New Killer - The Wendigo

New Killer - The Wendigo (and survivor too). I thought it would be cool to go with a Native American theme here. On a side note, there are many different versions of Wendigos out there, depending on your source material. What I'm going for here is less pure creature and more human possessed by a blood thirsty spirit that is slowly mutating the physical appearance of the host.

First of all (and yes I've said this exact same thing with every new killer I submit), sorry for the impending wall of text. Yes this is yet another new killer/new survivor kind of post. Sorry not sorry. I really appreciate this game and would like to see it evolve. Now then, all constructive criticism welcome. If you like my ideas, say so. If they're crap say so then help me polish the turd a little. You get the idea. Backstory to follow if this idea is liked. Will respond to comments as able.

The Wendigo (115% base speed. 32m terror radius. Weapon=hand/claw (weathered, sharpened fingers/nails). Appearance, Back Story, Map, and Add-ons to follow later.

Power: Blood in the Water - Countless years of being on the hunt in the dead of the night to slake your thirst for blood have altered your senses, leading to your once perfect vision being dimmed and your ability to smell fear and blood being transformed. As such, a shadowy black mist borders your eyesight (think insidious visual without the stealth) and you no longer see scratch marks or blood pools left by survivors. Instead, you perceive the scent of running survivors as a visible, continuous, wispy trail of floating red mist lasting the same amount of time as scratch marks from before. This trail is tremendously more focused and less divergent (though it does spread out as it dissipates) than scratch marks and emerges from directly behind the survivor. The mist is 50% brighter and lasts 3 seconds longer for running survivors that are injured. Additionally, even when not running, injured/dying survivors will emit a non-continuous puff of the red mist above themselves every 3 seconds.

Initial contact with a survivor's red mist will reveal their aura for 2 seconds. You must be out of their mist for 10 seconds before this can activate again. While in a chase, after having continuous contact with their mist for at least 10 seconds, you gain access to a Ravenous Charge attack. Holding down the power button will cause you to surge forward (full steering) at 130% speed for 4 seconds. Coming into attack range of a survivor during this charge will cause you to grab that survivor and hoist them onto your shoulder in one swift motion. This is not without risk however. A survivor grabbed in this way is especially panicked...they have their struggle meter filled to 50% from the start, and will be returned to whatever health state they were at when grabbed, should they be dropped for any reason. Furthermore, should you miss your charge attack, you can't attempt another one for 30 seconds.

Mori - You lift the survivor by their throat, plunge your sharpened nails/claw into their chest, and rip out their still beating heart. You then casually toss their body aside, lift their heart above your head, and squeeze, allowing the blood to drain into your mouth.

Perk#1: Fevered Reach - Being in a chase heightens your thirst for blood and invigorates your physical ability. For every second that you're in a chase, the range of your lunge is increased by 1%, capped at 20/25/30%. After the chase ends, the boost to your lunge range will go down by 1% per second until normal. Entering into another chase will again increase the boost to your lunge range, starting from whatever level it was at.

Perk#2: On the Prowl - Your elusive prey sometimes requires a more subtle approach. At the start of a trial and after not being in a chase for 20 seconds, you enter prowling mode. Your speed is reduced 15/12/10%. Also, your terror radius is cut in half and continues to drop by 1m every second until it reaches zero. Entering into a chase with a survivor or being detected by a survivor perk restores your speed/terror radius to full and energizes you, giving you a speed boost of 1/3/5% for 10 seconds. This perk will not take effect if within 24m of a hooked survivor. Being detected by a survivor perk will give you the applicable visual indicator at the side of your screen.

Perk#3: Vengeful Roar - Never mess with the Killer's...or the Entity's food. When a survivor is unhooked when you're more than 24m away, you become enraged and let out an entity-amplified roar that reverberates across the map. Upon hearing this, every survivor in the trial receives a panic mark, capped at 3. Each panic mark slows a survivor by 1/2/3% and reduces their action speed by 3/4/5%. After a survivor reaches 3 marks, each subsequent unhooking will instead cause a non-stacking exhaustion debuff lasting 40 seconds. A survivor already under the effects of exhaustion will not be affected, no matter how much or little time remains. The marks are erased upon being hooked.

Survivor - Chief Niigaanii (Chippewa spiritual leader - Native American). Yes the name is uncreative (it literally means 'he leads'). Run with it. Since The Wendigo has deep roots in Native American folklore I thought this would fit.

Perk#1: Nature's Pact - With a strong foundation in both the physical and spiritual realms, Niigaanii commands almost as much authority over the crows as The Entity does. Anytime the killer stirs the crows within a 24/36/48m range of you, the killer's aura will become visible for 2 seconds. There is a 20 second cooldown after the effect ends.

Perk#2: Spirit Protection - Your ancestors stand ready to aid you when called upon. Once per match/once every 4 minutes/once every 3 minutes, hit the activate button to escape to the spirit realm (same appearance as Freddy's world) for 3 seconds, gaining invulnerability/invisibility while still. Any movement will end the effect early. Activating this also erases all your scratch marks/scent trails from the past 3 seconds. Not compatible with other activatables.

