Thoughts on Blight tech



  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The “answer” involves mindgaming regardless. He should be able to mindgame every single tile 50/50. Which Nurse and he can currently more or less do, which is good. Which is why neither should be touched outside of some busted addons.

  • Lavamerka
    Lavamerka Member Posts: 6

    I use a translator. DBD has 2 competitors, capable killers vs SWF. Аfter the nerf "hug tech", maybe the Nurse will be the last strong killer. On weak killers I will camp and tunnel.

  • Impailer
    Impailer Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2022

    Having the hug tech increases the blights skill ceiling, I don’t see why you would have a problem with rewarding skillful play that took extra time to learn. Oh, and cute little middle school retort.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333
    edited July 2022

    Create infinites in maps with a high skill ceiling. I don’t see the problem also

  • Ayamir
    Ayamir Member Posts: 291

    This thread is supposed to be dead but I still don't understand the hug tech removal it is a fun mechanic for both sides and a risky one that can be easily avoided playing Blight with bump logic is a way better and efficient way to get downs but it gets really boring there are alot of tricks and techs to playing Blight that's why he's one of the most satisfying/fun killers to play in the whole game.

    If you want to nerf Blight this is not the good way to do it you're just making him less fun to play as and to play against.

    I am sure most people will agree that Blight needs some of his BS add-ons nerfed/reworked C33 is busted and braindead I have no idea why this add-on is still in the game basekit Blight is fine just need to nerf some of his add-ons.

    Please BHVR listen to the players who play both sides and actually know what they're talking about there are no reasons to remove hug tech Blight will still be strong but just less fun to play as.

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    It's literally an unintended bug. Why should they keep it when it's not intended.

    Fun fact, Blight is one of my favorite killers to go against. Unlike Nurse, I feel like I'm able to actually do stuff at loops other than hold w and pray. If the Blight has a better gaming chair oh well, I still find him fun. Get rid of his busted add-ons and the bug tech. Is he going to suddenly become F tier? No. Does anyone want him f tier? No.

    When I'm in a chase with Blight, I have options. I can actually apply what I've learned in my over 3k hours of playing and Blight plays loops in an engaging way. Nurse takes everything you've learned about the game and throws it out the window. Taking what should be the most fun and engaging aspect of the game (The chases.) and making them a snoozefest.

    Nurse and Blight shouldn't even be comparable because Blight is actually fun and engaging for both sides.

    But my question for y'all is: If Blight is so good without add-ons or hug tech...why fight so hard to keep the add-ons and hug tech? Like yeah, Blight is clearly very good without those things. But I'm getting so many mixed messages in this thread.

    "I don't even use hug tech. Only rarely. Blight doesn't need it." "Plz bhvr plz listen to us it's so fun and has a high skill ceiling it absolutely needs to stay."

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    Nurse having more counter than Blight? Is this bait or

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Because hug tech is one form of sliding. Hug tech specifically is unintentional, sliding is intentional.

    Bump logic: Uses more rushes, takes more time (because of needing to bounce around more), but offers way more versatility and reliability

    Sliding: Uses less rushes, takes less time, but way easier to counter (leaving the loop counters it) and reduces your options (sliding semi-"sticks" you to the surface, preventing the same near-complete free range of options bump logic gives)

    Having more options is fun, sliding in specific is fun (and hug tech is one of multiple ways to slide), removing hug tech will likely lead to bugs in bump logic and non-hug tech sliding (both of which are intentional mechanics), and it also increases mindgaming in chase. Now instead of the Blight mindgaming with just bump logic approach while starting at a loop, it’s bump logic approach OR hug tech, and the survivor can also respond to either.

    It would be better to just balance Blight around it than remove a neat little unintended result that will create more problems trying to remove it.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    In my personal opinion if a survivor knows how to flare and basically force the blight to not lunge its possible to outplay a blight on almost any tile.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    This is actually very true. I always thought of myself as a blight who hug teched a lot. But after watching some old vods of me playing blight from tournaments and pubs, I am using bump logic wayyy more than I thought I was.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    What?! Blight is underpowered and needs a buff. hahahahaha, that's a good one mate.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Blah blah blah hug tech is just a flashy risky move that blights will throw chases to do and is only useful in a few places/getting around awful collision on maps and indoor maps.

  • _Pun1sh3r_
    _Pun1sh3r_ Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2022


    Post edited by _Pun1sh3r_ on
  • _Pun1sh3r_
    _Pun1sh3r_ Member Posts: 12

    look i know that dead hard got nerfed and now you and your swf buddies have a lot of free time but responding to posts from half a year ago is sad even for swf main

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