The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

So BHVR did a great job with the killer gameplay but there is 1 major issue. MAP DESIGN

the gameplay is WAY better compared to before but maps are still A HUGE problem in the game. It has always been a problem but now the game is slightly better than what it used to be. c'mon BHVR focus on map balance next please. Stop giving RNG for survivors and giving them REALLY powerful resources where at times it's impossible to even get 1 hook on them dependent on the map. Seriously there was a match I played on Ormond I couldn't hook a single survivor because of the back to back tiles and pallets. It was insane and BORING!


  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    I agree.

  • Taxman232
    Taxman232 Member Posts: 139
    edited July 2022

    Nope - there are a good balance of survivor sided, killer sided and neutral maps. There are maps like Raccoon City and Midwich that need a rework to be more enjoyable but otherwise leave them be. If you dont want to play a certain map, bring an offering.

    Devs need to focus on balancing things off the back of a very killer-favoured patch and curbing tunnelling before revisiting map design and RNG.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    not buffs necessarily, but rather map reworks to make them more consistent rather then 90% dictated by RNG

  • Silasy
    Silasy Member Posts: 228

    If they really make maps balanced, they can revert all killer buffs and even remove Bloodlust from the game imo.

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347
  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246

    just remember this. 4 survivors, 1 killer. That's all you need to know.

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246

    if they had fair maps with 50/50 chances for killer and survivor theres no need for bloodlust to even exist. Bloodlust is a band aid for broken loops that can't really be dealt with or back to back looping tiles

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2022

    Even as a double blink nurse this is a terrible map, the picture doesn't do the distance to the exit gates any justice (they were both in opposite corners of the map but this was the only angle I could get both of them in it with the FOV) it would take at least 40 seconds to walk there as an M1 killer and probably 20 blinks if I wasn't using any range addons.

    And people think the map design is okay, take note there was also two boons on this map so I couldn't even contest the last two gens because if I injured someone they just ran straight to the boon while the other survivor did the last gen.

    Maps of this size need to be at least halved for M1 and non-teleporting killers to even stand a chance.

    They'd literally have zero map pressure.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Just remember this, Pvp, not a cutscene. That's all you need to know.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,327

    Instead of going through 40 perks, adjusting gen-times, and overall buffing every killer's basekit, they should have reworked on balancing the maps and removed infinite loops.

    As for survivors they don't have that many recourses, let alone "really powerful ones". If you're still having that much of an issue to hook a survivor after the patch on a map like Ormond, it sounds more like a you problem.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    And in PVP stuff gets balanced IE so maps don't favour one side more.

    Killer AND survivor.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Don't talk to me about "balance" when you have Nurses and Blights running rampant, and they actually even are considered "skillful"

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The kill rate before update was 53%, with the buff, no way kill rate can get lower than 53%. Currently the favor is on killers, so let map RNG being survivor's hope.

    Its up to Devs think what kill rate is enough, not us.

    Can I ask what is the percentage of kill do you think its balanced?

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Yeah let's just remove pallets since they are "really powerful resources"!!! Even after the killer buffs.

    Give an inch take a mile

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I've come to the conclusion over the years that map tweaking/reworks will always be a project they got going on in the background and will never be perfect.

    Best we can hope for is improvement over time - and too their credit they get it mostly right.

    When it comes to maps, we have to keep in mind that maps themselves have to keep both low skill and high skill players in mind. Which means every map does need a few easier loops for the low-skill survivors to have a fighting chance on.

    Not unless they decide to start creating map configurations based on MMR rating.... and I don't see that going over well with the playerbase.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2022

    They can't add map configs for different MMR because that way players would know 100% what their MMR is.

    Like if low MMR had tonnes of pallets and high MMR had none you'd know instantly.

    And the devs don't really wanna give the MMR rating away.

  • MrPotato
    MrPotato Member Posts: 71
  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    More skill than Nurse, but as always it's overblown. Especially if you add to it the whole exploits it has

  • MrPotato
    MrPotato Member Posts: 71

    Map design started getting worse and worse when they decided breakable walls are a reason to have loops be infinites beforehand

    Just look at half of the loops in the game that have breakable walls involved, wretched shop window, corn silo, why should these pretty solid loops be broken by default? if anything, survivors should have to work and maybe build the walls instead of having killers waste their time to make chases do-able? And to top it off there are walls that make loops WORSE for killers if you break them? Keep them in DDS please.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Exactly - which is why it's such a non-starter.

