a game. That is why most of you here are complaining, you were total potatoes that did not even know how to properly loop, you were carried by DH and gen rush and now that you actually need more skill, you cannot perform at all.
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Just like pre nerf dead hard.
But killers still played.
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Actually, yeah. Before this patch at high mmr a single survivor mistake at the wrong time could mean the killer wins the game, just as a single killer mistake could mean the survivors win.
Nerfed Dead Hard plays a very small role in what is happening right now.
This is the worst balance has been in years. When it was this bad, it was in favor of survivors. That was a long time ago. If you want to play the "killers good, survivors bad" card, go ahead. I'd rather discuss something that is fun and balanced for both sides. Right now survivor is not fun. I play solo survivor. It is a bloodbath. Killer is even less fun right now. Some people enjoy playing the game on easy mode. Not me. I'd rather there be some semblance of a challenge. It's way, way too easy. Maybe that's because I have about 3k hours in killer alone, but still. It shouldn't be this easy.
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Survivor is fun, I play solo survivor, also killer is fun too because perk choice has more freedom.
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I hate how half of the solos here has zero ideas on how to fix this without screwijg the killer against swf matchups. Common sense please you should be banging the give us pings system. If your a solo player in dbd its your entity given duty to bang the drum of give us commumication tools.
You cant balance swf and solos together till you close the information gap. Losing a hook state to solo miscommunication or lack there of is assinie. I just want one of you to please push behaviour for god damn pings.
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Solo needs communication tools not nerfed killers. Bang the drum.
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SoloQ is dead with the new patch. 3000 hours playing DBD and i feel that is not funny now.
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Absolutely true words "LESS ACCESSIBLE".
For hardcore pro survivors nothing changed much. But for majority of casual players it's a disaster, and I don't think it's a great thing.
I'm not talking about DH, people will learn to live without it. Problem is with huge killer speed buffs (attacks and stuns on one side and gens on the other).
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That’s not remotely close to reality. Yeah, killer is easier to play now since the DH crutch is gone, but you still need to play well to win.
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Every killer game I am playing I am getting 11 to 12 hook 4ks.
That's how I usually play, going for the 12 hooks rather than hard tunneling someone out right away (super boring "strategy", that, and the fact that even after this patch it is the most common play style for many killers is kind of embarassing).
Before this patch I would win often, lose often. Why? Because going for the 12 hook 4k means you had to play substantially better than a SWF team, and slightly better than solos.
Now? It is so, so easy to win. Imagine if I actually played optimally, hard tunneling the first player I hook out of the game.
It may not be your reality, but right now good killers are having such an amazingly easy time of it.
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OP here - I meant accessibility in terms of content accessibility for people with hearing and vision impairment. But you raise a good point about survivor base kit being nerfed that I hadn't thought about previously.
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No tantrums here and it wasnt that easy to survive before the rework either. I have never used DH and agreed that it needed a nerf, if you have a reread of the original post and subsequent discussion I would welcome some constructive conversation.
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I think there is a lot of skill that goes into playing both sides well, hence why we have ranked matchmaking. If you read above the conversation is not an attempt to bring back DH but about how the game is now unbalanced. I understand it is supposed to be an asymmetrical game where the killer should feel powerful, but at the moment the scales a tipped a little too far in their favour and Devs need to do some tuning.
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Very salient point, the game is unbalanced and not fun. I dont think the rework really considered game play mechanics for all killers. My last two solo q games:
1. Slugging and teabagging ghostface with thirdseal,undying and knockout. Camped each slugged survivor until the next one came along. 3 DCs on 5gens ( I escaped)
2. Camp and tunnel nurse - the deceased recovery from her basic attacks now means that she can blink while you are still in the speedboost from being hit. 3 DCs while I was on first hook.
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I dont think anyone is calling for a killer nerf - just a rebalance. And fully support comms tools or the proposal to list what each survivor is currently doing under their iconic the HUD
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Balance is is not out of whack it’s just soloq. Competent SWFs are managing fine.
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It's longer than minutes, especially if you face legions with thano on. One of my matches with legion with thano + more regression perks, literally nothing but running around mending, and looping repeat x100. I have not gotten out in any of my matches against a legion lmao. I don't like to be in a game forever with gens taking as long as they are. I lost track of the time one of my matches took with a legion and it draggggged on sooooo long that me and the last remaining person just stood there for them to kill us. It really isn't fun tbh... -___-
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Those killer perk nerfs don't matter much when tanatobia, jolt, overcharge was buffed and gen time increased from 80s to 90s. So overall gen slow down is buffed. This is not only thing which was changed. Basekit brutal streng was added and hit cool down was decreased these will make huge difference in chase. Most importantly dh was nerfed to ground so now you only need 2 hits to down survivor instead of 3. Ds was also nerfed to make tunneling easier. This patch was huge buff for killers and the game is now killer sided clearly. Before it was slightly survivor sided because of one perk dh. Anyway if you were good killer you win most matches even before patch consistently. My kill rate was 2,5 kills per game before and now 3+ kills per game.
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tbh. I escape every second match in Solo Queue ... maybe it's a "you" problem? (i am not a godlooper, usually I play more killer than Survivor)
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Solo Q is absolutely dead, Every game ive played no one makes it out, not even a chance to get all dens done, This has to be the dumbest update to a game that ive ever seen.
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Corrupt is destroyed? You don't really need it after the first down. It should help you getting the first down without having the survivors jumping on the first gen they see and finish it. And it helps if you split pressure in the beginning. Lethal is another great early game perk for some killers but overall Corrupt is still stronger. Since you can have nasty stacks of slowdown perks nowadays you arguably don't need it on stronger killers who down quickly
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Yes but the game needs to balance for solo q because that is the survivor base and the entry point for most new players
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Hard for it to be a "me" problem when the 3 other survivors are killed as well every time. Have a read back through the comments mate.
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But those 2 are separate issues. Soloq teammates doing poorly is not a balance problem, it’s a just a soloq player problem and you can’t really balance around players playing badly.
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I'm not convinced it's players playing badly. I would say they arent playing optimally and are handcuffed because the nerfs/reworks are to help killers deal with SWF.
Regardless, SWF are not the bulk of the player base so they need to rework it to fix things for the solo q base
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I would gladly revert everything (except dead hard), but at the condition that swf will be limited to custom matches
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Honestly I don't get how people have such consistently bad soloQ games. I complain about terrible solo teammates when they appear as well but it's not that often. I played about 10 games of solo last night. No one dc'd or gave up, everyone did gens, did saves, lasted a reasonable time in chase, fought to the last. I'm not saying soloq doesn't need info buffs because it very much does I just don't understand why I'm especially lucky.