Perk#3: Spirit Anchor - You were a leader in life and now in death as well. As long as you are not the last person killed, a sliver of your soul (manifested as an transparent version of yourself) remains after death, invisible to the killer's gaze. For 10/20/30 seconds everyone's auras become visible to you. During your remaining time you move at 115% speed and can interact with one survivor (and only one) to immediately heal them one health state or unhook them, which in turn grants you 50% more blood points for that trial. A survivor unhooked in this fashion receives the borrowed time effect. Alternatively, you can bestow a boon to one healthy survivor that will grant them a 50% bonus to their blood points at the end of the trial. Stackable. Interacting with a survivor or allowing the time to elapse will see you let go and accept your fate.


  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    I like it. Vengeful Roar would need to be a hex perk though, it's too strong.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    Hey thanks for the feedback. I appreciate the response! So it only really gets strong against those survivors that are just hiding all game and not being altruistic at all. I mean I could see possibly redoing that exhaustion part, as that may be a little over the top, and maybe increase the range you have to be away from the hooked guy to 32m like the make your choice perk.

  • perotx
    perotx Member Posts: 77

    I think we already have a Wendigo/Baba Yaga/Ghoul like killer, and it's the Hag. I don't think we need another. The power is good. Mori is very reminiscent of the Hag's, which is not surprising. Fevered Reach is interesting, but seems a little too strong. I don't really like Vengeful Roar, and it's also overpowered. Survivor's perks 1 and 3 are also too strong, though the concepts are interesting. The second one is weird, and I'm not a fan. It's not very helpful, and implementing it would be strange.

    Overall, certainly some interesting and thought out ideas.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583
    edited February 2019

    I do like the ideas, though when i hear wendigo my mind goes to that game Until Dawn, which btw was fantastic. But i like some of the ideas here. *s

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    Yeah Until Dawn was awesome. Loved that game too. Now then, I wouldn't be opposed to tweaking Fevered Reach down a little bit. I already decided that I'll replace the exhaustion part of Vengeful Roar with a blindness effect instead and change the range from hook to be 32m like Make Your Choice so it's less op. Survivor Perk #1 is no more overpowered than Alert. Well, I suppose we could change it to be a crow alert instead of the killer's aura (and maybe make the cooldown longer); make it the survivor version of Spies from the Shadows.The second perk is weird, but I like the idea of an activatible perk, so I wouldn't mind the growing pains of trying to implement it. Open to suggestions on the third one, though I'm standing by that idea of a final "F You!" to the killer and having a small bit to play even after you get sacrificed.

    On a side note Perotx, I really appreciate you going through the whole thing like that. I do see where you're coming from on a number of the things you said. There are some definite similarities to the Hag, but appearance-wise I was thinking much more human looking with only the slightest corruption starting in the face and hands. For a weapon cleaning animation I was thinking a mashup of hag and clown...licking his own hand/fingers clean. Yeah push comes to shove I could repackage everything around a different theme.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I have to say that this is actually very good. The killer is not too strong but it isn't even that weak, it's tracking is amazing and it's charge attack can be really strong if used at the right time, but still balanced.
    As far as the perk go I'm too lazy to read all of it XD
    but they seem fine

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238
    edited February 2019
    -EDIT: removed.
    Post edited by Raptorrotas on
  • ThatOneHuntress
    ThatOneHuntress Member Posts: 3

    This is marvelous! I love the idea of having a wendigo killer, even though the hag is built in a similar way. I've actually had my own thoughts of creating a fan killer based on a wendigo but I like this one much more.

    I think that the mori would look really cool and his perks would work pretty well. I do agree with some others in the chat, I feel like vengeful roar would need to be a hex perk. I find it interesting that the community can come up with things like this being a new member. Keep up the good work. :+1::)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    @Raptorrotas said:
    Why do new killer ideas always remove basic tracking stuff from the basekit. Atleast you give something back (sorry a bit salty because of spirit and legion design choices).
    While I dont know how the insidious effect looks like, it shouldnt be more annoying that wraiths screen during invisibility, atleast you didnt suggest to artificially reduce the viewing range with fog/darkness etc.

    I think your tracking passive ist mostly on point with its effect, but i dislike the ability:
    Having to play without ability until you neatly have bloodlust is very limiting, especially if its "like HB's chainsaw, but slower than legions frenzy". I think its noble you try to make it "not too strong", but i think most killer players would dislike getting persons off their shoulder that often (doesnt that have an emblem penalty too?)

    If i may make a few probably too strong suggestions.
    Give your killer a "leap" ability.
    -forced movement forward for x metres with steering penalty, on contact with survivors the "effect" happens.
    -speed probably between 132% (frenzy) and 230% (chainsaw sprint)
    -the "effect" would be your modified grab", while i would simply suggest normal damage plus on-hit debuffs.
    -casting type either like pig/HB (you can cancel it early) or nurse (distance based on charge time).