    So we're stuck with the maps we have - they can't remove ALL the safe spots as that would be unfair to the lower skilled players. Best option they have is to create these temporary safe spots that can be removed with wall breaks.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    this is why nurse and blight are spammed, they are the only killers that can traverse big maps with good movements

    i would say the oni has the same thing, but his problem is once he activates his powers they are really awkward to control, assuming u can even find survivors to trigger your powers

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Fixing Maps should be the start of balancing (IMO)

    Getting the Maps reasonable (no more Killer/Survivor sided Maps) should be the goal

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    Its funny how people complain about far away exit gates when there are plenty of RNG placements that have the gates right next to eachother and both can easily be patrolled or looked at with zero obstructions. Seemingly people keep their mouths shut about those ones. Bloodlust hasn't been needed for a long time. If you genuinely need blood lust, especially after these changes you should quit playing killer entirely or ease up and accept the bracket you should be at. There's a need for several maps to get reworked for long walls. They aren't infinites but they're too long. Some killers also need their powers fixed for heights as well. When Hawkins was still around, and this can be seen on several other maps, you can could just run up to a room with a long stairs loop and Pyramid Head becomes a pure M1 killer cause he can't hit across with his power. If you are genuinely saying though that this update is a great job and ignoring the flaws in it while simultaneously asking for more? You're part of the problem. People need to be honest about the state of things instead of just lying to get an easier time which is why things see-saw.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    It's why I've played Dredge for the past week. Never with a killer have I actually went "Ooooh Rotten Fields" until I started playing Dredge.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    And at the same time, your next match could be the same map with two door at a blink distance.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    they are the only killers with no counterplay played sweaty*

    Especially so Nurse by a good margin though.

  • terminus345
    terminus345 Member Posts: 10

    Seeing this makes me so happy, a nurse abusing slowdowns and starstruck slugging, that wants both exit gates to be within line of sight from a single location so the survivor has zero chances, not getting a 4K - you love to see it. Maybe think twice before making this post about why having exit gates close to each other is really unfair, especially when you can blink to them instantly as nurse

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I still don't ser much reason to 100% try in my matches because of the map design.

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    Have you seen Eyries and Garden? Clearly, map designs are meant to favour survivors. It's just how it is.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    Ormond i Feel ur Pain Everytime i get this Map i already want to DC or go AFK that Map feels so unfair to Play and the Gens kinda feels much faster than on others Maps

    But yeah the Map Desings are a Problem some Maps Haß Way to many paletts or are to big

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981
    edited July 2022

    The update made maps that were bad go up to the acceptable category, Ormond is one of those. However, a lot of maps still need changes to be even acceptable.

    Maps who are so bad they need rework, the list:

    Suffocation Pit

    Groaning Storehouse

    Coal Tower

    Gas Haven

    Azarov's Resting Place

    Blood Lodge

    Farm maps (except for Thompson's House)

    Badham's Preschool

    Sanctum of Wrath

    The rest are fine IMO. Maybe Mother's Dwelling, Eyrie of Crows and RPD need to shrink in size but that's it.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,967

    Next killer buff: remove all pallets and vaults of the maps. Seriously, when everybody is gonna get satisfied with this game?

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246

    survivors 16 perks, killer 4 perks that's all you need to know. killer chase 1 survivor and 3 other survivors have free will to do gens or whatever. let this sink deep into your head. This is logic. Your comment no logic

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246
    edited July 2022

    you sir are 100% wrong. I literally just played on Erie of crows as wraith 1 of the survivors wasn't running ANY perks and they still destroyed me not because i'm bad. 1 of them literally ran around the main building and jumped through the window with the breakable wall and I lost sight of him and bloodlust even dropped. I only could get 1 hit on him then i couldnt catch up while his other team mates were on gens and they got 2 and a half gens done during that time. And I just did it once I didn't over chase him. clearly a map design fault. ORmond and now Erie of crows. there are more maps as well. I don't need to explain much to you. People have been literally complaining about maps for a VERY LONG TIME

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,066

    Hard agree there is a huge difference between say Shelter woods, then Eyerie of crows. It's kind of infuriating tbh.

    Plus on survivor side you have no elevations on some maps making Balanced Landing worthless.

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246

    I'm reviving this post because the maps are STILL BAD! for killer

  • StickyB
    StickyB Member Posts: 96

    My only opinion on this is:

    That they should make the big maps smaller

    Remove god pallets that you can not loop but have to pre drop (e.g. the pallets to the basement on the game etc) as nothing is worse than either a survivor predropping this pallet and you can't do anything or a survivor being forced to use one of the few god pallets on a map as they have no other option and the killer can just insta break it.

    Remove unsafe pallets (e.g. the pallets in middle at sanctum of wrath) and replace them with actual loopable pallets. Nothing is worse than wasting a pallet as it's the only one you could reach and it literally can't be looped.

    Everything should be skill based. There should be no gamble of "what pallet will I get?"