Interesting Onryo playstyle in tournament

Just saw this video of a Sadako player in a tournament using a playstyle I’ve never seen before. Actually seems pretty strong all things considered. What do you guys think of this?
All Onre play like this, the rest whine that the killer is weak. But if you have bad TV spawns and a large map, then this strategy does not work well
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well I guess Im a copycat now
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No sadako I fought has actually used this strategy. Especially moonwalking in chase to get condemned up faster
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I play through this strategy myself and often watch one of the streamers who implements this gameplay better than me. He almost never loses. And he always makes 1-2 mori per match. This killer has good power, but people don't use it
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You can also take Iridescent Videotape, this tactic works better with this addon
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Definitely though iri add ons might have been banned in this tournament
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This is more of an add-on specific strategy, not an Onryo playstyle.
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Try it. It's definitely a fun and powerful tactic. The main thing in this tactic is not to get too carried away in the chase. If there are no TVs in the survivor's path, then consider returning to the generator. And you should always try to understand the approximate location of the survivors. And also remember how many stacks on a survivor
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I'd consider add ons a killer playstyle. Basement trapper is a playstyle that relies on add ons to be played optimally for example
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Not even
I use 2 brown add ons most games and this strat still works just fine. The green add on just spreads condemned much faster and easier since you tend to slug quite a bit when playing this way.
I will say this, larger maps do make this strat a bit harder to pull off.
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I call BS.
There is no way you're getting more than 1 mori against decent survivors before they finish the gens without specific addons, primarily ring drawing.
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my strat isnt exactly whats shown in the video, but its very similar.
Its choosing a target and keeping track of their condemned, I build it up as fast as I can while also trying to slow the game down as much as I can. After killing the target which usually leaves 1 or 2 gens remaining, the game becomes a 3v1. Usually people try to protect the target, thus making it where they either A: Gain a good chunk of condemned themselves, and go through with taking and inserting a tape which slows down the game. Or B: Ignore the condemnation, making them my new target. If a new target is not chosen, I play the game normally and actually start going for hooks. Its not uncommon for TV's to spawn close to hooks either, so I never completely disregard how much condemnation a Survivor could possibly have, and if I see them running towards a line up of TV's, I'll try to go for it.
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condemn doesn't build-up over time. it only builds if you have a tape and you need be 16 meter away from sadako for the condemn passive build up to work.
If your talking about ring drawing+slugging, that's pretty standard gameplay for sadako. you slug survivor, you get other survivor to pick up the downed survivor and when downed survivor get picked up, you teleport to a TV and now the ring drawing spread condemn on the person who healed the survivor and the survivor who was picked up on the floor+1 stack condemn teleport.
when you tp, you get speed boost from TV, so your suppose reslug the person who was picked up so you can keep reapplying condemn until condemn hits 7, than you mori the survivor.
its just that her gameplay with her ability is not very effective. it takes too long to build condemn build-up and it is easy 1vs1 her.