    • 3 charges which reload 1 every 8 - 12 seconds (better than a single long cooldown)

    For the passive mists, I think it would be better if bleeding survivors would simply create a new mist whenever they drop blood, this wouldnt make blood-related perks useless and might be better than increasing the mist duration which might become as confusing as predator for scratchmarks.

    No perk analysis from me because i suck at perks myself.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    LCGaster...I appreciate your input. Thank you for stopping by!

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    ThatOneHuntress...I am going to stand by Vengeful Roar not being a hex perk, as with the changes I'm going to do to it that i listed in a post above will make it all around less lethal than Make Your Choice, which is also not a hex (and mine doesn't even have an exposed effect). Having said that, I'd love to hear your ideas about a Wendigo type killer sometime.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    Raptorrotas...Thank you very much your your detailed input. I love hearing other opinions and definitely welcome constructive criticism. I'd like to honor the time you spent responding by responding to most of what you said.

    The wraith's screen and the insidious effect are quite similar, so you have a visual of what I'm going for. I gave him the reduced screen effect and took away his seeing blood pools and scratch marks so as to balance out the superior tracking that I replaced it with. This steroid tracking that he has is always present. It doesn't require being close to bloodlust or anything. It's a passive part of his kit that makes him I think the premiere tracking killer in the game.

    Oops ok I misread what you said and instead of changing it I'll just own up to it. You were referring to the active part of his power the ravenous charge attack. Sorry about that. I get what you're saying about the counter balances I tried to bake into the charge attack. I mean I like the charge attack as is (not a leap but just a surge of speed), but I could definitely tune back the wiggle meter to say 35% or so. The idea is that yeah the survivor could get off easier, but in return you get an ability that enables you to grab a potential full health survivor and hook them. Survivors wont like that either. Its a fine line. I'd be willing to lessen the time in the mist before activation. Thing is I kept the speed increase low (slower even than legion's frenzy) and kept the activation instant to keep in line with the idea that its high risk (have to be close and not miss or uh oh) high reward. Idk...powers are tough to balance. Thanks for hearing me out.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    @SofaKingSpecial said:
    Raptorrotas...Thank you very much your your detailed input. I love hearing other opinions and definitely welcome constructive criticism. I'd like to honor the time you spent responding by responding to most of what you said.

    The wraith's screen and the insidious effect are quite similar, so you have a visual of what I'm going for. I gave him the reduced screen effect and took away his seeing blood pools and scratch marks so as to balance out the superior tracking that I replaced it with. This steroid tracking that he has is always present. It doesn't require being close to bloodlust or anything. It's a passive part of his kit that makes him I think the premiere tracking killer in the game.

    Oops ok I misread what you said and instead of changing it I'll just own up to it. You were referring to the active part of his power the ravenous charge attack. Sorry about that. I get what you're saying about the counter balances I tried to bake into the charge attack. I mean I like the charge attack as is (not a leap but just a surge of speed), but I could definitely tune back the wiggle meter to say 35% or so. The idea is that yeah the survivor could get off easier, but in return you get an ability that enables you to grab a potential full health survivor and hook them. Survivors wont like that either. Its a fine line. I'd be willing to lessen the time in the mist before activation. Thing is I kept the speed increase low (slower even than legion's frenzy) and kept the activation instant to keep in line with the idea that its high risk (have to be close and not miss or uh oh) high reward. Idk...powers are tough to balance. Thanks for hearing me out.

    Haha, I get you, Killer powers are hard to balance to make it "fun" for both sides.
    But when i said "leap", i didnt mean that he can jump over stuff,I just wanted another word for quick movement. My Suggestion also was only a modified "Chainsaw Sprint / Ambush".
    My critism was mostly on the chase time invested before finally being able to use your ability. You also have to remember that DbD's current chase detection is... #########, this might screw your killer over.
    He has a somewhat strong tracking, but he might be rendered into a "M1 Killer" by his active ability.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    I think it's ok to be an M1 killer as long as you have the kit to do amazing chases. BUT, you bring up a good point. Chase detection is an issue. I think it would probably be ok if i was close on a survivor's tail. Even if it was bugged though, i made the power to be able to activate after x amount of time in their red mist. The red mist would always be present if they're running and you'd be able to rock the power even if it never detected a chase for whatever reason. I'm definitely down to reduce the time in mist requirement to like 7 seconds or something.

  • Magnus13
    Magnus13 Member Posts: 74

    :unamused: good killer, very balanced, I would pay money for this chapter.

  • Magnus13
    Magnus13 Member Posts: 74

    @Magnus13 said:
    :unamused: good killer, very balanced, I would pay money for this chapter.

    I just thought of something. Could the survivors 2nd perk be used as a second dead hard?

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    I suppose in a sense, but using it in view of the killer is like begging to be dropped. If you disappear in front of the killer they will instantly know where you are and just wait out the 3 seconds before hitting you.

  • AnimeGamerDude
    AnimeGamerDude Member Posts: 1

    I honestly like this idea of having a wendigo killer. It's such as a mysterious legend and tale. Sure I've heard people say the hag is like the wendigo but actually it's more of a witch hence "Hag".